Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

This is Anarchy! Or Annabel?

Today's chapter is short. My computer shut off before I could finish it. So, I had to start over. Its very very short, but I'll make it up to you all tomorrow. I'll try and do a long chapter, try at least.

I'm mentally tired, meaning I'm actually having trouble writing right now, so please, bare with me as this chapter may not show a lot of emotion.

Chapter 63

We all stood there in shock, watching the Draconequus dance to a song it was humming. It was bending left and right, a large smile on its face.

I cracked my neck and started walking forward, "Lets do this!"

Suddenly, Frederic's hoof shoot out and stopped me.

I looked at him and raised an eyebrow<, "Dude, what the fu..."

He began walking forward, humming the same song as the Draconequus.

[What the fuck is he doing?]

Frederic and the Draconequus hummed the song together.

Once they finished, the Draconequus floated down to us and smiled, "Hi, I'm Annabel."

Frederic seemed to jump with joy, "Annabel! Its me, Frederic!"

Her eyes widened in surprise, "Fred? Its really you?!"

He nodded and pulled her into a hug, "Its so good to see you!"

I held up a hoof, "Uhh, what's going on here?"

Frederic turned to me and smiled, "Annabel and I have been friends forever! Way before I died."

Oh I see, a friend from earth. At least one person Frederic knows is here, and not trying to kill him.

They began to talk, catching up.

I looked at Twilight, "Hey Twi, I think you should get Spark home."

She nodded, "Me to. See you soon."

Her horn glowed and enveloped them in a purple glow. They then disappeared, leaving me and the other two behind.

I looked back at the two, only to see them looking at me, still talking.

<I don't like this...>
{I agree, this can't be good.>

They laugh to each other and Annabel glides over to me, "So, how ya doing Lance?"

[Stay on your heels boys, I sense something.]

I shrugged, "I'm doing pretty good. You?"

She chuckled, "Oh me? I'm doing great. Say, have you ever wanted to see chocolate rain?"

<I sense a troll moment.>

I gave a slight nod, "Sure, that may be cool."

She smiled and snapped her fingers.

A pink cloud formed above my head and began to rain. Chocolate milk rain that is.

I had to admit, this was pretty cool.

<Keep your guard up Lance.>
[Fuck that idea, Lance, lets go Pinkie Pie on this thing and enjoy it!]

I smiled and jumped forward and landed on my haunches. I opened my mouth and tilted my head back, letting the chocolate milk pool in my mouth. It tasted awesome!

[Sounds like your drinking cu...]
{You will shut the fuck up now!}

I heard snickering behind me and the snap of fingers. Suddenly, the chocolate rain stopped tasting like chocolate.

I gulped down what was in my mouth and began gagging, "What the hell was that?!"

I turned around and saw Frederic and Annabel laughing.

Annabel looked up and smirked, "I thought you would like the taste of eighty year old milk."

[D-DId she say... eighty year old milk?!]

I began to breath heavily, "OH MY GOD!" I pushed my hoof into my mouth and made myself throw up. I then turned and galloped away, running for the nearest lake.


Frederic fell on his back laughing, "That was good! He thought he drank eighty year old milk!"

Annabel smirked, "Who said it wasn't?"

Frederic began laughing loudly, "Oh wow! That's a good one Annabel."

She did a bow, "Why thank you Fred."

Frederic stood up and whipped a tear out of his eye, "Man, I've missed ya Annabel."

She smiled back, "I've missed you too Frederic. It was lonely back on earth without you."

Before he could say anything, David and Peter began walking towards them.

Annabel smirked, "I got an idea."

She flew forward and landed in front of them, "Hey you two."

David freaked out slightly, but Peter smiled, "What the hell! How can you look like that and still be hot!?."

Annabel chuckled at his response.

David looked her over, "Who are you?"

She smiled, "I'm Anarchy."

Peter nodded, "Sounds cool. What do you do?"

She smirked, "I can show you if you'd like."

Peter smiled and nodded, "Yes, that would be so awesome!"

She reached forward and touched their heads.

They suddenly went wide eyed and their coats turned a dull grey.

They then looked at each other and smiled. They jumped into each other and began making out. Full on tongue on tongue action!

Annabel and Frederic fell back laughing as the two made out.

David leaned back and moaned, "I taste the rainbow!"

Peter moaned also, "Marshmallow!"

They then went back to making out.

Frederic held his sides, "Oh my God! This is the funniest thing every! My sides are burning!"

David pushed Peter on his back and began to position himself to penetrate Peter.

Frederic used his magic to separate the two, "I'm not that mean."

David and Peter were trying to reach each other.

Annabel laughed and touched their heads, returning them to normal.

Frederic dropped them and they looked around.

David moved his tongue around in his mouth and raised an eyebrow, "Why do I taste skittles?"

Peter did the same, "Why do I taste paint?"

Frederic began to laugh again, this was just to much fun!


I pulled my head out of the lake, taking a deep breath. That was horrible!

<I'll never forget that taste! That horrible taste!>

I flop down on the ground, I'm going to get her back for that one. All I have to do is figure something out that is worst.

[Damn, the universe does hate us...]
<Your right Break. We have the worst luck.>
{Any idea's on how to get this off our mind?}
[Fuck Twilight?]
{Oh yeah!}

I stood up and put on a smug smile. I put on some sunglasses.

<Where did you get those?>

I cracked my neck and smiled. I'm so going to put the moves on her, oh yeah. Tonight is going to be fun!


Annabel stood off to the distance watching Lance, reading his mind.

So, he's going to try and get with his wife tonight?

She smirked, she has the best idea for a prank ever!

That make out scene was Avehand1's idea. Not mine.