//------------------------------// // To stay or not to stay in Canterlot // Story: A Lost Soul Hidden in Unexpected Places // by Broniesrponies2 //------------------------------// We followed the princesses into the palace through grand corridors. They brought us to a large dining room. We sat down and a butler in a tuxedo brought out a bottle of expensive looking wine. I eyed it, then looked at the general youthfulness of my companions from Ponyville. None of them looked over 17. That was probably their actual age come to think of it, the show never really said. "Do you mind if I have a non-alcoholic beverage, your Highnesses?" I asked. Luna smiled, having recovered from her temporary, what? It wasn't a breakdown. It was just a bit of crying and a short melancholy. Nevertheless, she had recovered from it and seemed to genuinely like me. I found her glances a little unnerving, but I had learned not to show emotion after so long of hiding my inner feelings. She nodded and the butler stood at my shoulder. "May I please have some milk?" I asked, shocking everyone in the room. I looked around the table. "What?" I asked as the butler nodded and walked away. "It is an unusual request." said Luna. She had been in my mind and understood that I might ask for it. As such, she was more prepared than the rest. "Usually, ponies who come to Canterlot prefer to sample the vast array of cocktails, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. We also have famous juices and smoothies. The regional specialty is a mango smoothie float. I do know that your show, while unspecific, did include some fine beverages. We are all just surprised that you would want such a plain drink." she explained. "I am not usual, I think that much is safe to say. I also have had a preference for milk for many years. It was what I have been drinking since I was born. Experimenting with beverages is something that my sister would do. Right now, what I really need is a taste of home." I replied, watching my use of language. "I think that we can understand that, now that we all know of your circumstances." said Celestia. The butler returned with my milk while another butler poured out the wine. I still eyed it a little furtively, especially as it disappeared into the mouths of my first Equestrian friends. Luna giggled, noticing my look. I smiled a little sheepishly, but I am who I am. Not averse to a good drink occasionally, but I prefer to regulate my own intake. "Well, the first thing is, Josh, where would you like to stay?" asked Celestia, trying to bring our conversation to task. "Would it be okay for me to stay in Canterlot?" I asked. "Yes." said Luna before Celestia could open her mouth. Celestia frowned at her, but nodded her own assent. I looked over to Lyra, whose head had just hit the table with a thunk. Celestia looked over at her. "Perhaps Lyra could stay in Canterlot as well in order to assist you in blending with Equestrian society." She said. Lyra's ears twitched. She lifted her head off of the table. I switched my gaze to Luna, quickly enough to see the huffy expression on her face, but only for an instant. She recovered herself quickly enough to speak. "I will guide Josh and Lyra to where they will be staying. Sister, I am sure that you must speak to Twilight while she is here. We will leave you now." Luna said, a hint of coldness in her voice. I finished my milk quickly, watching the complex dance of wills. "Very well Luna. You, Josh and Lyra may leave. Josh, I will expect to see both you and Lyra at the palace for dinner. I have no doubt that Luna will help to guide you." said Celestia, her eyes flicking to Luna. Luna looked back at her sister, her face impassive. Luna stood up, Lyra and I followed suit. We slowly filed out the door closing behind us as we started down the corridor. "For now, you can both sleep in the rooms near mine. They have been empty since Shining Armour and Cadence left to stay in the Crystal Empire. Josh, you get the room directly adjacent to mine. Lyra, you get the next room after that." Said Luna, her voice, not angry or impatient, although such emotions seemed to radiate off of her. We stopped in the corridor to Luna's room and she pointed out Lyra's door and then mine. Lyra broke away to inspect her room. Luna and I both stepped into mine. "Look, I know what you and your sister were arguing about." I started, catching Luna off balance. I continued. "And I know how you feel about her. Love is there, but there is still a wall between you. You know that I know the feeling. Personally, I prefer the night. It is quiet, soothing and there is a hidden beauty in the stars. Look at Celestia's dress compared to yours. A plain gold, against a perfect sparkling navy blue. White can wear any colour, but navy blue? It is hard to get something that works isn't it. I know it sounds like I am rambling a bit, but she wouldn't understand would she? She has never felt the same way. I am sorry to say this, as mild as it is, but it is still a barb. I just hope that my coming wouldn't drive a wedge between you two." Luna looked at me, tears in her eyes again. She put her arms around me once more. I smiled, knowing that she understood my garbled message and returned the embrace. We let go at the perfect time. A short second later, Lyra burst in, gushing about the luxury of her room. Oh, it was amazing, it had a Jacuzzi, a shower, a bath, a king size bed, such a wonderful view, but OH MY GOSH I have nothing to wear, we have to go shopping, Luna could you take us, where are the best shops... There were no real pauses in her diatribe. We listened and nodded. She toned down as she looked at us. "I would like to do some shopping, but I have no money. Nothing came with me when I arrived." I stated, looking at Luna. She smiled at me. "Not to worry. The royal treasury is quite deep, we must of course get you a few outfits." "Yeah, and we need to do it today." interjected Lyra. "I can agree with that." I said. Luna could understand why. We made our way out of the palace, carefully remembering the route, and headed out into Canterlot. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In a parallel world where War Of the Worlds actually happened DEATH stalked the land, his thoughts of the past worrying him with apprehension of the future. Another DEATH tapped him on the shoulder. WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? asked the first DEATH, walking over to another alien and picking it's soul. I AM LOOKING FOR A HUMAN replied DEATH, leaning on his scythe. ANY KIND SPECIFICALLY, OR DID ONE GET AWAY? FREAK ACCIDENT. INTERESTING. INDEED. HOW IS BUSINESS HERE? TOO BUSY. I AM THINKING OF TRADING IN MY SCYTHE FOR A COMBINE HARVESTER. NEVER LOSE FAITH. IF THEY KEEP DYING SO FAST, EVENTUALLY THEY WILL RUN OUT. NO WORRIES THERE. LET ME KNOW IF YOU SEE ANYONE THAT YOU DON'T KNOW. I WILL. THANKS. DEATH moved again through the dimensions.