
by rikkuidol


Chapter 4:

Sugarcube Corner

“So this is what Pinkie meant when she said that there was a ‘Disturbance’ in the something.” said Rainbow Dash as she sat with her friends, excluding Pinkie Pie and Nero. “First time we ever had a ‘Welcome-to-ponyville-new-guy-who’s-a-different-race-than-us.”

“Oh please, you know full well how Pinkie has a party for every little new thing” said Rarity with a playful tone. “And besides, I’m curious how that, that dashing rouge! Would react to one of Pinkie’s parties” she then looked at Nero together with Pinkie and gave a bewitched smile upon seeing Nero with his usual neutral expression even when wearing a party hat and holding a cup of punch.

True, he was surprised at how he did not sense this strange pink pony when they reached the entrance of Sugarcube Corner.

*25 Minutes Earlier*

“SURPRISE!” screamed Pinkie as confetti blasted Nero’s face, and yet he did not change his expression, he was indeed surprised at this but, he has a tendency to not show his emotions when handling this kind of situations.

“If I might ask Princess, what is the meaning of this?” said Nero with his neutral voice and tone as he looked at Twilight. She on the other hand showed her surprise and muttered to herself: “So this is what she meant by the Disturbance in the force”. After apologizing for the sudden surprise to him, she shot a glare at the pink pony and said: “Look Pinkie, as much as we want to partake on your famous welcoming party it jus-----“before Twilight could finish her sentence, Pinkie Pie interjected.

“Who’s your friend Twilight? I knew I was right when I felt something earlier though I didn’t expect it to be somepony—I mean something else altogether I hope he likes one of my ‘Welcome-to-ponyville-new-guy-who’s-a-different-race-than-us’ Party, though I don’t know if he can eat cake or punch or hay or grass or hay fries or cupcakes or muffins or sandwich or eggs or cake or cake---“ said Pinkie as she continued to ramble a lot of words whilst examining Nero from every angle and even pops up here and there.

The moment Pinkie opened her mouth; one word came out of Nero’s Mind:


As Pinkie Trailed off with her random ramblings about how he looks or what he likes to eat, he stared at Twilight and said: “Is she one of your friends?”

“Yes she is and I’m sorry Nero, but this is just how she is, but it’s all in good fun! I’m sorry again, shall we look for another place?” asked Twilight with a sheepish grin.

“Look for another place!” said Pinkie as she popped in front of Twilight face-to-face. “You haven’t even introduced me to your new friend yet!” she added as she looked at Nero with a beaming smile. “And from the look of things, He kiiiiiiiiinda needs to lighten up!”

‘Lighten up?’ As Nero processed this thought, a memory crept to his mind yet again, but this time, it was not his brother, it was his:


“But Father!” said a young boy wearing a blue shirt with white shorts.

“No Buts! Butts are for sitting!” said a middle-aged man with a monocle and a purple coat while he knelt with one knee. “Even though you two are twins, you’re a few seconds older than your brother, so you’ve got to protect them both” he added.

“I understand” the boy said as he looked behind and saw their mother together with his twin brother, with a motherly smile on her face; she wore a pure white dress, and even though she wore a smile the little boy noticed a tear on her eye.

“Good boy, here, a little something to help you protect your mom” said his father as stood and handed a katana with a purple scabbard with a long white sash attached to it, the sword longer than the boy, hugged it. “Though you’re still young, but in time, you’ll be able to be as good as me, well, maybe not as good, but hey! You’re my son and I believe in you, the both of you” as he knelt again and put a reassuring hand in the little boy’s shoulder.

“Now go back to mom!” he said with smile on his face.

The little boy nodded and hugged his father’s memento tight, he ran to her mother’s side not looking back. As he ran, his father shouted one last thing to him:

“And try to lighten’ up!”

As the boy heard his father’s last words, he looked behind while running and gave his father a warm smile and nodded.

“Good boy….”


As Nero remembered his late father’s words, he heard Twilight spoke. “See Pinkie, He clearly is not in the mood to join us in the party, It may be too sudden, can’t we postpone this?” said Twilight as she looked at Pinkie with a worried look on her face but still wore a warm smile.

“I see where you’re getting at Twilight” said Pinkie with a frown. But as she was about to head inside, Nero spoke: “No need to worry Princess, A party may just be what I need for the moment” said Nero with a small smile as he entered the building with a bouncing pink pony and leaving a slack jawed Princess.


“So this is Rose, Lily and Daisy! These three grows the best flowers here in ponyville!” said Pinkie as she introduced the three to Nero. The three seemingly afraid of Nero’s neutral look but gave a warm smile nonetheless. Nero only gave a small nod and sipped his cup of punch.

“And Finally, This is Derpy and her family!”

“We’ve met” said Nero as he looked at Derpy and her supposed family. “Didn’t you say that you have work?” he added

“Oh! About that, well, when these kind of party happens, all of the citizens of Ponyville are invited, including my boss, so I just stamped in my time and went here!” she said as she tried to focus her eyes yet again and wore a great big smile. “Oh! Let me introduce you to my family!” she added.

As Derpy showcased her family she pointed at a filly unicorn and spoke: “This is my youngest daughter, Dinky” the said unicorn smiled at Nero, and then Derpy continued and pointed to a much older unicorn and said: “This is my Eldest, Sparkler” which gave a sheepish smile, clearly still feeling awkward at the presence of Nero, “And finally; my husband! Well he’s not here yet, but I’ll introduce him when he gets here!” said Derpy with a sheepish smile.
Nero only gave a small curt nod and excused himself, then he started to walk to Twilight and his friends’ table with Pinkie Pie following.

“So Angie! How do you like the party so far?” asked Pinkie as she bounces up and down, eager to know the thoughts of her guest of honor.

“The name is Nero Angelo, not Angie. While you may call me Nero, I will not be called Angie” He said bluntly with a cold stare at Pinkie as they stopped walking.

“But Angie—“Said Pinkie but was cut off by Nero.

“No Buts! Butts are for sitting!”

Nero continued to walk leaving a dumbfounded Pinkie Pie.