//------------------------------// // The Birth of an Ally // Story: Fate Worse Than Death. // by jayjaymcboogie //------------------------------// It had bean almost a week since i had bean knocked unconscious by Twilight. the human forces had wiped out most of Ponyvile and was heading for Canterlot to confront the princess. we had bean staying with Zecora a zebra living in the ever free forest. it was the only place safe near to Ponyvile. i was staring down at my rifle i had brought with me from my world and an extreme feeling of sadness overcame me. how could i have gone along with such tyrants for so long. Equestria wasn't the first world we had conquered for resources, nor was it the first i had helped in. we enslaved thousands of alien societies. the rifle i held wasn't even mine, i had taken it from my first kill on Darouse. i was only fifteen when i did it. but the Darousian soldier i took it from was no more than 11 in earth years. he hadn't done anything to me. he probably didnt even see it coming. now we were going to do the same to these ponies. when had i become such a monster? when did we lose our humanity? "Hey Jason! are you okay?" a soft voice came from behind. "oh, I'm fine twilight." i responded trying to hold back my deep depression. "You don't look fine. are you sure you're okay?" "it's just I've bean meaning to ask you. after you knocked me out how did the other holder of the elements of harmony die?"but before she could answer someone else shot in. "her name was pinkie pie! and what do you care anyway? you're the reason she's dead!" "rainbow dash!" twilight said scolding the other pony."he's bean through a lot. he doesn't need any more grief." "i still don't know why were helping him. for all i care he could go hug a.manticore". after saying this she angrily flew into the another room. "don't pay any attention to her. she's just upset. we all are. but to answer your question she tried to befriend one of your soldiers" twilight looked down at this and let out an exasperated laugh."pinkie could make friends with anyone".she then walked over to me and said "if there is anything you need just let us know". i looked down at my rifle again and descended back into the darkness of my mind. over the next few days twilight and the other ponies filled me in on the basic history of Equestria right up to there battle with discord, an evil dragon bent on causing disorder. one day about two weeks later a small green dragon arrived at the hut burnt bruised and beaten half to death. i knew him to be spike from twilight stories. he laid unconscious for three days as we mended his wounds and on the fourth day he came out of his coma. "twi twilight". spike said pitifully. i was sitting by his bed wondering how my species could do such a monstrous deed to such a small creature when he awoke. when i heard him speak i sprung up and yelled for twilight. "twilight! spikes awake!" i yelled through the hut. all four ponies ran in with Zecora and little Scootaloo limping behind. "what did he say?" rarity asked in an exited voice. "he called for twilight". twilight stepped forward and walked to his bed side. "spike i'm here what is it?" she said with worry in her voice. the little dragon tried to sit up but failed. "I've got something for you". the little dragon said with a rasp. suddenly he spit out a strange green flame that materialized into a type of note. after doing so he collapsed back onto the table and gasped for breath then shut his eyes. rarity burst into tears and ran to his side. twilight, rainbow dash and applejack hung there heads in respect. suddenly Zecora butted in. "he is weak but dead he is not. just trying to prank us is this little snot." suddenly spike sat back up on the table. "come on you're no fun." spike responded. all the ponies laughed even i chuckled a bit. Rarity tackled spike to the ground with an affectionate hug. this came with another round of giggles from the group but it was short lived. after we had settled twilight began to read the letter. To my loyal subjects, i regret to inform you that the humans have reached Canterlot and are to reach the castle any day now. i have cast a spell that will protect the castle for a while , but i am week and fear that the humans will breach the walls of the castle any day now. I'm not sure how long the Royal Guard can last against them. even our magic hasn't bean able to stop them. if there is any hope it lies with the elements of harmony. Sincerely, Princess Celestia. twilight had finished reading and had a grim look on her face. "even the princess has lost hope" she said with as depressed look. suddenly Scootaloo shouted out. "just because the princess has given up hope doesn't mean we have to!" twilight looked up and smiled. "agreed". rarity responded. "well if were going to take on these brutes were gonna need a plan" applejack suggested. "what about the elements of harmony? we cant do anything with twilight and pinkie go...." she stopped herself. the rest of the ponies in the room hung there heads in respect. "maybe that human Jason can help us" applejack suggested. "no way! he'll do the same to us that they did to pinkie and Flutershy!" Rainbowdash said defiantly. "now, sugar cube you saw how he felt when twilight cast that spell on him." applejack responded. "like it or not he's our only hope right. now." twilight argued. "so what do you say Jason? will you help us?" Applejack asked as she turned around, but i was already gone. i couldn't live with the guilt i felt. i stood at the edge of a cliff. the sorrow i felt was more than i had ever felt in my life. it was so intense it made me sick to my stomach. i saw the river below and new that would never find my body. it was perfect for my suicide. even in this most beautiful of worlds the river i peered into now was blacker and more evil than any had seen on any of the other planets i had helped conquer. i took the pistol on my hip and cocked it. i placed the muzzle on my temple and squeezed the trigger. i heard the hammer fall. i heard the pin strike the primer. i heard the spark as the primer ignited the powder. i heard the bullet spin out of the barrel, but i was still standing there. i looked at the gun in amazement. a strange purple glow encased the bullet keeping it from traveling any further toward my head. i looked over to see twilight standing with the rest of the ponies. her horn had the same purple glow around it as the bullet. i knew it was her magic that had saved me from myself. i fell to my knees and dropped my gun in despair. i stared at the my hands that seemed so out of place with this environment. my skin didn't match. it was the first time i had realized it. i knew that this was not my world. we didn't belong here. it certainly wasn't ours to destroy. i looked up at twilight and i saw in her eyes true forgiveness. i can't say the same for Rainbow dash. she still had that angry look on her face. i knew she would never accept me as i was. twilight walked over to me and said, "are you alright?" but before i could respond i heard a scream come from behind her. i looked over in horror as one of the human soldiers had grabbed rarity. the other ponies ran to her instantly. they were fighting him as best they could, but it wasn't enough. he simply shook them off. suddenly a rainbow colored flash passed by my head and struck the soldier. it sent him flying and rarity was able to get away. rainbow dash had used the sonic rainboom to attack the soldier. I'm still not sure how it didn't knock him out. he didn't stay down for long. he grabbed Rainbowdash by her mane and threw her to the ground. he swung his fist down on her with a thundering crash. she lay there staring up at this monster of a man. she was helpless and none of the other ponies were near enough to do anything. the soldier pulled out his rifle and pointed it at Rainbowdash. the shot was bone shattering. Rainbowdash looked over in amazement at the giant lying in a pool of blood. then she looked over at me. i had just put away my pistol and was getting to my feet. she crawled over to me and i helped her up. she looked up at me with a genuine look of appreciation and said, "maybe you're not so bad of an ally after all."