The search for her Heart.

by Porqupine

Chapter 1: Prologue

The Search for her Heart

Chapter 1: Prologue

Written by: Porqupine
DISCLAIMER: This is a non-profit fanbased work of prose. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is the property of Hasbro and the reinvention of the lovely Lauren Faust. No copyright infringement is intended, please support the official release.
(Disclaimer by Andrew J. Talon. No copyright infringement is intended)

"Are you absolutely sure you want to see him?" Celestia asks me as we were headed for his room.

"Yes." Is the only thing I can reply as I can feel myself getting nervous.

I know I had to do this. I had to see for myself. I had to make sure it was him.

"Alright then. But keep in mind, he might not be the same pony as you remember. I will now go check on Twilight, after that I will return here to check up on you."

"That's o.k. I guess." I know that I am not good with words. I'd rather just be at home caring for my animals but this is necessary.

I carefully open the door to his room and slowly make my way in. As I enter I find that he is still asleep and I decide to wait until he wakes up, so that I can talk to him a little. I gently place one of my hooves on him just to make myself feel closer to him again. Just like old times, when we were together. And then you just had to leave didn't you. Why did you have to leave me.

"Come back to me." I say, feeling a lump in my throat.

Suddenly I can hear his heart monitor making strange noises, its beeps slowing down very quickly.

"No! Stay with me! Come back to me. DON'T FOLLOW THE LIGHT! Please." I can feel my own desperation rising by the second.

"Please. Please don't go yet." I wanted him to stay, we still had so much to talk about.

"I looked for you when I heard you'd gone missing. I never forgot about you. Please. Please don't go. Not now, not yet." I can no longer control myself as I just let my head fall onto his chest and let the tears flow freely. I barely notice when the beeping of the heart monitor returns to normal again.

"I-I'm sorry." I suddenly hear from very close to me. I look up to see those beautiful crimson eyes. It fills me with so much happiness that he didn't leave me this time. That he actually came back to me. I jump right on top of him and hug him as tightly as I can, determined not to loose him this time.

"Thank Celestia you're okay." I manage to say through my tears of joy.

"Where is Celestia?" Is all he says in reply, with a rather stern voice at that.

"She's just making sure Twilight's okay. Don't worry about it, I'm sure she's fine. I'm just glad that you're okay." I say back to him, trying to reassure him that everything is absolutely fine.

After a few seconds I feel him trying to move beneath me.

"Can you please get off me?" He says, but with such acid in his voice that shocks me, and it really quite hurts me to hear him say that with such venom.

I quickly jump off him as he obviously doesn't want me near him.

"I'm sorry. Uhm well, bye." I start for the door but before I am halfway to it he surprises me yet again. I know Celestia said that he might act a little different and that he was still uncertain about himself, but it still surprised me.

"Wait! Please don't go. Don't leave me. Not again."

I slowly turn around trying to understand what he just said, and almost instantly understand what he means.

"What do you mean 'again'? I never left you. You're the one who left without even saying goodbye! I searched for you! I missed you! You didn't even visit me on my birthday! I WAITED FOR YOU BUT YOU NEVER CAME BACK!" I felt betrayed, that he would think that I would ever leave him. I felt angry that he actually believed that and I felt hurt that he still believed it.

"I-I'm sorry." I look him in the eyes and I notice how puzzled and confused he felt. He was so brainwashed by that evil creature that he really thought I left him.

"Please, forgive me." He says while turning his head away from me.

He doesn't understand that I never blamed him for anything. It was never his fault.

"I don't blame you. Celestia told me everything. I know it wasn't you who did all this. I still love you, you do know that right?" It was the first time I had ever said it to him, even when we were together I never told him how much I love him.

"I-I can't." He said, still facing away from me. And that's when he started to go crazy again. He started pulling on the restraints holding him to the bed, he even started biting on them.

I wanted him to stop, I wanted to talk to him, but I was afraid, as I am afraid of almost everything.

"Calm down, uhm, please?" Is all I manage to squeak as he finally bites through his last restraint.

He jumps off the cot and I can hear him wince as he lands on his hooves which haven't had the chance to fully heal yet.

"Please don't." I say through tears as I can almost feel his pain as my own.

"I'm so sorry." He says before he limps out the door and leaves me behind without even a second glance.

I feel my heart take another beating as he just leaves me, not bothering to say goodbye. Only saying sorry for things he shouldn't be sorry for, for thing he didn't do.

That is when I breakdown in tears and slump to the floor just letting all the stress out. I know he loves me too, but why must he hurt us both by leaving, why.

Then I hear hooves on marble, coming closer. I know it isn't Lightning because there's no limp in the rhythm. When the door opens to the room again I'm surprised by Celestia, who is carrying Lightning on her back.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!" I shout, oblivious to the small smile on Celestia's lips.

"Do not worry my little pony, he just needs to recover from his injuries. You, however, have a job to do. We will need all the Elements for this. Come to the throne room in thirty minutes, and bring your necklace, you'll need it."

Celestia then leaves me with an unconscious Lightning Dash, not really knowing what to do for a few minutes before everything sinks in what she said. I need my necklace.

She needs the Elements.

We are all in grave danger.