The search for her Heart.

by Porqupine

Chapter 3: Into the Everfree

The Search for her Heart

Chapter 3: Into the Everfree

Written by: Porqupine

DISCLAIMER: This is a non-profit fanbased work of prose. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is the property of Hasbro and the reinvention of the lovely Lauren Faust. No copyright infringement is intended, please support the official release.

(Disclaimer by Andrew J. Talon. No copyright infringement is intended)

"Fluttershy, are you absolutely sure you want to do this?" The white alicorn asks me as she looks at me with judgement in her eyes.

"Yes. I have to find him again and I have to do it alone." I state, sure of my cause.

"You know that the girls will follow you don't you." She continues.

"I do, that is why I want you to not tell them anything. I have to do this by myself, please. Please don't tell them." I plead, letting myself slump at her hooves.

"Al right, I will not tell them anything. But promise me one this one thing Fluttershy. Be careful and take good care of yourself. I do not have any power in the Everfree therefore I will not be able to protect you. Please, proceed with caution."

"Of course Princess."

"Now go and find your special somepony." She finishes our conversation, smiling at me with compassion and a motherly love.

Why does the Everfree have to be so dark and scary? I haven't even entered yet but it's already getting on my nerves. I have mapped out a route to follow through the forest which will take me past almost every likely area that Lightning might have chosen as a place to live. Only thing is, is that this route will take me at least four months to complete if I don't find him along the way. It will probably take even longer considering the dangers of the forest.

I don't want to go in there but I know I have to. I have my bags packed with all things essential for surviving and with the help of Zecora I managed to bring along a few potions that might aid me in my search. She also gave me a list of things to avoid, which I have already memorized. I have to be extra careful because the forest is dark and I won't be able to see clearly once I enter.

And now is the time to do just that. I stand in front of the Everfree at the area behind my home since I don't want to run into anypony. It's now or never. I place one hoof in front of the other and slowly make my way over to the dirt road that serves as an entrance to the Everfree. Leaving behind everything in search of an old friend and lover, in search of my Heart.

The Everfree is not so bad once you get used to it. It's just really dark and there are creaking twigs and weirs howling noises and sounds of breathing everywhere. Everything also seems a lot bigger than from the outside. I just keep on walking the path and take out the map with the route I planned out. In front of me is a junction, which way to go, left or right. The thick bush prevents me from reading any signs that should be standing somewhere but the map is telling me that I should go right.

The path to the right however is darker than the path to the left. There are even flowers just pointing in the direction of the lighter road.


I have to go right, I have to stick to my plan and I have to find him. Against the will of my body I steer myself right and onto the road leading me under an even denser canopy.

After walking for what seemed like hours I finally arrive at my first point of interest. A small clearing offers me a chance to check the time. To my surprise it is still day but I can't get a good reading on the precise time because of the few branches of the tall trees blocking my view of the sun. I do know that it is past midday and because I can't see the sun from this angle, I even come to the conclusion that it is past three.

I realise that I have to find a place to sleep soon, as my next target is at least another twelve hour walk through the dense forest. I will have to get up before dawn, which will cause quite a problem because it always looks like dawn or dusk when it's midday and like midnight any other times. Then, remembering the natural habits of my animal friends, I know I'll just have to listen to my surroundings. I know there are things here that see me as an easy snack, but I know most creatures' habits and weaknesses. It is my special talent after all.

After mulling on how I would wake up on time, I make my way over to the edge of the clearing, looking for a some place to take shelter. I find exactly what I need, a little cave hidden from view by vines and natural overgrowth. I was lucky to find it and probably wouldn't have if I didn't see the small flash of light from inside it while I walked by.

I carefully enter to find out what had caused the flash, only to be caught by surprise. Against one of the walls lies a broken piece of mirror, the image staring right back at me. On the floor are hooveprints, recently made hooveprints. Somepony had been in this cave not too long ago, and I have a pretty good idea of who that was. There's only one pony I know of that has gone into the Everfree before me and that is the one I have to find. Lightning was here, he was here and that means I'm going in the right direction. But the question still remains, where are you now? Where are you and why are you running from me?

"Please, please come back to me." I whisper to nopony in particular. I lower myself to the ground and get a little comfortable for sleeping, I will need the energy tomorrow. I hope I find him tomorrow and if not, then the day after that. I will keep on going. I won't stop, not even if the world ends. You can run, Lightning Dash, but you can't hide. I will find you and you'll be mine again.