Leave it to Striker

by Strikerbolt

Ghosts of Striker past

"She's your sister." Said Fluttershy.
"WHAT!?!" Yelled all seven of us. Suddenly, everypony else in the restaurant was looking at us. I was shocked. I never would have guessed she was my sister. I found it odd that she never told her best friends about me. But the worst part, was that nagging question: What happened to me? Why did I disappear? Sadly, I couldn't remember. Twilight continued the questioning.
"Why didn't she mention him to us?" She asked.
"Because she and I were so heartbroken that bringing it up would bring us to tears. It was best to ignore it. I knew Dashie would run out when I saw you, Striker." Fluttershy said. We sat down now to continue the conversation.
"So, wait, Twilight didn't mention my name hen she invited you all? What all did she tell you?" I asked, wondering about the element.
"Just that he had a friend for us to meet." Said Rarity.
"Twilight exaggerated. We don't hardly know each other. She wants us to become friends, as well as you all with I. Twilight, would you care to explain why?" I asked sincerely.
"Well.... You see, there's been a threat made against us. Some pony has evil elements and is going to attack. Also, a new stone telling of a new element appeared. It had his name, and said we must learn of his element." She said.
"Colt that escalated quickly." Said Applejack. "Did it mention any clue to the element or who has the evil elements. Even who created them?"
"The elements have a name, but I want you all to remember they were stolen and were created a while ago." Said Twilight. They all nodded. Fire barked. He seemed to be paying very close attention. I already knew, so it would be no surprise. However, I was surprised by what happened next. Discord popped in and sat down with us.
"They are the Elements of Discord, opposites of Harmony. I created them when I was evil and free. I intended to use your evil versions to rule Equestria. We all know how that went." He said. Five ponies and a dragon gasped.
"How'd they get stolen?" Asked Spike. He was pretty short. He had to lift himself onto the table to be seen. To believe I was jealous of him. "Where'd you put them before you were turned to stone?"
"I hid them in the ruins of the castle of the two sisters." Discord continued. I quickly had a flash back. I had seen the ruins, covered in vines, broken stones, not very quality. Then, I saw the old one, with a mighty height. I saw two princesses standing together, happy, admiring the night. The castle was fully repaired. It was beautiful.
(Return to present) "I liked it better when it was still in use." I said without thought. They looked at me confused. Except Discord. He smirked.
"Memories breaking through? Good. How much do you remember?" He asked.
"Only a flash of the old and new castle." I said. "Why?"
"When you can, write every memory down. Devote a time to forcing memory's out until you remember your full past. Fluttershy broke a dam holding your memories, now you can unravel your past." He said, more serious than ever. He seemed to know something. How could I have seen the castle? It wasn't like that for centuries. The ponies pulled me out of my mind back into the present.
"Striker, that castle is centuries old. How could you have seen it?" Asked Rarity.
"Striker, can you remember him yet? Discord, I know you said don't interfere, but he's beginning to remember!" Said Pinkie Pie.
"Pinkie Pie, it's okay now. You can help him remember." Said Discord. Pinkie looked at me. I looked into her eyes. I felt as if I'd remember, but Applejack interfered.
"What in the hay are you talking about Pinkie Pie?" Asked the fore mentioned.
"I'll tell you." I said. Well, it came out of my mouth, but I wasn't making it. "StrikerBolt had a childhood with Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. He grew with them until he disappeared. Later, after being fired by Big Macintosh, he Traveled. He remembers none of it, but not for long. He encountered Pinkie Pie and Discord. There, now move on!"
"Who in the name of Celestia was that? Striker, that wasn't you voice." Applejack said.
"We are getting side tracked. We need to build a bond with Striker so that we have a chance." Said Twilight. "I say the from now on, Striker must be with one of us having fun, hanging out, every where he goes. Except bed and shower, of course." She blushed a little.
"For now." Said Rarity, in a jokingly seductive voice. At least, I hoped it was a joke. I laughed. So did Aj, Discord, and Pinkie. Spike frowned. Twilight and Fluttershy blushed. Rarity looked confused. "What's so funny?"
"Your joke of sleeping with Striker. That was a joke right?" Asked Aj. Rarity burst out laughing, and yet stayed calm and lady like.
"Oh, I had you all going for a moment." She said. Spike and I sighed in relief. I was already growing closer with them all.
"Fluttershy, you and Striker go hang out for a little. Then go see" giggle giggle "'Dashie!'" There was a huge collective laughter from Pinkie's joke. We all said goodbye and we all parted ways.
"Fluttershy, where should we go hang out." I asked.
"I have a nice quiet place in mind." She said softly. It was a short walk. We went into a group of trees and bushes. It looked like a plant group on the out side, but we entered and found a hollow inside. It was beatiful. She and I sat down together. I saw a carving, but I never got to read it, because I looked into Fluttershy's eyes, and flashed back.
"Wow Flutter's! There's nothing like this in cloudsdale! It's so amazing." Past me said.
"I know, I found it when I got my cutie mark." Said past Fluttershy. She had all these beautiful creatures around her. I saw her stunning blue eyes get closer to mine before closing as she kissed me. Something, pulled me to reality.
(Back to the present.) I felt her lips against mine. She opened her eyes and saw my confusion. She backed away, blushing. "I'm sorry, it's just that we were here before, and we did the same thing."
"I remember, and don't be sorry. I liked it." I said. I leaned into kiss her, when I herd some russling. Fluttershy and I backed into the bushes as Dash came in. She began to calm down from crying, looking at the carving. I now saw it said S+F. Dash smiled. She layed ack and dozed off. Fluttershy and I got back in and decided to stay there and wait or her to wake up.