Child of the night

by XTorbenX

Lost in the Night

The little fillies eyes widened from its sleep, as the light fell through the window, no ordinary light but sparkly warm, yet not dangerous light.

The light searched the room. The little filly, jumping out of the old bed, she stood in the center of the room, just watching what was happening. The searching light rested upon its little body, the light seemed to have found what it was looking for. She looked around terrified as two of her hoofs left the ground she was standing on. She wasn’t a Pegasus - how could that be? Earth-ponies couldn't fly, this made no sense. She started to drift from one side to the other as if she wouldn't have been weighing anything at all, as if her body was made from air. She floated above the ground, not understanding what was happening, or how this could be. She tried putting a hoof in front of another, but lost balance in the air, and rolled around, till she was floating on her belly, within midair.

This was definitely beyond weird; it simply had to be a dream. She got up and wondered, if it was possible for her to walk across the air, just like the pegasi walk across clouds. She wanted to try to walk upward, beyond the little height of the ceiling of her room, and entered the dark, empty entrance hall, to test out her new flying abilities. She concentrated, on not losing balance, and actually succeeded. Now eager to walk even higher, she looked upward, to see, that the great round window, the highest located one in the room, had a sill, too. She somehow felt a pull towards the glass, separating her from the dark of the night. Slowly getting the hang of moving through the air. She started galloping towards the ceiling, then standing in front of the great round piece of the glass, separating her from the outside. She had the feeling, that this orphan home was not the place she'd call home. She knew she'd get in really big trouble once someone would wake up, and find out. She had the feeling she should leave the orphanage. A very strong feeling, to be exact. There was nothing keeping her here, no family that would care if she disappeared. No friends that would miss her.

It would be so easy, just push open the window; but still there was something keeping her, however she didn't know what it was. It seemed to be strong. She sat there at about four meters height on the windowsill, unsure what she was about to do. A very strong feeling, more like even a dream sat in her mind, it was not natural, as if it had been planted there. It had no type of logic supporting the idea. Just flying out and disappearing forever - what kind of idea was that?

Finally she looked out the window, and then back to her room, then back to the window; she pushed the window. It squeaked, for it hadn't been opened in years. It was the cold winds of the night, which was the first thing she felt. She instinctively stepped back, almost falling from the windowsill through the cold shock. Had it really been the right decision?
She couldn't tell. But not just the wind came through the newly opened gap, there was more, there were sounds making their way across the night. It seemed like a song - she couldn't really hear it, yet it was there, she was sure of it. The window opened further, and the cold air started to flow from the night into the house. The singing went on, it became louder, as if it were growing closer. The little filly pushed more, but soon had to find, that the window could not open completely. She had the desire to reach the music, the song was calling for her, a few words she could understand were: ”Come, little children, I'll take thee away into a land of enchantment. Come, little children, a time's come to play here in my garden of shadows.”

There was someone calling for her, there was someone who cared about her, out there. She felt a strong wind. As a black shadow drifted along the side of the house, some sort of magic was pulling her to that shadow. She squished herself into the gap of the open window, and tried to squeeze through ,but the window could not open far enough for her to fit. Although living on the street meant being of a rather thin build, still she was simply too fat to fit.

Her head peaked out into the night and what she saw she couldn't believe. Out of all houses around her, little ponies were flying out of open windows following the great black shadow. It swooped into one of the streets and she could see it was an elegant blue alicorn - she seemed to really be something special. She was it, who was singing the song, she sung it lovingly, caring and honestly, and many, many fillies and colts of very young ages followed her. She too wanted to be there. But no matter how hard she tried, she stayed caught in the window. The magical scenery was starting to leave, the last few ponies passed her not noticing the poor little filly.

She began to get frightened and frustrated. This seemed important, this seemed like a lifetime opportunity. She really, really wanted to travel like all the others. She began panicking, moving, bucking and hitting to all sides, however she was stuck, she couldn't go forwards, nor backwards, she was really stuck! She took together all her strength and bucked at the glass, loudly shattering it to pieces, some light splinters hit her, cutting through her bright orange coat and adding little dots of red into her color. But she hardly noticed, she just had to follow the dark blue alicorn.

A sound was heard, hoof steps of a colt of the personal was galloping into the main hall, yelling at the little filly to return at once. But she didn't care anymore and was already galloping, yes even sprinting, through the sky. She hoped there was a way to run fast enough to keep up with the alicorn, but the distance was too far, her heart was beating in top gear, her hoofs were sprinting across the sky as fast as possible but still the alicorn drifted off out of sight. She stood there in midair, feeling as alone as she had never felt in her entire life. And she felt water, not coming from the sky , but running down her face.