//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: Ice Cloud // Story: Once In A Blue Moon // by Bayonate //------------------------------// Princess Celestia's POV I ran down the halls in a worried mess. What did I do? Why did he yell at me? I just asked a simple question. Does he hate me now? Why did he react like that about his father? Ugh I'm sure I am over-reacting... I need to calm down. I burst into Ice Cloud's room interrupting her afternoon study session. She looked at me like I was insane....oh gosh; I probably looked on the verge of mentally ill. “Hi.” Ice Cloud started hesitantly. I took a few seconds to catch my breath and tried to explain what happened. Ice Cloud's POV Celestia was sure lookin' crazy! I tried to understand what she was saying but it was too hard to follow. I think she was saying something about a dashing selfish monkey that yelled at his father about his........ I don’t know! “CELESTIA!!!!!,” I yell trying to knock some sense into her. “CALM THE HELL DOWN!” She jumped and looked at me like she had just woken up from a trance or something. “I’m so sorry Ice Cloud” she said with wide confused puppy dog eyes. “I need help figuring this out!” “Okay, just take a deep breath and start from the VERY beginning” Celestia gulped and sat down on my bed. “You're right”, she said offering me a weak smile. “It all started about two hours ago.................” I listened to her story intently. This Blue Moon is sure a character but he still had no right to yell at my best friend like that. Celestia ended her story and looked at me expectantly,”So what do you think?” “Weeeeeeelllllllllllll as much as I am starting to hate the stallion, I think you should go find him and apologize. You obviously struck a sore spot in his heart. Go talk to him and make sure you guys are good. King Solar wouldn't approve of his daughter fighting with his dear friend's son.” “You're right Ice Cloud. I over reacted. I'll go talk to him. I am so lucky to have a friend like you.” She tossed me another smile as she headed into the hallway. “Good Luck”, I breathed as she disappeared out of sight. I sat back down at my desk and reflected on what just happened. I knew the real Celestia, not the one that kept a tough face in front of enemies and walked with an air of grace, but the Celestia that worried over stallions and hated worms. I felt a smile creep across my face. Thoughts came back of when I first met Equestria's beloved Princess. My days began as a small little orphan pony. My parents had died in war and I was left alone in Canterlot outside King Solar's castle. A thunderstorm had just started and I took shelter under a structure extending out of the castle's outer wall near the entrance. My eyes grew wide as I saw King Solar himself head out the heavy doors towards a fancy carriage. But before he stepped in it, he paused and turned to my direction. He must have heard me! I squeaked and started to run in fear of punishment. But a strange force froze me at the spot. “Child, what are you doing here?” said a warm deep voice. “I-I was trying to get out of the rain, Your Majesty”, I said trembling. “Where are your parents Child?” “I haven't a-any, You-Your Majesty” “Come Child.” I didn't want to keep him waiting so I ran as fast as I could, half fluttering with my puny wings. King Solar looked me over and turned to the other pegasus beside him. “She will do”, said the Pegasus nodding approvingly. King Solar turned to me and asked, “What is your name?” “Ice Cloud” “Well Ice Cloud, how would you like to work for me? I give you a room in the castle, feed you, and clothe you. But, I need you to do something for me.” ”What is it?” I asked, eager for anything better than my current situation. ”Would you be willing to be my daughter's personal assistant and friend, growing up in a castle can get lonely and she needs someone to be with her. Would you be willing to fill that position? She is the same age as you.” “O-Okayyyyy.”, I said hesitantly. “Don't worry. I will take care of you.” he said with a fatherly smile. “Take her inside, feed her and make sure she is comfortable. She will meet Princess Celestia in the morning”, he left and servants ushered me inside. I woke up that morning in a beautiful room I didn't recognize. It was really peaceful and quiet..... until a little white ball of pure energy burst through the door “GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD MOOORRNNIINNNGGGGG!!!” She yelled with an enormous grin on her pretty face. ”My name is Celestia. What's yours? Why are you still in bed? I haven’t seen you before. Do you have wings like me? You do!! Can you fly? Are you going to be my new friend like daddy said?” I tried to answer her questions the best I could. With each explanation her pinkish-purple eyes grew wider and wider. I thought they were going to pop or something. My interrogation finally ended and we went on with our day. A few weeks past and I was enjoying my new life. I made friends with the some servants like Orange Zest, who was an older girl that brought in fresh fruits and vegetables every Friday. Everything was perfect until Celestia started her flying lessons. The castle was put into lock down because of all the things she ran into and destroyed. I was the only one allowed near her, besides her teacher, for safety issues. One day I was watching another seemingly pointless lesson when I heard her scream. I looked up and saw the Princess falling from the clouds. She was going almost too fast for my eyes to keep up. I jumped up and flew as fast as I could to catch her fall. I closed my eyes as I saw her almost hit the ground. Then my breath was knocked out of me and I blacked out. I woke up with Celestia's worried face in mine. “What happened?” “You SAVED my LIFE!!!” “Oh, yaa that...your welcome.” Celestia just grinned at me in return and whispered in my ear,” Daddy didn't want me to tell you but he found a small horn on your head while they were taking care of you, he told me that it means you are royalty but he doesn't know how you got it. You wouldn't happen to know, would you?” “I never knew my parents so I don't know....maybe I AM royalty.” Then King Solar himself entered the room in all his glory. “I have come here to thank you personally for saving my daughter. I also knew I was right to invest in you. In reward for your bravery, I am allowing you to study anything you choose with a tutor of your choice. Ice Cloud, you can be anything you want. And, I have also decided to release as a servant so you are now a resident of this castle.” I couldn't believe it; my life was getting better and better. I promised myself that day that I would protect and be a companion to Equestria's royal family as long as they wanted me.