My Best Friend and Worst Rival.

by prototype-pon3

The New Friendship

On her way back to her new friend, Applejack couldn't help but wounder, wounder this blue mare new the exact same words as Jeff when he first approached her. She forgot about it as she reached her destination, "Sorry to keep you waiting. Oh and I'm Applejack, what's your name?" she said with a smile, "I'm Rainbow Dash" she to said with a smile. The name echoing in her head, and her mane being as colorful as it was, she tried remembering but it was no use, she couldn't remember.

"So Applejack, tell me, what do you like to do in your free time?" asked rainbow dash, Applejack looked at her "Well i usually spend most of the day bucking apples from tree's, so I can't really say i do anything because i don't really have free time." She said, "Hmmmm well are you athletic?", "Of course i am" she said. "Well then" rainbow dash said with a smirk, "I challenge you to an iron pony contest." Applejack looked at her with a questioning look, "Iron pony?". "It's when you do a series of athletic things, one right after the other" applejack smirked, "You'r on" she said with intensity in her voice.

"Good, I hope you can keep up." rainbow dash said with a wide smile, "I don't think I'm the one that's gonna fall behind." they kept bickering at each other trying to convince the other that they were dominate, this went on for 10 minutes until finally they set out to start the challenges.