How Discord Destroyed the Love

by TheHasbroGAMER

Chapter 3

Chapter 3
The dragon that attacked Celestia and Luna had been felled and the two Alicorns now journeyed with their new friends. However, where they were going, the sisters did not know.

Celestia ran to the front of the herd to speak with Fenix. “Where exactly are we journeying to?”

Without looking at the white mare, Fenix replied “We were ordered by Discord to bring him the Elements of Harmony so he could destroy them. The Elements of Harmony are a set of necklaces that hold the power to destroy Discord.” Fenix opens the bag containing the elements and shows them to Celestia.

Celestia stopped; her eyes were filled with hatred and frustration. “H-How could you do something like that?! Why would you follow an order like that?”

“Don’t worry; we don’t plan on letting Discord destroy them. We plan to use the Elements to beat him. They were made in the Crystal Empire, the one place that has had enough positive energy to hold off Discords’ reign of terror.”

The white Alicorn began to walk again “And how do you do you expect to do that? There are six Elements and only four of you.”

Fenix stopped and looked at the mare “Well… There are six of us now.”


“The elements are the only thing that can destroy Discord” The beautiful Pegasus looked at Luna.

“I think the reason Fenix offered to let you two come was because he saw potential in you two. You and your sister are very special.”

“And it’s always fun to have some new friends!” Surprise giggled as he walked behind the two flying ponies.


“I see potential in you and your sister, Celestia. Would you help us free the world of Discords reigns?” Fenix looked at Celestia. “I’m sorry if I deceived you.”

Starswirl, hearing the conversation, ran up between the two ponies “I also see potential in you, Celestia… An untapped magical prowess. I would like it if you would become my apprentice, I would enjoy learning the extent of an “Alicorns’” magic.”

Celestia pondered the request for a second. He was the advisor to Princess Platinum… He must have great magical abilities…

“I’ll take you up on your offer, Starswirl.”


Night approached quickly. The wind of the night chilled the ponies to their bones, well except for Surprise who was happily hopping along with the group. The six reached a forest and decided to make camp for the night.

“Celestia and I will practice casting a reversal spell. If we can pull it off, it will temporarily reverse Discords’ effects. I suggest getting the tents set up just in case.” Starswirl took Celestia to a small clearing in the forest and practiced the spell that he had been creating.

“First, clear your mind of everything that is unnecessary. Now, imagine that it is day time, the sun, the birds chirping, and the beautiful flowers. Put all that positive energy into your horn and let it out.” Starswirl paced around his student as he explained the process. “Give it a try, Celestia.”

Celestia closed her eyes and slowly exhaled. She cleared her mind of everything unnecessary and imagined the sun that she loved so much was shining brightly. A column of daylight encircled her and began to grow in diameter. A bird had entered her imagination now. However, it was not a normal bird. Its wings were tiny and it had ginormous legs, its wings were having a hard time keeping it in the air.

The column of light around the mare quickly dissipated when the bird had entered Celestias’ mind. She opened her eyes and sighed. “I-I’m sorry. I just…”

“No, don’t apologise. It’s what I expected. You’re showing great potential, you just need some help unlocking it. I still haven’t perfected the technique yet. You did very well for your first attempt.” Starswirl smiled. “How about we get some rest?”

The white Alicorn nodded “That’s an excellent idea”