//------------------------------// // WHAT THE F- *Boom* (bonus chapter) // Story: Gaming Online // by Xx-Sniper_Masters-xX //------------------------------// Pretty much a normal day if you are in a match without booby trapped packages. Right? Not today. "Hey looky here some idiot forgot to take his care package." Rainbow went up to the package "Wow skipped a Juggernaut... Such an idiot." As Rainbow took the package constant beeps were heard "WHAT THE F-" *boom* "HA HA! Who's the idiot now?!" "Gr... go fuck yourself." "Woah we got a badass over here! NOT" "Just shut the fuck up." "Aw... Little filly want it's bottle?" *Rage quit* Wanna listen to a good song? click this link. *lower volume* (will be on repeat)