The Ultimate Evil

by ChillDude78

Traveler's Charge: Travaler's Choice

“Is that your final choice?” the Watcher says.

“Yes.” You say.

“Very well, understand this, you will not remember any of this when you leave.” She says.

You pause for a moment, look down to consider, then you look back up and nod.

The Watcher nods and closes her eyes. Suddenly they open again, to reveal bright white lights. The light in her eyes intensifies. As the light grows brighter, you notice that the whole chamber begins to light up. Your vision becomes bright.

The whole chamber grows brighter and brighter. You can’t see anything.

Suddenly you feel a tug, and then you are falling again. You feel the bottom getting closer and closer once again. You can only hope it doesn’t hurt.

… It does. You feel the pain of landing shoot through your entire body; you can hear the breaking of your bones. Then everything goes black.

I want you to remember these words, Celestia. That in all your private moments, in all your deepest, darkest nightmares, I will never stop tormenting you. I will always be hanging over your head like a dark shadow. I want you to know that your pain will never stop. Not until I have destroyed everything you have come to cherish. Not until this pathetic world that you love so much is burned to the ground. Not until everyone you hold dear is turned to ash before your very eyes. When this happens, and all that you have built comes crumbling down. Then I will kill you. And the only thought that you will take with you to oblivion; is knowing that all your subjects will live in eternal fear and torment, beneath the shadow of my wings.

- Garmaddon, the Destroyer