Once In A Blue Moon

by Bayonate

Chapter 1: Prince Blue Moon Chapter 2: Memories

Chapter 1
Princess Celestia POV
I was just hanging around in my room when my father, King Solar opened my door. King Solar has a pure white coat with a handsome red and yellow man and sky blue eyes.
“Celestia, we are going to have some visitors soon, so be on your best behavior.” said King Solar.
I replied,” Okay father.”
30 minutes later….
My father and I sat on our thrones. We waited for our visitors to enter the throne room. The throne room was truly something to behold. It is a large room with beautiful stain glass windows, grand, tapestries, and towering crystal pillars. The sunlight itself seemed to sparkle. My throne was a golden exquisite stand with waterfalls and flowers flowing from each side. My father sat on an even larger golden stand with rubies, topazes, citrine, and carnelians arranged to look like fire blazing around him. He was as solid as a rock and stared at the door with anticipation. My father never did that! I wonder why?
Suddenly, the throne room doors opened. I sat up straighter. My father on the other hoof just continued to stare with an excited expression. In came two similar alicorns. Six pure black, pegasus guards marched into the room after them. The larger one of the alicorns was jet black with a wild black and maroon mane and burnt sand eyes. The smaller one of the alicorns had a dashing black coat with a full dark blue and black mane and intense electronic green eyes. He was……handsome. I suddenly had a warm feeling coming up and it started feeling hot in my coat. Is this the feeling of love? I immediately suppressed the feeling as my father started to speak.
“Hello Black Night, my friend!” said my father.
Friend!? This is my father’s friend!? This day is getting more interesting by the second.
The larger one of the alicorns, who was Black Night smiled and said,” It has been awhile Solar. Meet my son, Blue Moon.”
“Hello.” said Blue Moon in a slightly agitated voice.
I just stared at Blue Moon. He was so charming. He had a sleek, black mane with a lovely shade of blue in it. I continued to stare at Blue Moon, who held his head up high while our parents chatted away. I think he felt someone staring at him because he slowly turned towards me. I quickly looked down at my hooves, and I felt my cheeks heat up. I looked up, and he was still staring at me with his beautiful green eyes. I once again looked at my hooves. Eventually, I just stopped looking at my hooves and held my head up high like Blue Moon. We continued to stare at each other while my cheeks refused to stop burning. Of course no one else noticed anything wrong. It was like we had both been forgotten.
My father turned towards me and says with a smile,” Celestia, King Night and I are going to a separate room to discuss some important business.”
“Ok.” I replied.
My father and King Night walked out of the throne room still talking. Some royal guards followed them. The throne room doors closed with a slam and left Blue Moon, his royal guards, my royal guards, and I in the room. We continued to stare. After about three minutes, I decided to start a conversation.
“So how are your ponies?” I asked. He studied me like I had some secret intentions with the question.
“Fine.” he replied.
“How are your subjects?”
“How is your father?”
Blue Moon’s clam eyes suddenly burned with hate. “That Bastard!? He makes living my life a pain! He constantly is trying to find me a wife, while I want to find her on my own time! He thinks I am still a little boy and that I can’t think for myself. I DESPISE him!” His guards backed up a little bit.
I was shocked by his reaction to my question. “Sorry.” I squeaked, a bit frightened myself.
Blue Moon just scowls and marched out of the room. His guards ran after him. I just sat in my throne for awhile thinking about Blue Moon’s outburst. I got up and walked out of the throne room. I need to talk to someone. Ice Cloud would know what to do.

Chapter 2
Prince Blue Moon’s POV
What nerve! Celestia just thinks, she can ask me about my father. Why not she just asks him herself how he is doing!? Instead, she comes to me. I need to clear my head. I just need to find the royal garden. I think, I will ask one of the guards where the royal garden.
“Excuse me, but where is the royal garden?” I asked.
The guard with a very unemotional and serious face replied,” Keep walking down the hall and take a left when it ends, your Highness.”
“Thank you.” I reply. I walked in down the hall like the guard told me too. There was art along the walls that depicted the history of Equestria. They beautiful, I must admit but I was in no mood for art.
3 minutes later….
Finally the garden, I was tired of the stares I was getting from all the mares. The garden was masterpiece, tranquil, and beautiful. Animals were all over the place enjoying life. There was a pond in the middle of the garden. Flowers covered the ground, and the trees stood tall and proud.
I turned around and said to the guards that were escorting me,” Captain Star, you and your men can go on leave, until I call for you. Why don’t you explore Canterlot?”
A guard with extremely dark blue, gold rimmed armor replied,” Yes, your Majesty! Thank you, your Majesty!”
“Now move it Captain or do you want me to tie your wings and throw you into Canterlot!?”
“At once, your Majesty! No, your Majesty!” stuttered the Captain.
The Captain and the rest of the guards flew off in a flash. Now I can relax, calm down, and think. But first, I think I will call on my pet.
“Asternix!” I called out.
Out of the shadows came a dark blue peacock. It had yellow eyes. The “eyes” of the feathers were white stars and feathers became increasing lighter in color the farther it was away from the peacock’s body.
“What is it, Blue?” said the bird telepathically.
“I am just trying to relax.”
“Why did you have to call on me!? I was in the middle of a nap.”
“You take twenty naps a day.”
“So!? I need my beauty sleep!”
“Whatever. Anyway me bring you here gives you the chance to explore Equestria.”
“Good point. I hope I find some pretty bird, I can get with.”
“Good luck and I heard Celestia has a pet phoenix named Philomeena.”
“Oh did I mention Philomeena is a female.”
“OK! Thanks! Bye! See you!”
Asternix ran/flew off towards the palace. I could hear him mentally calling for Philomeena. Well that was interesting and funny. It makes me think of the good ol’ days, when my dad (King Black Night) would take me on trips. We would fish, hike, and fly kites together. We would always do something fun, but a few years back he started to spend less and less time with me. Eventually he didn’t spend any time with me at all. The event that made me hate him happened precisely three years ago.
My dad sent me a message to be at the Dining Hall at 6:30 PM sharp. I thought he was sit down with me and talk. Unfortunately that didn’t happen. My father wasn’t even at the Dining Hall at 6:30 PM. There only me and a mare at the dining table. After a minute, I knew what my father’s plans were. He was trying to find me a wife. As soon as the feeling of realization dawned on me, I stomped out of the room to my father’s study. When I entered his study, I saw him swipe through a spell. Spying on me eh? I asked him why he is trying to find me a wife. He acted like I had no idea what I was talking about me. Suddenly all my angry that I had bottled up poured out of me. I raised my voice on him and in return he raised his voice at me. He forced me back to the Dining Hall to “enjoy” the company of a mare.
From then on I hated my father and he brushed it off like it was nothing. He has made me have “romantic” dinners with various mares. Whenever I got a message from my father to come to this place at this time, I would immediately know this is an arranged date. My dad is making such a big deal that I don’t have a marefriend. I mean let me find a marefriend on my own time. I just want it to be like the old days.
I was deep in my thoughts when Philomeena was walking with Asternix. The two were chatting away. Then Celestia walks into the garden.