Leave it to Striker

by Strikerbolt

Table for Eight and a dog

I headed back to my room. I saw that Fire, my dog, had hopped onto my unmade bed. He has white fur, with spots matching my mane. He was four years old and yet still the size of a puppy. That wasn't his weirdest attribute. His weirdest attribute was his small, foal sized wings. I always wondered why. He seemed to have something to do with my memory loss. I couldn't remember anything before I was 20. I had woken up on the outskirts of ponyville, with a scared puppy next to me. I could talk, fly, and had basic knowledge to survive. I had no idea who my family was, my name, or my location. I wore a dog tag labeled #05099 StrikerBolt. I guessed that was my name. I had named the dog fire, after his fire shaped spots. We entered town and found a house labeled "abandoned".
I lived there from then on. I got a job at a farm bucking apples. Eventually, they told me I wasn't right for the job. Nothing personal. As I had walked home, a blue box materialized in front of me. I remember a figure, taking my hoof, and then, nothing. Again I woke up, with new knowledge in my head. Knowledge of creatures, bizzare and mysterious. I pushed it aside as myths and looked for Fire. My house was full stocked with everything needed to live, and room full of barrels of bits. I hid them in a hidden wine cellar, never needing a job again. This lead me to a nice, but lonely life.
(Return to present.) I woke up Fire. I figured I could take him with me to Sugarcube Corner. I went and got a bow tie to wear. In my odd knowledge was a simple belief: Bow-ties are cool. I also wore a blue cape. It covered my blank flank. I wore nothing else. It was just a forced making of friends. Nothing to sophisticated. I realized that, aside from Princess Twilight, I had never met any of them. Applejack had sold me apples, but that hardly counts. She seemed to have forgotten that I worked for her. Pinkie pie thought she knew every pony, but I never had to make friends with her. She seemed to not notice me, probably assuming she already knew me. I was actually quite happy that I might make friends. Little did I know friend could not describe how close one pony would feel about me.
I went down stairs and grabbed a pouch of bits. I got fire then locked up the house. This key could open or close anything. I went down to Sugarcube Corner. I looked around and saw none of the six ponies I was expecting. I saw a table for me to sit at. It had room for a lot of ponies. I let Fire watch the table as I ordered a red velvet cupcake and vanilla shake. For a moment, I didn't notice who was at the counter. However, she noticed me.
"Oh my Celestia I've never met you before! And if I've never met you then you must be new in town. And if your new in town you must not have any friends. I know, I'll through you a party!" Pinkie Pie said. She then noticed that I stood there with one hoof up, telling her to stop.
"Please no party. Just my order. Besides, aren't you busy with meeting some pony here?" I asked. I was kind of sad that everything she said was true, except for the fact that I'm not new. I've lived here for four years.
"Oh, your right! Wait, how did you know?" She questioned
"You're meeting me here." I said. "With five friends."
"Well, six if you count Spike." She said. This worried you. Spike was a tough name. What if he was some tough pony who was also maybe the element. He'd probably leave me in the dust. I almost slapped myself when Pinkie explained. "Oh you not know Spike. He's a baby dragon, Twilight's assistant." That had me scared? A baby dragon? I am pathetic. She went and got my order within seconds. I went to the table, and Pinkie joined me. In a few minutes, I heard the others arrive. Heard, because every pony gasped, and bowed. All, except Pinkie and I. Twilight entered, followed by Spike. Applejack and Rarity followed. "Where are Rainbow and Fluttershy?" Asked Pinkie.
"They said they'd be a little late." Responded Rarity. She looked at you. "I assume that this is the fine gentle colt you said we'd meet today. I must say, love the cape, but the Bow-tie is a little odd.
"I like it!" Said Applejack. "It suits him well. Twilight never did tell us yer name."
"I'm StrikerBolt. And" I waited for Fire to pop out, "this is my dog Fire." He unfolded his wings to show off. That had lost me two friends before, and gained me one, who'd never seen me again. "Twilight, you didn't get to meet him earlier."
"The Dog has wings?" They all asked. Rarity said in awe, Applejack in shock, Twilight in confusion, and Pinkie in her preppy voice. I responded with a happy "yes".
"Wow, magnificent. I've never seen such a beautiful creature!" Rarity said. Spike was now mopping.
"How did this happen? Transformation spell?" Asked Twilight.
"I honestly don't know. My memory was wiped, and I woke up with him next to me. Long story."
"You look fermiliar, do I know you?" Asked Applejack.
"I used to work at your farm. I wasn't cut out or the job, so I got fired." I responded.
"I'm so sorry I didn't remember. I don't know why I'd forget."
"It's alright, Big Macintosh hired me, then fired me. I was around the orchard for about a month, but it's huge, so I doubt you'd have noticed me." Fire began to pull on my cape. I looked down to him. He wanted a treat, so I gave him a bit of my cupcake. When I came up, Rainbow Dash and I made eye contact. She gasped, then stumbled back.
"It's not you, is it. It can't be!" She ran out the restaurant, flying home quickly. She left a tear in her path. Fluttershy made eye contact with me, and she gasped too. She didn't run away though.
"What'd I do? Did I do something wrong?" I asked. Fire saw Fluttershy and licked her excessively. She spent a while adoring the puppy, so everypony else went to order. When they left, she looked at me. She saw my confused look.
"StrikerBolt, you don't remember me, do you? What did they do to you?" She asked. I saw a tear in her eye. "We were friends, when we were younger. We'd see each other all the time, before, during, and after school. You were the only other pony who stood up for me." I began to see images. Her and I running around on the clouds, chasing each other. Dash joined us, but she was too fast and caught us. We all fell over and laughed.
(Back to present.) Oh my Celestia! I remember something before the Awakening! I remember you and Dashie. She hated when I called her that! We were running around together! That's all I remember, though." This memory had broken through. Little did I know it held the key to my past. We both smiled. She ran over to me and hugged me. I returned the hug. Everypony walked back.
"What happened? Fluttershy has never made a friend so fast before!" Said Twilight, surprised.
"He was a friend of mine a long time ago. He disappeared one day, and never came back." Said Fluttershy.
"I lost my memory, but she helped one break through. I remember her now. My best friend." I gained a tear in my eye.
"Do you remember who Dash is?" She asked
"No, another friend?"
"No, much more. She's your sister."