//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Descent into Light // Story: The Warrior, Necroesphere // by Necroesphere //------------------------------// Chapter 1: Descent into Light By: Necroesphere Sometimes, the light isn't up it is located straight down. In the friendship of those around you. Necroesphere caught his sword, his opponents falling like stalks of corn around him. Even though he was surrounded, Necroesphere felt no fear from his opponents who could not even scratch his armor. He pulled out a pistol, executing two aliens who were still struggling to stand back up. Spinning, he discharged the rest of his pistol into his enemies, dropping all but a few. The clouds shifted, one of the two moons casted a bit of light across the battlefield. Smoke drifted in from nearby building fires, the city around Necroesphere crumbling from bombings. More fighting was occurring across the city, squads trading fire with the soldiers of the resistance. “Surrender, Necroesphere!” One of them called out, aiming a gun at him. “Really, you think we can’t deal with you? You won’t stand a chance in a few minutes.” “You keep stating that, yet I have not seen anything of note. You are weak compared to my power.” Necroesphere stated, raising his sword to parallel to the ground. The soldier shot at him, a hail of bullets clattering against Necroesphere’s armor. With little motion, Necroesphere closed the distance in an instant to meet the soldier face to face. “I’m giving you mercy. Now run.” He picked up the soldier from the collar, tossing the alien away. The soldier crashed to the ground, running away in fear of the towering warrior behind him. Necroesphere sighed, checking his gauntlet as more info rolled in on the battles raging across the planet. Nothing was going well for his own forces, yet he refused to give up so easily. It only took one man to shift the tides of a war. ….. “Luna...” Celestia glanced up at the sky, watching the pink cotton candy clouds float closer and closer. It was the work of the being, Discord, and his chaotic force of nature. Luna nuzzled her sister, her Elements of Harmony jingling around her neck. “If this doesn’t work, you must run. Ok?” “But what about you?” Luna questioned, tears in her eyes. She flapped her wings to make her point that even were she to run, it wouldn’t be enough. Celestia looked down at her little sister, a small smile on her lips. “Don’t be afraid, Luna. Mother and Father would be proud of us. For doing this for them, you know. For the ponies they cared so greatly about.” Celestia soothed Luna. Deep down, she knew that her final duty in this world would be protecting Luna, for it was her last promise to her mother. “Tia, I won’t let you throw your life away!” Luna shouted, stepping in front of her sister. “I cannot lose you too! Not in such a short time since we lost our parents.” “Lulu, this is of my own free will. Please, accept this as the ultimate thing I can do to ensure your safety. If this doesn’t work, please... go on without me. Do not mourn. Watch the Sun and the Moon wisely and ensure that the ponies grow to be proud of their creations. Unite them as they try and build their new kingdom.” “Tia, please...” Luna got out through tears. “Very touching you two. Very touching indeed. I’d be crying, though to be honest, I don’t really care.” A cackle shook Luna to her core. It was the same laugh that had killed her parents. Luna turned slowly, staring at the dark being that stalked forward from where he had just landed. Discord leered at the two ponies, noticing their new jewelry. He laughed again, popping behind the two and wrapping his arms around them. “Well, what are these new baubles? I hope you don’t plan to scare me with these jewels, because let me just tell you, I am color blind!” Discord released the two, floating away, kicking in the air as he cackled. Luna gritted her teeth, bracing herself for any magical spell the being of Discord was going to attempt. Celestia stepped forward, her crown lighting up. “Discord, you will answer for your crimes against all the ponies you have wronged,” Celestia said calmly, floating into the air despite not having wings. Luna floated beside her, energy coarsing through her body. “Your reign of terror ends here.” “No, I think it ends... never!” Discord shouted, lobbing a sphere of energy at the sisters. The blast consumed them, surrounding them in a hail of chaos, though nothing happened to Celestia and Luna, who were safe inside a protective field. “Your power does not effect us!” Luna yelled out, her feelings at balance. “Give up Discord. You cannot win.” “Ha, I am still not scared of those silly baubles. You two are no where in my league of power. You will fail! You will... what are you doing?” Discord froze, his right eyebrow shooting up. Celestia and Luna’s eyes were glowing, a bright white in the darkness looming above. A shockwave knocked Discord away, though he was already backing away from the energy. “Hold on, before you do anything, can I have one last word?” “And what would that be, Discord?” Celestia asked, her voice as loud as thunder and full of strength. “Well then...” Discord stuck a pose, taking a deep breath. “Yoooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuu’ve been-” Before Discord could continue his line, a massive rainbow shot from Celestia’s crown, slamming into the being of Chaos. Luna watched as the deity didn’t pay attention as he turned to stone. It was the worst sight she had ever seen and was something that she would never want to happen to anypony who didn’t deserve it. Once Discord was sealed, still holding his note, a massive blast exploded from the sphere surrounding the sisters. It blinded Luna, who forced her eyes shut to stop the light. ….. Necroesphere looked up at the ceiling of the great chamber, a massive energy spike registering on his HUD. “Is something wrong?” “No, not that I think,” Necroesphere answered, turning back to his conversation. Or, his trial. “So, why am I here?” The Emperor rested in his throne, leaning on his arm as he looked down upon Necroesphere, prepared to cast judgement when he felt ready for it. “Why is Galax still aloud to reign and cause this terror. This war and the losses involved are on you, Necroesphere. My son’s death is on you!” “No, Emperor! You rushed to this battle and allowed your overzealous son to enter the battle before he had proper training.” Necroesphere responded, gripping the golden bar in front of him. The chamber around him basked in blue light from the fake sun hanging over the chamber. Many other members of the Council and their pupils sat in waiting, all silent as Necroesphere challenged the Emperor yet again. “How dare you? You have always been like this! I am through! You are banished from this sect, from every sect! Leave in the next hour and never return.” “Why?” Necroesphere shouted, his rage building. “You have failed this Empire to many times! Our strongest enemy has been on the end of your blade to many times, yet you allow him to get away!” Necroesphere didn’t deem a response to that, as he had explained multiple times before on deaf ears it seemed. He merely turned around, stalking through the halls of the ship before finding the hanger. “Are you really leaving?” A feminine voice asked. Necroesphere turned, spotting one of his battle-sisters, Callin. “I have no choice. Unless you’d like to ruin the Empire with rebellion. No, I make my choice and that is to leave.” Necroesphere responded, wings jutting out of his armor. “Goodbye. Maybe one day I will meet you on the battlefield again. Until then, stay alive.” Necroesphere hit a nearby panel, throwing himself out into the vacuum of space, activating his jets. Before long, he was going towards his last notice, the energy signature that had randomly occurred. Towards a planet named Equestria. ….. “Lulu! Are you ok?” Celestia asked her sister, looking down at her little sister. “Uh... Why do you have a horn? Wait... uh... why do I have wings?!” Celestia looked onto her back, great white wings stretching out. “Just like mother and father’s?” “Tia, oh... my head. What happened?” Luna looked up, holding a hoof to her head. “Why do you have wings? Wait, me... horn? What?” Luna stretched her legs, raising herself to a height that was new to her. “Why am I so tall? Why are you so tall? Wait? Where is Discord?!” Luna spun, facing down the Chaotic being. He still stood in his stone prison, unable to move except look somewhat funny in his current state. “He is beat,” Celestia stated, putting a wing around Luna. “Let’s go, Luna. We are done here. Our duty now is to the ponies and rebuilding. It is what mother and father would want, Luna. Please, don’t let their sacrifice and this victory mean nothing. “Thank you, for letting me see the error of my way sister,” Luna smiled, feeling her head. She expected a bump from the pain she was feeling, but not the one she had currently. “Uh... is this a horn?’ “I was wondering when you would notice that,” Celestia giggled, ruffling her wings. “I’ll teach you how to keep it clean and how delicate and sensitive it can be. But only if you teach me how to actually work with these wings.” “It would be my pleasure, Tia.” Luna smiled, watching the sun set in the distance. “And I have all the time in the world now.”