//------------------------------// // Heliotrope [part 3] // Story: Stories in Stone, Luna's Royal Guard. // by TDR //------------------------------// Stories in Stone Luna's Royal Guard By TDR Heliotrope [part 3] “So this is likely the last meeting then?” “Getting all sappy on me already Sir?” “Shut it Shower. I'm old enough to get sentimental without hearing about it from some young punk.” “Perhaps you should retire after this, or do you seek the same as I?” “I don't need shit from you either Ruin, just do your job and focus on killing the dragons not our own ponies.” “The truth of the matter is, none of us may make it out of this alive, it is always good to make peace with the spirits before a conflict of this size.” “I wonder what the dragons pray too, and if they are doing that now, or even know what is coming for them.” “Big talk from a pony who got his ass kicked.” “If you had been there Sir, you would have likely suffered the same fate. If Luna herself could not wound him what chance would any of us have?” “Shows what you know colt, Princess Luna does not put the weak as her Generals, and I have been doing this a long time. These won't be the first dragons I've killed and likely not the last either.” “Is the goal after we save her still the same Sir?” “Cindervale?Depends on what Princess Luna has to say. Celestia would like peace, but she is a hell of a tactician herself. This stuff is brilliant, not sure if Princess Luna would have even had the power. She's keeping the sun down, and that crazy ass light show this afternoon is letting every pony see in the dark practically. “She's not a tactician sir, she likes hedging her bets too much, or out right cheating.” “Shut yer trap Kaisur, ungrateful lout.” “I am not ungrateful Sir, particularly since she is on my side this time. Word of advice though. Do not play her in chess with Canterlot rules.” “What the buck is that even supposed to mean?” “It is time, we should all get to where we need to go. Good luck my friends may our victory be swift.” “Good luck you old coot, give me a call if yah need any help.” “Shower if you weren’t married to my son I would wallop the shit outta yah for all the back talk.” “Please, you were the one who introduced us. Your grand foals say hello by the way, and want you to visit again.” “Fine. Tell them I'll be there when I get a chance. Damn, Ruin already left, vicious bastard. You gonna buck up again Kaisur?” “If I do perhaps I will not have the misfortune of living through it this time.” “Wrong answer. Yer supposed to say NO SIR. I should send you back to basic, both of you young idiots. Maybe get some sense knocked into you this time.” “Ooh, more time with my husband, I'm all for it.” “What Stonehoof sees in you I will never know.” “Heh, No sir.” “What was that Kaisur!?!” “I said No Sir, I am not going to buck this up.” “Good. Get to your force, lets do this.” ==================================== “Hows you leg Rhede?” “Guess I am stuck with the crazy mares from now on.” “Delightful we can swap stories about how our lives get screwed over. Or how we lost them in a great explosion of rage and destruction.” “That last one is all you boss.” The five of them stand on a fallen segment of wall looking out across the field between them and the castle of Discord that was their target. Jer'rahd had returned earlier to search through the former base camp and prepare for tonight. He wore the bone armor the holes repaired when the spell reformed it from the helmet, The Waning Moon hung at his side, it's scabbard unfastened, ready to be drawn at a moments notice. Rhede stood next to him, dressed in tight leather leather straps with only a few plates of metal covering his vitals, giving him plenty of room to move. The black and purple armor clashed against his coat, save for his left foreleg, which was now entirely black. He had been healed by Celestia's power though the coloration of his blackened coat and flesh had remained, leaving his hoof and a large chunk of his side and shoulder with silken black fur. Each of the straps covering him was strewn with pockets of daggers and spikes, Jer'rahd was sure he had a brace in his tail as well. All of them made from the hastily reforged spears that had impaled Jer'rahd two days ago. Velkorn stood on the other side of Jer'rahd, She was armored like much like a Royal Guard, though her armor was the black and purple of the 42nd rather than the gold of Celestia's Guard. She did not wear the helm or the leggings for the armor, and her back was covered with bags dotted with various symbols for medic in all races save two. She had recently removed the marker for dragon and had previously done the same for sea ponies. She cricks her neck a little as she stands there, adjusting the odd cloak Bleu had given her from one of the supply crates. Starfall stood on the other side of Velkorn looking out across the field and the camps of the draconic forces between them and the castle. She wore the light leathers of the Guard's air force, though aside from the amber hued goggles she did not wear the head covering. Like the armor the others wore her's was also the Black and Purple of the 42nd, despite never having been assigned to that unit. Starfall sported a new pair of swords as well as her normal ones, while they had been forged in little less than a day from the weapons that nearly killed him, the Guard blacksmiths were truly masters at their craft to have finished all this so quickly. Bleu was likely the only one not wearing anything save the necklace that had been made of the bits of his grandfathers blade. She was standing on the other side of Rhede in her new neutral form which was almost as big as he was. She had been trying to refrain from expending too much of her energy and was currently munching a few gems from a bag, devouring them like popcorn. The others were not sure why he had forced them to carry new weapons, let alone why they were weapons forged from the very spears that nearly ended his life. By now however, they knew to trust that he had some important reason for such an odd thing. Even if he claimed he could not say why exactly. “I have to say this is a bore, what exactly are we waiting for?” “A signal Velkorn, before Celestia went back to Canterlot she said she would give us a sign of when the attack should begin. She claimed it would only last a few hours or so, but it would be enough to add a bit of terror to the draconic ranks. Isn’t that right Jer?” “Mmmm” “What are you looking at, sir?” “Just call me by my name Starfall, I don't consider myself a higher rank then any of you, in situations like this we all have the same goal. And as to what I am looking at, just the stars.” “The stars boss?” “She claimed she would be leaving, but perhaps she stuck around just long enough to watch over us in this.” “What?” “Never mind, when we get the signal we wait a few moments longer before attacking, the other attacks will draw some of the draconic forces away. General Shower's attack should be the most visible as that shape up there on the cloud bank in the distance is her target. “How do you know who goes first Jer?” “Ranking, Mustang attacks first, then Three Bear, then Ruin, then Shower, then us. The plan is to have all the enemy forces rush to defend from the first attack, the subsequent attacks will lead to disarray as they try to figure out what to defend first. There it is.....” “Whoa, Princess does not play around....” A dark shadow crept across the moon blotting out the light it cast upon the world below, the shadow continued to move across the lunar surface until the night sky was black save the faint flicker of stars. “Lunar eclipse.” “That is impressive. I did not think Celestia could do that.” An explosion lit up the dark sky, the roar of it echoing across the Darklands. The group looks up at the castle on the clouds watching a massive trail of flame repeatedly zip around the castle gout’s of flame leaping into the sky from where ever the fire touched. Jer'rahd smiles, the draconic forces at the base of the tower were scrambling, quite a few had taken off into the air winging their way towards the flying castle, a large group of ground forces started scrambling as well, tearing away from the lone untouched castle to reenforce others. Jer'rahd waits a few moments more “That went faster than I thought, Ruin might have skipped his turn however. Bleu send up the signal.” “Got it boss, we ready for this?” “Yes.” Bleu changes to her large draconic form, raising her head up and breathing out a blast of blue electricity into the sky, Rhede, Velkorn, and Jer'rahd scramble up onto her back as both she and Starfall take to the air. The ruins of the camp behind them erupt into a flurry of movement as the Blue dragon shifts her coloration to purple and black striped with Luna's Moon forming on both her wings. The canvas and rubble is shoved aside as the 42nd move out of hiding and surge down the slope and across the plain towards the castle. Cannons roar, balista, and catapults launch from the hidden cover filling the air with giant bolts, mage bombs, and magic shells. The gunners would fire three shots from each and then join the charge. By the time the third shot landed the troops should be within combat range. Although Jer'rahd was planning to hedge his bets as well. As the last shell impacted the ground Bleu surged forward trailed by Starfall and the rest of the air forces for the 42nd. The shock of the sudden attack faded fast and the remaining draconic forces that could fly had taken off to intercept the air born squad. Jer'rahd stands up on Bleu's back bellowing into air. “STARFALL PLOW THE ROAD!!!” The Pegasus nods shooting up into the air followed by the other pegasus of her wing. Bleu fires a bolt of lightning into the midst of the flying attackers then dives drawing the dragons attention away from the small group of pegasus rising into the sky. Bleu flys low over the battle field. Jer'rahd spares a glance down at the battle, watching his forces slam into the wall of flesh like they had before although this time many of his troops attacks were to douse the lights of the camp blinding the defenders further in this beautifully dark night. He looks back, noting a few of the flying defenders floundering in the air, but enough of them either could see Bleu, or the bright red glow from Jer'rahds eye. In either case they were doing what he wanted by chasing after Bleu. Bleu's mouth opens, strafing the field below her with lightning as the first blasts of magic and fire were launched by their pursuers. Green shields form, deflecting the blasts of energy away from Bleu and the leading edge of the attacking Guard ,bouncing them away to strike the camps, or the ground behind the enemy. Rhede grabs Jer'rahd's tail to keep him from falling off as Bleu makes a sudden turn ,her claws grabbing a enemy catapult’s magic bomb in passing before she drop it back onto the ground bound enemies heads. The explosion lighting up the castle walls, glinting off Bleu's new dark scale coloration. Velkorn waves her hoof in the air, her ears perked as she looks into the sky, darting up to swat her hoof against Bleu's neck a few times. The dragon nods soaring up into the air suddenly, the dragons behind her following suit. Velkorn, Rhede, and Jer'rahd leap off the dragons back falling towards the ground between the rising pursuit. The Waning Moon lashes out, gutting one of them as they fly past the falling forms, Rhede's daggers fell another as Bleu shirks to dragonling size above them, turning quickly and flying back down past the startled dragons on her tail. She catches up with the others growing in size again, grabbing Velkorn and Jer'rahd with her claws and Rhede with her tail. She pulls up hard her wings grabbing the air skimming just above the ground and landing near the wall her back claws digging into the earth to stop herself. The noise from above had become a shrieking scream, the spinning form of Starfall and her pegasus group tore through the sky towards the ground. The mare leading the charge breaking the sound barrier as she fell dragging the others along for the ride to widen the impact zone. A rainbow colored ring explodes from the two dozen pegasus, larger than anything Starfall had ever done on her own. The impact of the ring impacts against the stone wall of the castle rocking the whole structure. The dragons and other creatures in the air were not so luck as the ring of light blasted them from the sky. The 42nd had been told of this and all the forces suddenly dove for cover in the middle of the assault just as the combined force of pegasus slam into the ground, cushioned by the Rain Booms shock wave. All the draconic forces not braced were sent flying by the impact, bodies tumbling along the rainbow colored impact wave pushed away from the battle and thrown into castle walls and the jagged remains of the great wall scattered across the landscape. A massive flare of light appears at the edge of the battlefield as the gathered unicorn mages that had been moving to flank the defenders, absorb the power from the Rain Boom redirecting it against the forces of the dragons that had resisted the impact. “That was impressive planning boss.” Jer'rahd rubs his ears with a bit of a wince. “I use what I have available, and with you all here that is an impressive arsenal. Lets go we need to meet Starfall at the top.” Bleu nods allowing them to climb onto her back again as she takes off for the tallest spire of the castle of Discord, the black and purple armored form of their pegasus friend already there waiting for them. Jer'rahd glances back at the battle field, smiling at the surge of enemies pouring out of the now open castle gates and the impacts of magical fire meeting them from the group of mages. “Just as planned. Starfall nothings changed, you and Bleu make sure that gate stays open, Rhede, Velkorn, find out where the prisons are see if the Princess is there and free any pony you find. Try to meet me in the main chamber in about thirty minutes or so.” “What was your part in this again Jer?” “Distraction, I kill anything that's not us that moves of course. If the Princess is not in the cells she is likely in the main room or close to it. With luck since the main chamber doesn't move that is whats being used by the castles leader. I know the info is a bit old so if the cells have changed locations do what you can to find them, but don't dally long.” “Not happy with this Boss. The rest of us are paired up and your going solo again?” “I have some one watching my back. Her star is still there.” “Honestly have you lost it? Seriously Jer a star?” “I willingly hang out with you lot, of course I'm crazy. Lets go.” Jer'rahd charges down a corridor, Bleu and Starfall take to the air again heading for the courtyard. Rhede and Velkorn briefly look at each other and Rhede offers a shrug and sheepish grin before poking a gold band on his ankle with a hoof, taking the form of a black dragon half breed. He glances over at Velkorn and smirks seeing she is simply gone. He takes off down another hallway looking for stairs that lead downward. ========================================= “That was quite impressive, I never expected normal ponies to be hiding that much raw power. Truly I chose the correct species for my interests.” A black dragon, only slightly larger than Celestia, watches out the window. He looks down at the shattered wine glass in his claw and simply flings the offending mess away. A lime green unicorn mare dressed in tight black leather with a gag in her mouth and chains dangling from her outfit at various points, darts over her horn glowing softly to sweep up the glass and mess. The dragon ignores her as she scampers out of the room to get rid of the trash,and looks to a cage suspended from the rafters next to a large golden throne. He reaches his wine stained hand into the cage wiping the sticky mess off against the lavender coated mare's side. The cage shakes as chains rattle inside the cage, as the pony within tries to pull away from the claw. The cage dangles from high rafters that stretch up into a darkened dome ceiling, a large stained glass skylight with an image of Discord on it graces the ceiling, though it remains partially covered with a curtain to block the moonlight from hitting the form in the cage. The rest of the room is hung with brilliant red and black curtains that cover all the windows and stone walls, save the one the dragon had been watching from. “Oh do calm down you are not going any where Luna, even if some one was coming specificly to save you they would never get past my guards or even find their way in this place. And by some miracle they even manage that well. There is not a weapon made that can pierce my hide. You are mine now Luna, the sooner you accept that the sooner you can simply enjoy my attentions like some of my other toys. Pity most of them break so easily. “ He ignores the growl from the form in the cage, chuckling lightly as he drapes his tail over the armrest of the throne falling back into it, his curled horns clicking against the back of the chair. A pair of giant black dragon cross breeds stand nearby the doorway. What their other parent had been was unclear though they resembled giant trolls with three clawed fingers on each hand. Both were both heavily armored and carried a massive ax each. They barely moved, and if not for their soft breathing might have been little more than statues. “Do get over yourself, you are nothing more than another plaything to me now, granted one that shall be bearing me some rather powerful half dragons to be sure. A whole new race to create, powerful dangerous, and loyal to me, their father..... Ahh, this war was worth all the effort just for this.” “I will see you dead dragon.” “Oh please, Luna. Sooner or later you will be in season, and when you are I will get some real results, rather than just a bit of pleasure.” ======================================================== He slams his hoof down, the shattering of bone was accompanied by the scream of the half breed as its back leg was suddenly kicked into an odd angle. He ignores the fallen creature, his blade cutting through the side of another of the ones attacking him. His eyes narrow, he had barely progressed past the first turn in the hall before he was getting swamped. The half dragons were all wielding star metal and his armor had a few nicks, that thankfully had not gotten deep enough to draw blood from him just yet, but the armor was fairly useless here. He turns his head glancing down at the injured half breed whimpering on the floor and grins darkly He sheaths the Waning Moon and pulls off his helm, the gathered force of half breeds pause at the fact he was seemingly disarming himself to surrender. ================================================== “Well well ladies, allow me to be the first to welcome you to your new found freedom.” Rhede had shifted back to his pony form upon finding the cells exactly where intelligence claimed they were. Likely the dragons did not want things moving around in these castles either. That would make the rest of this mission so much easier. The cells were all full of ponies, all of them mares at that, while not all of them were attractive as he was usually up to courting, he was quite sure there would be plenty of time to play the hero for them all later. The down side was he had yet to see the Princess any where, and that came first. The lock of the cell clicks open and he steps back over the bodies of the guards that had been there. Evidently Jer was doing something right, because he had seen more than a dozen rush out of the room in a panic, leaving only two to watch the cells. He regards the mares again noticing a few things as they all flooded out of the cells. They all looked moderately abused, though there was an abundance of fairly well muscled fillies with cropped manes and tails. “How many of you are members of the Guard?” Far more than he expected raised a hoof, he smiles, this kept getting better. “Grab what weapons and armor you can from this place. You are now tasked with protecting the others and getting them to the court yard two floors above us. There's a stair well down this hall that will take you all the way up. Stay hidden and wait for the gate to go down.” “Bout time some one came to rescue us, there's more going on here then you seem to realize.” Rhede blinks at the pegasus who pushes her way to the front, quite a few scars covering her form. He knew her from some where, but was having a hard time placing where until he saw the dead troll as her cutie mark. “Major Buttercup?” “ Commander... do I know you?” “We met once when Jer'rahd lead a team into the Darklands.” “Jer'rahd? General Kaisur is here? The Demon of Dullahan is here!?!” “Indeed, now what do you mean more is going on?” Velkorn steps out of thin air next to him pulling the hood of the cloak down. Rhede tried his best not to jump at her appearance though the recently released prisoners did not seem to try to hide their surprise. [“ I have found out what she was talking about. Over here you will wish to see for yourself ”] Rhede and Buttercup move over to the door lead by Velkorn, as they enter Rhede's eyes widen and his ears flatten as he takes it all in. “ These dragons are bucking monsters.” ============================================== “So what do you think it looks like Starfall?” “I would have to say a butterfly.” “Hmm, I thought it looked a bit more like a pair of frogs kissing.” “Oh yeah, I can see that, I just had to tilt my head a bit. Honestly though Bleu do we have time for this?” “Yeah well, we have a few moments and this was a boring fight. “ “It was only boring because you landed on them and splattered the orcs across the parparet. “ “But, my plan was fair, just, and clever..... or maybe just fairly clever.” “I vote latter, the gates not going any where now. We did this too quick, what else can we do?” “Hmmm, I bet it would look pretty cool if we set off their own ammo stores.” “Sounds good I think the entrance is over there.” “You doing alright after that Rainboom? Usually they seem to tire you out.” “It does tire me, but I’ve been able to do it six times in a row before without any problems, In Neighlantis I had my mind screwed with, and it was damned cold with the wendigo.” “Good point, OK lets go make a bigger mess.... oh hey if you look at the blood splatter from this angle it looks like a pair of donkeys kissing.” “The whats that thing on the ones head?” “I dunno a wig maybe?” “Makes about as much sense as anything else, lets go.” ======================================= He really should not be enjoying this as much as he was, but it was almost funny. OK, it was funny, but likely only to him and perhaps some other individual plagued by nightmares and fueled by rage. The half breed screamed again as he was swung about like a oversized wobbly mace by Jer'rahd's magic. The unicorn had put the helm over the half breeds head and let the armor form over the wounded half dragon. Lifting the armor he had then proceeded to beat the crap out of any other guard that came near him with the screaming form of their own ally. Jer'rahd grins around the handle of his sword, blocking a blow by a draconic guard who got past the flailing half pony to try and strike at him. A deep slash across his throat and then being crushed by Jer'rahd's new toy was all he received for his trouble. He whips the otherwise uninjured, but terrified half pony forward pulling the helm off and sending his unarmored form crashing into the others. Chuckling he puts the helm back on his head feeling the armor reform about him before surging forward into the enemies before they could recover. ================================================= “All I have to say is I am glad Jer is not here to see this.” Buttercup looks up at Rhede curiously. “Why is that.” “Because Commander then you would be dealing with two very pissed off ponies, one whom has a hard time controlling it. This is how they have so many half breeds?” “Yes......” “You have been here for several months I take....” “Yes, as have quite a few of the others, what ever drugs and magic they use speeds up the growing process of the foal, a mare can wind up having one in about a month, though often they wind up with twins or triplets. What happens to the foals after they are born to make them age so fast I have no clue. Not that it matters. The survival rate for the mares is high, but more often than not they all wind up having their minds broken by the process. More than a few of them take their own lives so they do not have to go through the process more than once. Those of us who are Guard suffer through it just waiting for a chance for revenge.” “Help, me get them free, then get all of them out of here Major, once the civilians and the broken are safe then you may join the fight. Not before.” “I don't follow orders from an ambassador.” “Really and what do you think the General would say? Do you expect him to tell you to leave them here and go fight for revenge? Or would he tell you the same? I know how my friend thinks sometimes, and if you believe that he would leave others to suffer if it could be avoided I suggest I go back to calling you Major, or Sergeant. Maybe just Ms. Buttercup.” “.............. fine,you made your point, lets get them free.” The three move into the room with intent. A host of mares were bound in modified stocks, leaving them exposed to be mounted or used by what ever dragons happened to want to. More than a few of them were already in early stages of pregnancy, and nearly all of them were drugged up so high with something that they did not register that they were rescued and moved docily away to the others outside, guided by Velkorn As the zebra checks them all out to see if any were not fit to travel, Rhede moves to a door off behind the stocks kicking it open while Buttercup smashes everything else in the room in a rage. Rhede had a bigger target in mind and found what he was looking for in this small room. The soft glow from the chemicals in the giant tubes bathed the room in a eerie orange light. He moves around searching for any information or paper work he could find tucking anything that looks remotely interesting into a pouch. He gives the room a once over again for anything hidden finding a small diary like book in in a hidden drawer in a desk, flipping through it he nods lightly pocketing that as well before stepping out of the room. Rhede digs in a pocket and tosses a hoof full of small fizzing devices into the room before shutting the door. A series of small explosions sounds from the room along with the shattering of glass and the fwoosh of a flame catching. Smoke begins billowing from the door frame as he heads back to help the others get to the stair well. Buttercup stops him glaring at the earth pony. “What was on those papers you took!?” “Hopefully the recipe for what was being used.” “WHY THE BUCK DO YOU WANT THAT!?!” Buttercup's wings whip suddenly, shoving Rhede back and pinning him against the wall. He winces but does little more than glare down at the furious pegasus. “Because you have a great many here who might benefit from a something that could be made from this information as a cure, not to mention what ever aging process used could be removed from the half dragons, rendering them useless for combat.” “ Or you might just want them for your own ends,you're rather infamous in your own right with fillies Rhede Pelt. There are quite a few with unfavorable things to say about your treatment of them.” Rhede closes his eyes and exhales trying to calm himself before talking to the raging mare. Bout time something he had done caught up with him, though this was the wrong place and time to be paying for this particular thing. “I am resisting the urge to slap you out of this rage like I did the Princess, and the only reason I have not is because you do not know everything. I have no need of something to make fillies more available to me, every one, EVERY SINGLE PONY, I have ever been with was willing, and it was never the booze talking in them either. So as mad as you are before you start making accusations find out the facts first. We are here to help, and no matter how pissed off you might be after all that's happened you have your chase to get out now. I suggest you take it. I would give you the papers to take, but it is not as if you have any pockets to hold them. Get the buck out of here Commander, we still have work to do and your slowing us up.” Buttercup glares though lets him go, stepping back and shaking her head. “Look sorry its....” “Don't worry about it, I know I am a slut, just go we have a mission left to do and we can't foal sit....” A sudden explosion rocks the castle shaking loose dust and stone chips from the ceiling. Several of the mares yelp and fall quickly being helped back up. Buttercup floats over urging all of them towards the stairs. The bodies of the two guards having been picked clean of weapons and armor to issue to the ones who could use it. Velkorn and Rhede look at each other before darting off down another hall way. What the heck were Bleu and Starfall doing? ================================================= The ammo storage explodes, the fire and force of the blast licking at the tails of a dragon and a pegasus, both flying away from the billowing mage fire as fast as they can,as the fire licks at their tails. “Damn it Bleu, I said the fuse was too short!!” “Well sorry, I am not a sabotage expert like Rhede, GAAAH HOT!!” Bleu shrinks and both she and Starfall crash into a small pond in the courtyard, the flames billow over them setting a few wooden structures in the courtyard on fire and sending half breeds and trolls scattering. The pair surface and Starfall slaps Bleu up side the back of the head as the dragonling starts laughing. “Lets do that again!!” “No, its time to meet Jer'rahd. Come on we've done enough damage for now.” ===================================== Luna's cage rattles from the explosion, the noise prompting a brief look of concern on the dragons face as he rises from his throne returning to the window and watching for a while his eyes narrowing as a orange glow of a massive blaze reflects in his eyes. He growls softly turning away to glare at the caged alicorn. “Seems your forces are a bit more resourceful than I gave them credit for. I might actually need to get involved. Though the castle is still full of defenses and unless you have been here before its not likely this chamber can be found.” The door suddenly explodes inward, the body of one of the giant dragon creatures sailing into the room to crash to the ground bounce and come to rest at the foot of the golden throne. The other two move, weapons drawn as a figure steps through the door, bone armor splattered with blood and covered in scratches, a malicious grin is seen just under the fangs of the helm a bright red glow illuminating one of the dark eye sockets. Luna's eyes widen and she struggles to stand in the cage pulling against the chains. “Jer'rahd!!” “Hello Princess, we are here to rescue you.” “We?” The dragon growls gesturing to the pair of giant dragons to attack, neither one moves for a moment, then one reaches down tearing free a gold band from its fore arm, causing it to shrink down to pony size revealing a red earth pony. He glances back kicking the foot of the guard he was posing as back behind one of the hanging curtains. The other guard just falls over to the ground, a black and white mane and head reveals itself as Velkorn pulls off her hood. The dragon glares at them all his clawed hand raising, wind whipping about him ripping the rest of the tapestries from the walls revealing a host of other guards who surge forward towards the three. The sky light above suddenly explodes and a rainbow colored blur slams into the ground in the middle of the charging group of half dragon guards. An explosion of color fills the room sending the draconic creatures crashing to the floor and flinging them across the room into various walls. The Black dragon grunts shoved back against the wall as well though a whip of his hand rips one of his own minions in half before it impacts him. A large crater fills the center of the room with a armored Pegasus standing in the middle shaking glass and rock dust from her purple mane. One of the guards had managed to not be blown far and rises leaping at the pony his ax whipped towards the dusty Starfall. “CANNON BALL!!!” A large black and purple form drops from the broken sky light landing on the one with the lifted ax splattering the creature across the floor. Bleu smirks flicking her claws clean as she looks down at the burst open dragon half. “Hey!! this one looks like a cat trying to tap dance on top of a tortoise shell.” “Looks like a mess from over here.” A soft sniffle came from the cage. “You all came...?” “Luna? That you we'll get you out in a second just hang on, one more bug to squash.” Bleu charges at the black dragon claws poised to rip his throat out. The black dragon whips his claw up, the force of something impacts the charging Bleu, flinging her across the room towards the others. A green glow envelops the dragonling, catching her before she hit the wall, Jer'rahd glares across the room at the black dragon. “Onyx Wing?” “Yah, know Jer, I expected him to be bigger.” “If this is Onyx Wing then he should be.” The dragon lifts him self up, resounding cracks sounding as he rises to his rear legs, his arms and legs lengthening as his joints and scales pop and split reforming back together as he seems to age to a great wyrm before their eyes. The dragon towers over even Bleu changing in moments to the form most of them expected. The onyx armor forms around him much the way Jer'rahd's did crimson eyes staring down at the five below him. “Rhede, has any pony told you you talk to much?” “I do quite often, though his word amount he does not soften.” “So what now boss?” “NOW WE KILL YOU FOR THIS ANNOYANCE.” “That really did not work to well last time you tried it.” “A MISTAKE I SHALL HAPPILY CORRECT.” The dragon lifts his hands the axes from the fallen guards lifting in the air and starting to spin before they all whip towards the group. Luna cries out at the attack, the star metal axes screaming through the air. Green shields form around the group, the weapons all slamming into them and bouncing off, impacting the walls and floor imbedding into the stone. The dragons eyes widen as the shields drop and Jer'rahd grins. “NO MAGIC SHOULD STAND UP TO STAR METAL. HOW DID YOU EVEN DO THAT PONY!?!” He smiles feeling a trickle of blood ooze from his nose. He snorts blowing it out before the dragon notices. The effort of that far more than he was expecting, but after coming this far he was not about to be stopped. He had been practicing with that dagger and the waning moon so long it was not nearly the effort it should have been. “Training.” He charges the dragon his blade singing as the others dart about getting into better positions to attack. The black dragon glares at the charging unicorn whipping both arms out sending a gale force of wind screaming through the room flinging them all back away from him. Jer'rahd impacts a wall landing on his hooves and struggling against the wind a shield raising before him to block the force so he could advance. The wind dies and the dragon is on them already. Jer'rahd dodges out of the way, a claw powders the stone where he stood a moment before,the dragons tail whips around knocking him across the room again and into another wall. The great beast flips a wing knocking both Starfall and Bleu away from him, he breaths out a gout of flame melting the spot where Velkorn and Rhede had been, the stone bubbling and flowing like lava. Velkorn moves over helping Jer'rahd up to his hooves as he clears his head the dragon chuckling. “We should have thought of this before we began, what we need now is a better plan.” “BUCK THAT!!” Jer'rahd charges again the Waning Moon roaring along with him. Starfall and Velkorn move along side of him. Bleu rears up firing a bolt of lightning into the black dragon as Rhede darts around to flank the beast flinging the star metal daggers. Onyx Wing holds up an arm, Bleu's breath attack strikes it being absorbed into the obsidian armor band on it. He whips his tail around at Jer'rahd, a shield stopping the attack allowing Velkorn to run up the beasts tail grabbing a spine between his wings and slamming her hooves against the softer joints of the dragons wings. Jer'rahd blocks a claw swipe with the blade in his teeth the force of the impact making his neck and jaw feel strained and cracks the stone around his hooves. Starfall soars above the second swipe of the dragons claws, lashing out with the new blades at its eyes. The beast blinks, the weapons grazing over his eye lids throwing up sparks. He buffets a wing flinging Starfall away, a kick sends Jer'rahd flying, and for the moment he ignores the zebra as the others regroup. The dragon laughs throwing himself backwards towards the wall slamming into it just as Velkorn leaps out of the way, only to have the dragon back hand the zebra across the room. Rhede moves catching her before she hits the wall glaring at the dragon before letting her down. “OK, maybe a little planning.” “YAH THINK!?!” “You alright Velky?” “If that is the best hit he has to give, then it is quite certain I will live.” A soft sob comes from the cage, Jer'rahd spares a glance as the dragon shifts waiting for the next failed attempt. Jer'rahd fights back a growl at the sound holding himself from attacking. “I have an idea. Keep him distracted.” Bleu surges forward with the others as Velkorn takes a moment to recover guarded by Rhede. The earth pony fills the air between them and the dragon with daggers. The metal rain bouncing off the beasts head forcing him to shield his eyes. Starfall grabs Jer'rahd and tears towards Onyx Scale dropping the unicorn and going up suddenly. Bleu shrinks suddenly tumbling under a claw strike and regaining her full size impacting both her clawed hands into the dragons throat forcing his head up. Starfall's blades rake across the black dragons throat tossing up sparks. Jer'rahd skids to a stop forming shield platforms and climbing up them. Onyx wing growls shoving Bleu away and swatting at Starfall, he takes a snap at the pegasus with his jaws managing to snag her already singed tail. He whips his head, jerking the mare around until a dagger from Rhede cuts Starfall's tail shorter, allowing her to kick free as Bleu slams into the dragons side, her claws raking over the armored form not so much as chipping a scale. He whips his hand to the side claws ripping through her scales like paper. She leaps back managing to keep from getting cut in half though her chest bleeds profusely. Jer'rahd's hooves slam into the dragons chest, as he stands on his shield hacking at the beast. As Onyx Wing swings his claw,the unicorn drops the shield, his magic holding his blade level with the dragons chest. The impact of the clawed hand driving the blade deep into the creatures flesh. A clawed foot punts the unicorn across the room into another wall. Jer'rahd staggers out, cracks forming on the armor though a grin rests on his face. The black dragon looks down pulling his claw back looking at the splatter of blood covering his chest. He glances to his hand pulling the offending splinter out of it with his teeth and spitting it across the room. The unicorn grabs the blade bringing it back to his side as the dragon flicks the blood from his hand, holding it up to show them the deep wound rapidly healing before their eyes. “RATHER IMPRESSIVE GNATS, YOU MADE ME BLEED MY OWN BLOOD, IT WOULD ALMOST BE WORTH KEEPING SOME OF YOU ALIVE, PITY I HAVE NO INTEREST IN MALES, DRAGONS, OR ZEBRAS. AND THE PEGASUS WOULD BE TOO MUCH OF A PAIN TO KEEP AROUND, BETTER TO JUST KILL YOU NOW AND BE DONE WITH IT.” “Do we have a plan B boss?” “I didn't have a plan A.” “Well crap.” Velkorn barely manages to slap a few bandages on Bleu's chest before they were all dodging again as the dragons breath hit the spot they were standing turning the wall and floor into a pool of lava. The group again charges rushing at the laughing dragon. “Get out of here, run leave me....” Rhede dodges past as another ax imbeds into the floor at his hooves, slung by the dragon across the room. “Not happening Princess. Don't worry, I'm to pretty to die.” He darts off his tail swishing flinging blades at the great beast. Starfall tumbles back nearly hitting the cage as another gust of wing flung her across the room. “He's going to kill you!” “I have heard that threat before Princess, and I am still around.” She takes off a roar sounding as she gathers speed in the charge. Bleu Bounces off the cage sending it swinging for a moment. The dragonling sits up shaking her head and fires another bolt of lightning back at the dragon. “Bleu please just get out of here and save yourself! “Wheres the fun in that Luna? Besides there's no party for the losers!” Velkorn darts over finishing the bandages on Bleu's chest before letting the dragonling surge back into the fight. “Velkorn please....” “I have seen what this beast intends to do, that shall not happen to you!” Velkorn dashes off as a armored form smashes through the golden throne and crashes into the wall. The dragon roars as Jer'rahd shoves himself up out of the rubble the cracks covering his armor now, bits of it having flaked off. “HIT THE BROKEN SCALE ON HIS JAW, LUNA GAVE US AN OPENING.” “Jer'rahd, please get out of here leave me, I cannot watch any more of my friends die.......” “I am going no where without you Princess. I have failed enough that I will not do so again and remain alive. I swore to bring you home and I will. I do not leave my friends behind let alone in the enemies clutches.” The dragon stood alone at the center of the room laughing the others had been flung to every corner of the room with various wounds and damage from the large monster. Jer'rahd roars back charging the dragon again and barely makes it past Luna's cage before hes flung into the wall again by a gust of wind. All of them are picked up and spun about as a tornado of dust chips and rock swirls around the dragon battering them before hurling them across the room along with the bodies of the half dragons. Jer'rahd flings up shields knocking the giant bodies away from the group though they all smash into various points of the wall by the door way. Onyx wing moves landing next to his ruined throne and laughs at them all as they struggle to get up. He grabs the swinging cage stopping it from being flung about by his powers. “FOOLS THIS ONE IS MINE.” “Please stop all of you......” “Like Hell.” “Not happening Luna.” “As if I'm gonna stop.” “This beast will surely die, no one makes a friend of mine cry.” “Give it up Princess we are not going anywhere, without you.” “THEN YOU WILL ALL DI.... WHAT, WHAT IS THIS?!” Luna blinks lifting her head at the soft glow of light coming from Jer'rahd. A pure white pulsation of energy slowly growing brighter with each flash as if in time to his heart beat. His armor crumbles away the helm tumbling off his head to the floor leaving him with a panicked expression. The others notice it as well, the fragment of his grandfathers blade about his neck floating up before his eyes the glow around him lifting him from the floor. The waning moon drops with a clang as well as he scrambles hooves whipping about as he tries to find purchase in the air. “Wha??! What the buck!!??” The dragon blinks confused as the rest of them as to what was going on. The others watch Jer'rahd float above them protesting loudly as they watch their own blade fragments start to glow as well lifting them all into the air. Luna lifts her head in awe at the sight as they rise even over the dragons head floating there, a soft glow starting to form around the crown still on her head that the dragon had left for little more than decoration. Each pulse slowly adjusting to match the others pattern before all five flare brightly Tearing free of the necklace chains and floating before the startled group. The freed metal shards pulse once more zipping back to press against the floating figures chests. before the metal shards start to warps and shift The shards glow dims as the metal bits start to grow spreading out across each of them like a sudden tide of liquid metal. Bleu yelps as the platinum colored metal courses over her form flowing over and across her scales seeming to spread thin enough to be little more than paint as her coloration is slowly changed from blue to to platinum. The metal thickening a bit lengthening her spines and claws covering her fully save her eyes and mouth. A bright flash on her chest forms into a large blue gem in the shape of the theaters mask for comedy. The liquid metal snakes up over Rhede's form, the black material covering the startled pony. Like Bleu it clings to his form, his old armor ripped off him and dropped to the floor as it forms thicker plates over his vitals remaining sleek over the rest of him and leaving his muzzle, mane, and tail uncovered. A flash at his chest turns into a red gemstone with three crossed downward facing cupids arrows. Starfall seems the least worried as the silvery liquid runs over her form shredding her armor and covering her with a suit not unlike what she wore on the stealth mission. The metal coursing up her wings lengthening each feather as it covers her completely leaving only her tail and mane exposed the eye sockets taking on the same amber coloration as her goggles. Her scabbard and blades clatter to the floor. A bright flash on her chest forms a white six pointed star with trailing streaks running from it . Black metal surges around Velkorn's form ripping free her armor but leaving her bags untouched as it trails over her skin covering her vitals much the same way Rhede's had done and also leaving her black and white , tail and mane exposed. A flash of light forms into a amber gem of a winged pole twined with two snakes that face each other. Black armor forms around Jer'rahd taking on the same shape as his bone armor though much more reflective almost as if mimicking the obsidian armor the dragon wore. His lower jaw remains uncovered along with his mane and tail . A flash of light on his chest forms into a knights green knights shield. The gemstones glow brightly as Luna's crown matches the pulse flaring brightly causing the dragon holding her cage to stagger back shielding his eyes. The light suddenly flares blowing the cage apart and showering the room with bits of star metal chain lengths and cage fragments. Pale blue armor forms around Princess Luna,her mane and tail nearly turning black as they flare with the sudden influx of energy pin pricks of light forming in the darkness giving her tail and mane the impression of a star filled night sky. Her coat turns black, her wings flaring out wider as her horn lengthens as well, a bright flash of light from her chest turns into a white gold crescent moon shaped gem. Onyx scales eyes remain wide as he steps back further from the floating Princess, he breathes out suddenly a gout of flame slamming into the cages remains and the form atop of them. The fire dies out as he inhales. His dark eyes reflect a glowing green shield between the Princess and him that left her unscathed. Luna flaps her wings gliding from the ruined cage to hover before the floating armored forms across the room from the dragon. The gem on her chest flares brightly the light encompassing them all, blinding the dragon and forcing him to look away. A trio of rainbows burst to life in the air ,swirling around the group before spiraling across the room and circling the dragon with a multicolored tornado. Onyx Wing panics slashing at the colored winds swirling around him trying to claw his way free. Luna opens her eyes tears falling from the solid white orbs as they surge with bright white light the flare encompassing the small group and growing larger filling the entire room and enveloping the screaming dragon, its cries swiftly growing silent as the light grows larger and brighter. A sudden explosion of light surges out over the battlefield covering the castle and the conflict going on around its base bathing all the combatants in a brilliant yet strangely soothing light. As suddenly as it surged forth from the castles heart it fades leaving everyone on the field stunned. The few black dragons remaining take wing and flee the place leaving the others behind. The swarms of trolls on the battlefield seem to have been frozen in place, the Discordian monsters having joined their creator in stone. The half breeds stop fighting milling about confused, quite a few were killed before the others drop their weapons and wander off rather aimlessly and clearly confused. The attacking Guards let them go looking up at the tower as the golden statues of Discord start to drop out of the sky shattering on the ground as the castle itself gives in to the power that emanated from its heart. =================================== Jer'rahd slowly pushes himself to his hooves, the clink of heavy armor around his form drawing his attention first, the next thing to hold his attention was the armored form of Luna and the giant dragon statue before them. He surged forward to move between Luna and the dragon slowing his charge as he approached and stopping next to the Princess looking up at the dragon. A look of horror and pain was etched across Onyx Wing's features, the great dragon frozen in place glimmering slightly as the light of the fires from outside glinted off the crystal statue before them. He glances back as the others rise shaking their heads and start looking around and at the armor they each wore with a bit of surprise. “Damn, my flank looks awesome in this. I didn’t think black was this slimming.” Jer'rahd twitches a bit as Bleu smacks Rhede in the back of the head bringing a small chuckle from Luna. Velkorn trots up to her, looking up at the Moon Princess. “I am glad we got to you before, this dragon did things we abhor.” Luna glances back at Velkorn her eyes softening from when they were looking at the dragon. “No …. you did not make it in time to stop that.....” Rhede and Velkorn both wince as the others look on confused, Bleu looked as if she was about to ask when Rhede stopped her and shook his head. The alicorn princess turns back looking up at the statue of black crystal suddenly screaming out a bellow of rage and pain that even Jer'rahd had yet to match. She charges the crystalline dragon her hooves striking it sending shards of black crystal across the room. The others watch as the leg shatters toppling the statue to smash against the ruined stone floor. The princess does not pause moving crushing the larger shards to dust under her hooves. Rhede pulls the others aside to fill them in on what he and Velkorn had found and what the Princess had admitted to having happened. Velkorn remains near the raging Princess watching her shatter the shards of the dragon into smaller bits. The entire groups expressions darken particularly Jer'rahd's. His head dips until Bleu belts him up side the back of the head before he can really start blaming himself. “You were dead boss, regardless of the situation that is a valid excuse for being late.” “But...” Another belt to the back of the head by Starfall cut him off though he lifted his head back up watching the Princess smash the Shards to dust before she finally sat down in a heap panting hard, and shuddering violently. The others slowly walk over to her standing close by. She barely looks up at first simply quivering. Bleu suddenly moves forward her arms wrapping about the armored form of Luna hugging her tightly,the alicorn flinches, though Starfall and Velkorn join the hug as well. Rhede an Jer'rahd look at each other not entirely certain about joining though Bleu's tail wraps around them both and pulls the entire group together. Luna sobs softly in the middle of this though her shaking stops. “Just remember Princess. We are here for you.” “I know Jer'rahd.... I know you all are.” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight sits back reaching up to rub her eyes against her foreleg. She whips her head a bit trying to clear the tears from them, a loud snore from Spike snapping her out of the moment. That whole situation was rather unexpected, but to find that they really were Element Bearers, even more so. Then there was what happened to Luna, Twilight shivers, opting to try not to think much on that until she had too again. She was tempted to write to Princess Luna about it but thought better, if this was a bad memory it would not be good to bring it up until she knew everything. She at least planned to write them both about the events in this vision as well as finally ask about the star filled sky the spell showed her. She yawns completely worn out, it felt like she had been in the spell for three weeks at this point. She moves stretching and shaking her limbs out a bit sore from standing in place for so long. She finally lifts the sword, marveling at how light it really was, before putting it back into the box and cleaning up the rest of the study table. Mulling over everything in her mind and pausing to occasionally jot down some notes on something the had thought of with what she had seen. She finally sighs looking up at the clock with a yawn. She pulls a blanket over Spike and heads up the stairs pausing to glance at her calender. She makes a mental note to buy Zecora something for her birthday that's coming, before continuing up to bed.