
by Cezar

Epilogue: Said and done.

-Authors note: I couldn’t just leave it off with him dieing. It did end quite bitter, as was in one of the comments. This is what is the result of the sacrifice which he made. (P.S. for those who recognized it, the story was a greek Tragedy.)


She entered the carriage, next to her sister, and the always faithful student, Twilight sparkle. There was a light drizzle, which only added to the gloomy effect of the day. A few rows of trees stood before the carriage, freshly planted, and receiving their first watering in their newest home.
The carriage door shut, locking in the depressing moment of the funeral. Luna peered out the window, just before the carriage driver would snap the whip, and the four stallions with ropes fastened to their bridle, would take off at trots pace.
There was a lone filly, standing before the stone monument, with a drooping head, and dark cloak, protecting her from the light downpour. Luna couldn’t look at her like this. She was just so young. The rottweiler next to her was almost as large, as her, only short by an inch or two. Luna popped the lock, and stepped out. She slowly approached the sobbing Scootaloo. She wasn’t sure what to do, now it wasn’t as uncommon, but still, It was uncommon. She stood there beside her, not saying anything, just being there, in her time of mourning.
The minutes crept on, and all she could only keep the others waiting for so long.
“He was very smart,” she said.
Scootaloo raised her head and saw the princess standing there. She gave a quick head nod, and looked back to the stone. She didn’t want to speak, to anypony, not the princess, not her friends in the C.M.C. , for like the first time ever, not even rainbow dash could fill the hole in her heart. Though they had been separated, for quite some time, he did send her mail, regularly. Infact once every two weeks or so.
She loved him, and the distance between could only have hurt them more. She was now the last of the lineage for their family. There was so much on her shoulders, and racing through her mind, she couldn’t focus.
“Yea, he was...” she answered, half heartedly.
Luna didn’t know how to comfort her. “The stuff of a hero.”
Scootaloo heard those words, and they hit her, and she knew they were meant for comfort, but it only made her wish to cry even more desperately than before. “No, he wasn’t... A hero is bold, and daring. Willing to do whatever it takes to finish his mission, and save as many pony’s as possible . A hero has a cape, and a spear, and can fly faster than most. He wasn’t any of that.”
She only felt more pain, from the loss of her brother, as every word was spoken.
Luna couldn’t keep silent about this.
“Well, those are hero’s none the doubt. They seem to be the stereotype of hero’s.” She looked down at Scootaloo. “But he was a different kind of hero. One who wasn’t supposed to be anything, but rose above it.”
Scootaloo sighed at this, and splashed her hoof in a small puddle.
“He was poor, had a roof as a home, and the most valuable thing he had was a dog. He wasn’t forced to go to school, but he instead educated himself. When most fillies and young colts were hiding from the plague, he ran to it,” She was just starting.
Scootaloo only hurt more, yet, it made her feel better, all at the same time.
“Instead of just trying to rob other houses, he tried to help other households. When trouble arose, he went to the library, and looked for a way to solve it. He didn’t hide behind boarded up doors, and windows. When he could have gotten away, he stayed,” She put her hoof on the young pegasus’s shoulder.
Something in her lightened up, and a little of the youth in her sparked up again. Though it was dulled by the situation. “I miss him so much already.” A tear fell to the ground, and dissipated into the soggy soil.
“Well, if I were to tell you that I’ve lost pony’s close to me, would you believe it?” Luna said, in an effort to comfort the young filly in distress.
“Of course, you’re at least a thousand years old,” Scootaloo responded, holding back tears. She didn’t want to seem weak.
“Well, I choose to think of it nonetheless, whether I’m ten thousand or ten, everypony at one point will loose somepony close to them. And it hurts. But in life, you just gotta push through it, that’s all, that’s all you can do,” she said.
Scootaloo didn’t move. She wasn’t sure if she was sad, or depressed, or even just angry. She wanted to be left alone. Emotions plagued her, aching her heart. But there was wisdom in what the princess said.
“I... I want to be like him,” She looked up to the princess. “I want to do something great, like him.”
“Well, life has a course not even the greatest of great can control. Just maybe it will hold something for you,” Luna comforted her.
Happiness hit her for a moment.
Fluttershy came, and took Bella. Sweetie Belle and Applebloom both joined her, only a few minutes later.
Luna turned, for She had figured she couldn’t do much more, and her sister was getting impatient.
“So long, Scootaloo, and the blessings of a thousand be with you,” Luna said as she turned back to the carriage.
Scootaloo looked up. The monument was a statue, made of stone. It was newly carved, as he had only died a few days prior. He stood, his wings outstretched, his head looking outward, over the terrain. One of his forward legs up, as if he were in a pose, and the other placed firmly on some stubble. But it looked grand. It was life sized, not much bigger than scootaloo, but a few inches. She turned back, and began her trot back to the group. Applejack was waiting on them to go home, and it would be late before she got home.
“Hero’s can be born and made, cast out, or taken in. But in the end, they all are hero’s,” she whispered to herself.
“What was that?” Sweetie Belle asked.
“Nothing, just something..” Scootaloo looked back at the monument once more, and then turned, determined to go do something great.