//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: Who is Moritarty? // Story: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: Equestrian Version // by Nic Whooves //------------------------------// Location: 221B Baker street. Time; 6:42 a.m. "Watson, what are you doing?" asked Sherlock as he walked to Watson. Watson was on a computer trying to type on it. "Going to try to write our stories." said Watson as he kept typing on the computer. Sherlock walked besides him. "Well, I have one word to say to that: No." Sherlock pulled a cord and that seemed to cause the computer screen to turn black. "I don't want popularity." "Well, it would be for the better, I don't think I could type even a sentence." said Watson as he walked to the kitchen for some tea and muffins. "By the way, why don't you want popularity? I mean, wouldn't that give you more clients?" "It's not the clients, more then the people that want me dead. If you haven't found out yet, some ponies don't really like me. They say I have a big ego, I don't, I'm just smarter then some of them." said Sherlock as he sat next to Watson. Just then the phone started to ring, Sherlock went to pick it up. But by the time he got to it, it stopped. Then Inspector Lestrade came in the apartment, "Sherlock, someone wants to see you, a Mister Moritarty." Sherlock looked at Watson, then back at the inspector, "Bring him up." Sherlock watched as the inspector went down stairs and came back followed by a stallion. "Who are you?" asked Sherlock as he sat down in one of his chairs. "Glad to see that you knew me." said the black stallion,"You may leave inspector." As the inspector left, the black stallion sat next to Sherlock, "Oh the games I planned for us to play, but now that I see you, your no fun. I wanted a man who would try to send me to the moon with thinking of ideas to stop him. But your just normal. I have to tell you my name, I thought you would know, I'm Moriarty." "Sherlock is anything but normal." said Watson as he walked over to Moritarty. "If you want him to give up, you better kill me." "Not a bad idea, I'll keep that in mind as you all follow my story. Well, 'nough stalling, better start the games." said Moriarty as he pulled out a little box, "Here's your first chapter." He put the box on the ground and left the apartment. Sherlock walked over to the box and the first thing he noticed was that the box looked like the cover of an old book. When he picked it up, he smelled it. "Violet?" Sherlock shook the book and heard a bell. "What is it?" asked Sherlock as he peeled the packaging off. It was three things: a bell, some flowers and bread crumbs. "What dose that mean?" asked Watson as he looked in the box. Sherlock ran to his bookshelf and seemed like a kid looking for a toy. "They're fairy tales." said Sherlock as he pulled down a book on the table. he started to flip through it, "Bell, the name of the girl from the story Beauty and the Beast; Flowers, some of those flowers are Roses, also a name of character of a fairy tale, Sleeping Beauty; And the bread crumbs, from Hansel and Gretel. But why are there fairy tales?" Watson was picking up the bell, when he noticed a hair in it, "Sherlock, dosen't this hair remind you of that pegasus, what was her name, Star Flyer?" Watson passed the hair to Sherlock. Sherlock picked up the hair, "Watson, that's because it is. But how did it get here?" then Sherlock remembered what the runner said: I was hired by a Moritarty. "Watson, these are hints to his murders. But why was Star Flyer Bell?" As the clock by the doorway struck 12, both Watson and Sherlock were reading stories and finding anything about Star Flyer. "Wait, Sherlock, what about the murder? She was in a new place by invite of a 'client', and was killed by a crazed pony. She could be Bell and the runner could be the Beast." "Watson, that's it! Now that we know the fundamentals of his crimes, we just have to wait for the next crime." said Sherlock as he ran to the door to get his coat, "Grab your coat we need to go to the station." Watson followed after Sherlock. "Now we have to find a sleeping beauty." Location: Canterlot Central Hospital. Time; 1:12 p.m. "Well Sherlock, there is no one in this hospital in any state of deadly sleep." said Watson as they sat at the front door. "Where else then? Unless it's not here then where?" said Sherlock as he sat puzzled. Just then the Inspector came by. He seemed out of breath, "Well, what is it Inspector?" "Sherlock. Watson. Downtown. Crime. Come on." heavily breathed the Inspector as he started to turn around and run the other way. Location: Canterlot Library. Time; 1:45 p.m. "What crime could have been done at a library?" asked Watson as they walked inside. Inside there was no one there police were everywhere as if there was a purpose. "There's been a kidnapping." said the inspector as he regained breathing. He pointed to the librarian, "She wa the one who called it in." "Let me guess, was it a filly and colt or was it a mare?" asked Watson as they walked over to the librarian. "She's hiding something." Sherlock said as they got to her, "Where are they!" yelled Sherlock at the librarian. She pointed to a corner of the library and started to cry. "Don't worry, the only thing you'll be accused of is not having the books returned to there proper places." When the librarian ran to the shelf that was unorganized, Sherlock jumped over the counter and pulled out the check out list and saw that the story that was checked out last was. "Inspector, who was kidnapped?" asked Holmes as he trotted back around to them. "The person kidnapped was a young mare by the name of Bookworm, funny name right? Anyways, she was took by a man in a pink suit and wore a red hat." said the Inspector as he read the note from one of the police officers. "Rose." said Watson as he turned to Sherlock. Sherlock gave a nod in agreement. They walked to the area that Ms. Bookworm was. "The understanding of Quantum Physics? well, this is sure light reading." said Sherlock as he went through the books on the shelf. "Now, what book is missing?" Sherlock and Watson searched the shelves looking for the missing book. When they finished the look, they couldn't find the missing story. "Umm, here's the list of books that are missing sirs." said the librarian as she set a note down between them. Sherlock looked at the list while Watson put the books back up. "The psychology of griffins? That's the book missing?" Sherlock was puzzled. he started to walk to the door when Watson checked out the list. "Sherlock, how many griffins are there in Canterlot? The last time I checked it was three, there was a story in the news that was talking about a griffin. Maybe he might know about this." asked Watson as he trotted up to Sherlock, "If she took a book about a griffin, maybe that's a lead." Location: Griffin Rock Tavern. Time; 4:20 p.m. "Yeah, I know a pony by the name Bookworm, was like a daughter to me, what happened to her?" asked the griffin. The griffin was a little taller then Watson and Sherlock. "Tell me what happened!" "Well, she was kidnapped by someone in a pink suit and red hat, that's all we know." said Watson as walked up to the griffin. The griffin was looking like he was about to cry. "The news about Bookworm must be hard." Watson whispered to Sherlock as Sherlock looked into the tavern. "So, you own this bar? Do you know everyone here?" asked Sherlock as he saw one of the ponies in the back start make there way to the side door. "Cause I have a feeling that that pony," points to the pony by the side door," Is not happy to see us or you." When Sherlock said that the pony bolted for the door. Sherlock and Watson followed after him, jumping over tables, counters, even people to get to the door in a hurry. When they got to the door, the pony was trying to climb up the fire escape. "Watson fly up to him." said Sherlock as he ran to below the pony. "Sherlock, I can't." "Sure you can just go." said Sherlock as he pointed to the pony. "No, I mean I psychically can't. I had paralyzed them as a kid, and I can't use them." said Watson as the pony got away. "Then help me up then." said Sherlock as he looked up to the roof. After Sherlock got up, he went running up to the roof. When he got there, he could see that the other pony had three houses on him. Sherlock ran to the edge of the roof and jumped. When he landed, he started to run agian. By the time he caught up to the pony, he saw that the pony had twisted his hoof on his last jump. "Sir, come with me and we can check it out." The pony turned around and pulled out a piece of paper. "Dear Mr. Holmes, You have done really well in the story. Now there has been some revisions to it. The flower that you are looking for is in a clothes store across town and you have 5 minuets after 6 to get there or she dies. signed M." And with that the pony laid down in defeat and handed the note to Sherlock.