//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: War letters. // by Acespadez1134 //------------------------------// A dark figure approached the front gate of Canterlot Castle. He wore a heavily decorated formal military uniform with enough color on the front of it that he often joked that he had leftover fruit salad on him at all times. The simple thought of such a lame joke brought a small smile to his face. His features were hardened and intimidating. Even more so due to a large scar that ran from his left ear across his entire face, blinding one eye. This didn't stop him however, he had learned to live with it just as his family had. His hooves clopped along the stone leading up to the gate where two guards crossed their spears, blocking his path. “Who are you and what is your business here?” The one on the left asked him. He stopped and looked at the ground before speaking, “I bring news from the front lines regarding Captain Shining Armor.” The two guards looked at each other worriedly, the one on the right’s voice cracked as he asked, “what has happened to the Captain?” “I’m sorry, but I’m under orders to speak only to Princess Cadance,” the stranger said while still looking at the ground. The guards lowered their spears and stepped to the side, both appearing extremely concerned. The one on the left spoke again, “if you continue straight ahead, they are getting ready for Princess Cadence's filly shower.” The stranger flinched, tightening his jaw. The guard continued, “I’ll call ahead and let someone know you are on your way.” The stranger nodded and walked past the guards who watched him, unsure what to make of his behavior. A short distance in, the strangers mind wandered back to his family. How devastated they had been when he came home face wrapped in bandages, the looks in their eyes when he told them he would never see with that eye again. His mother, Celestia bless her for being so strong, was the only one who had never cried in front of him. He knew however, that she had held a strong face for him because he heard her every night, crying to Celestia. He looked up at the large front door, shaking off his thoughts as he steeled him for the encounter to come. Out of the corner of his eye he saw another guard waiting by that large, foreboding door. The guard perked up a little as he saw him approach. “You must be the one I was sent to escort inside,” the stranger gave a curt nod. The guard turned around and effortlessly pushed the doors open with his magic. “Then follow me please.” The stranger followed the guard and proceeded into the castle. Meanwhile, in the throne room Princess Celestia watched her faithful student and her friends decorate. Next to her, Princess Luna was fast asleep, unused to being awake so early in the day.Princess Cadence was hard at work, throwing streamers up into the air where Rainbow Dash caught them with ease, placing them strategically around the room. Without warning, a large explosion shook the room. Every head turned to see Pinkie Pie, who stood feigning innocence next to a smoking party cannon. Rainbow Dash hovered mid-air unamused, covered head to hoof in confetti and streamers. “Pinkie!” Rainbow Dash yelled, watch where you’re pointing that thing!” Pinkie Pie looked up at her and grinned, “Wow Rainbow Dash, I didn't know you wanted to be decorated as well! Isn't that Rarity's department?” Everyone started to laugh as Rainbow Dash began chasing Pinkie Pie around the room. Princess Cadence gigged, a sound which abruptly came to a halt as she cried out, “OH!” Celestia looked at her, “what's wrong Cadence?” Cadence smiled up at her, “she is kicking.” Luna's eyes snapped open, she jumped over Cadance, “oh, I want to feel.” Celestia giggled as Cadence allowed Luna to touch her bulging belly. Luna's eyes softened, looking at Celestia she sighed, “Oh my... sister, you need to feel this.” Celestia smiled at her, “I have sister... maybe somepony else would like to try.” Luna turned around to see everypony else queued up behind her. Her face turned bright red, “my apologies everypony,” she stammered. She walked back over to her seat next to Celestia, now too excited to get back to sleep, everypony else took turns excitedly feeling the baby kick. Luna looked up at her sister and asked, “have you ever thought about having foals, sister?” Celestia's face reddened and she looked down shyly, a rare moment for the powerful and majestic alicorn, “I won't lie. Yes, I have. Many times in fact.” Luna leaned in closer, excited to hear what her sister had to say, “what is holding you back?” “Luna, why are you so interested in this all of a sudden?” she asked, clearly embarrassed. Luna's eyes became dreamy, “I would love to a foal of my own,” she murmured as she put her hoof up to her face, hiding an ever more obvious blush. “It is but a small wish.” Celestia smiled affectionately, “Well sister, I think you...” She broke off as the doors to the throne room opened, a cloaked figured entered, flanked closely by a pair of guards. “What is wrong?” She asked one of the guard. Bowing, he declared aloud, “this pony claims he has news from the front lines as well as a message from Captain Shining Armor, ma'am.” Celestia looked at the stranger, whose eyes were fixed on the ground, “what is your name?” “I am Sergeant Mine Sweep ma'am.” He said in a loud, commanding voice. “There is no need to shout,” Celestia said, the sergeant flinched, Celestia only smiled. “What news do you bring at such a late hour, sergeant?” Still not looking up at her, he spoke. “The southern kingdom surrendered, everypony is waiting to come home as we speak.” The throne room filled with several loud cheers and Twilight ran up to Princess Cadence, hugging her tightly. They both yelled together, “he's coming home!” Celestia smiled at everyone. Glancing back at the sergeant she frowned, the stallion hadn’t moved an inch. “What is it Sergeant?” “I... I have a letter for Princess Cadence your majesty,” He said shakily, his entire body began to quake with small tremors. Celestia could tell something wasn't right, she shot a concerned looked at Cadence. Cadence looked back at her with a matching expression. Cautiously she walked over to the stranger. “I am Cadence,” she said with a little emotion. The stranger gave her no recognition, avoiding eye contact as he reached around into his saddle bags and pulled a letter from one of the pockets and held it out to her. She took it, immediately recognizing Shining Armor’s hoofwriting. Celestia could tell from where she sat that it took him much effort to hold the letter out to Cadance, as if it were made of solid lead. “I-I was... supposed to make sure your received this, Princess,” the stranger said quietly as she held it in her magic. Cadence stared at the unopened letter with dread, wishing with all her heart that she didn't have to open it. She broke the seal as Twilight Velvet and Night Light approached, a fearful look in their eyes. She swallowed hard as she opened the letter and began to read. Halfway through she burst into tears which scattered haphazardly across the page, “no, please no!” Approaching the end of the letter, she collapsed to the floor a torrent of tears flowing freely down her muzzle. Her cries echoed around the hall, “please... not my Shining...” Twilight tried to grab the letter but Celestia quickly whisked it away and began reading. The stranger pulled his hood lower over his eyes as tears began to fall from his face. Celestia slowly lowered the letter as to not mar it further with her own tears. Luna looked up at her, “Tia? What's wrong?” Celestia looked at the letter, and then to Cadence, who was being comforted by Twilight Velvet Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy. She stood up and walked over to her, the others backed away, allowing her space. She wrapped a wing around Cadance and she whispered, “you have my condolences, Cadence.” Cadence howled louder as Twilight walked up to next to her, eyes ladened with tears, “Princess, please tell us, what has happened?” She asked, already knowing the answer, refusing to believe it until she heard it from her mentor’s mouth. Celestia looked at Mine Sweep who was now crying uncontrollably. “Did you know him well?” She asked him sadly. He looked up from the floor with blurry eyes, ”yes your majesty, he was my best friend.” She walked over to him, swaying slightly as she did and wrapped him in a tight hug. She turned to the other, a stream of tears running down her face. “Capt...” her voice cracked, “Captain Shining Armor...” she tried her best to hold her emotions back knowing that in a few moments, she would need to be a pillar of strength for everypony present. “Was hit by a surprise lightning blast from a combat caster for the Southern Kingdom.” Expressions in the room ranged from surprise to outright disgust. She continued, “he was rushed to a medical tent immediately where he was pronounced dead on arrival. Twilight collapsed, sobbing as tears streamed down her face relentlessly. Twilight Velvet screamed, as her husband caught her mid-fall. Applejack ran to Twilight, scooping her up, holding her tightly. “Twilight?” She asked her friend. She could tell the news had hit her hard as she hung limp in Applejack’s grasp, her mouth hanging open, tears falling down her face freely. Pinkie, Fluttershy and Rarity rushed to Cadance’s side while Rainbow Dash flew down to Applejack to help comfort Twilight. Luna ran to her sister unable to hold back tears which ran unopposed down her cheeks, “sister?” Mine Sweep, still crying, gave the weeping family a final salute and turned and walked slowly toward the door. He quickly glanced to his right, noticing a glint of purple armor. “I know this hurts Captain, but please know that they will make it through this,” he murmured. He looked back at the other ponies and smiled a little. “Even I can tell they are stronger than you thought.” A cool breeze blew across his face. “I'll be alright as well, old friend.” He saluted again, “permission to leave one last time, sir.” Fresh tears fell to the floor. Rainbow Dash looked over to the door where the sound came from, but no one was there. “Where did that soldier go?” She asked as she flew over to the door. She noticed a sodden beret on the floor. She held it up for the others to see, holding it up for them to see. “What happened?” They all exchanged glances and finally decided that he simply hadn't wanted them to see him crying, dropping it as he ran. Cadence looked at the door, noticing that same glint of purple armor. A new wave of tears began to fall from her eyes. “I love you... and... I'll miss you.”