//------------------------------// // Epilogue // Story: Desolation // by Grave_Wing //------------------------------// “She’s been out for a month now.” “Doctor, I know my sister’s ok.” “You weren’t ok a month ago!” “But I recovered.” “Eventually.” There was a pause. “She used up a lot of magic.” “But she killed the creature.” “But at what cost?” Luna’s eyes began to open. Sunlight began to flood the young alicorns sapphire eyes. She waited until her eyes adjusted to the light before opening them fully. She looked around to identify her surroundings. She was in her room, her dark blankets covering her petite form. Her curtains were wide open, the bright sun in the sky shining light into her bedroom for the first time. Luna’s room was slightly different that it usually was. There was hospital equipment next to her bedside and around her room. Bandaged were handing on her blankets, some looking like they were recently used. The night princess was covered in bandages. All across her arms and legs were covered in the white cloth. Even her horn was bandaged up for an unspecified reason. She felt very weak, like if all her energy was drained from her. Luna looked up to see two figures entering her room, one of which was no other then the princess of the sun herself. “Luna?” “Sister?” Celestia rushed to her sister’s side, ignoring all the pain her body gave her. She nuzzled her sister’s neck, tears streaming down her white cheeks. Luna looked at her sister’s form. The sun goddess was covered in multiple bandages. Cuts and bruises were all across her body, some of which looked like they were sewn together. Scars littered her abdomen and her legs. “Sister… what happened?” “Don’t mind me Luna, they’re just battle scars. I’m just happy that you’re ok.” “What happened? We… don’t remember…” Celestia frowned. “You defeated the monster,” the third member piped in. the stallion looked like he was a doctor of sorts. “Of course our princess doesn’t know but you defeated what we thought was unstoppable.” Suddenly, memories began to floor Luna’s mind: How the creature defeated everything in its path. How it destroyed Canterlot with ease. How the royal guard had no effect against it. How it destroyed Twilight Sparkle, one of the strongest magical users on Earth, with ease. It even defeated her own sister. There was no contest with the beast. It was a one sided battle. And yet, Luna began to remember something. She remembered the saddened faces of all the ponies in Ponyville. She remembered the guards that risked their lives to protect the ponies. The lives that were lost in Canterlot. And it was in that moment that Luna realized that this being couldn’t live or more will fall to its metallic feet. It was then Luna felt something. A power of which no pony has seen before. She felt her body be absorbed by this power as it overflowed her. She wanted to give these ponies some hope. A feeling of which can only be unlocked when the time comes. Hope. That was the power the night princess used against the unstoppable being. And it was what stopped its rampage. And even though this emotion can be felt by any pony, Luna confirmed one thing: Alicorns ARE the strongest beings in Equestria. “How long have we been-“ “About a month sister. We’ve been pumping magic back into your body and bandaging your burns and cuts.” Celestia hugged her sister. “I’m just happy to hear your voice again.” “Is young Twilight Sparkle ok?” “Stable. She woke up two days ago. The Elements are currently visiting her.” The doctor bowed. “And the robotic being known as Megatron?” The room went silent. “It’s gone.” Luna slowly nodded in response. “How many… in Canterlot and Ponyville?” Celestia and the doctor looked down in sorrow. “Too many…” Celestia whispered. Luna blinked. She began to push her blankets off her and step out onto the wooden floor. Celestia and the doctor quickly began to push her back onto the bed. “Princess, with all due respect, you need your rest.” “We wish to help the reconstruction process in Canterlot and Ponyville.” “Luna-“ “Sister, I know we’re not fit. But right now, the ponies need hope.” Celestia looked at her sister. Luna’s eyes had a hint of determination, one of which made the sun goddess smile. She helped her younger sister out of her bed, ignoring the protests of the brown doctor. The two sisters began to drag each other through the door, their limbs still weak. Luna was about to fall over when a pony held her up. Applejack grunted as she held the night princess up on her hooves. Fluttershy helped princess Celestia on her hooves as they walked down the semi constructed halls of Canterlot. Behind the group was Twilight Sparkle. She sat in a wheelchair that was being pushed by the rainbow manes Pegasus, Rainbow Dash. The young purple alicorn smiled at the night princess, who returned it with a soft nod. The castle doors were opened by Shining Armor to reveal the crumbled remains of Canterlot. Mares and stallions were helping each other with the reconstruction of their great city. Most of who survived had multiple cuts and bruises on their bodies, some of which were now just scars on their techno-coloured fur. A mare gazed to the castle and saw the princesses that stood at the doorway. She began to stomp, the pony’s way of clapping. A stallion looked where the mare was looking and began to clap himself. Soon, the city erupted into claps and cheers as they saw that their saviors were alive and well. Hope began to fill the air. “Now, let us help them repair the damage.” Twilight and Celestia nodded, and soon, the three princesses began to help their pony’s repair what was lost in the massive battle gods versus god. * * * It was not a good day to be on the mountains in the north. A thick winter storm was raging; the howls of the wind can be heard from the Crystal Empire. Nothing but the white snow could be seen as far as the eye can see, the wind blowing it aggressively in the cold air. The flaky snow covered the floor in a thick white pillow of cold snow. No one would be caught dead in this storm. The cold could turn you into a frozen statue in a second. But the snow did not stop this stallion. His legs dragged through the thick snow, the crunch of his boots barely heard in the winds. The grey pants were covered in snow; the cold causing him to slow down as the snow froze. He wore a thick black jacket, the hood draping over his head. The fur around the hood had clumps of snow stick in it. The wind froze the fur in time. The white scarf around his mouth blew in the wind, the snow making it look white. The horn atop his head glowed a hue of yellow, using the light as a flashlight: With little help. He held a hoof over his face as the wind picked up, blowing snow in its path. He grunted in frustration as the wind blew more aggressively, causing him to stop in place. He gazed upwards to see a large cave infront of him. With a sigh, the stallion walked into the frozen cave, desperately trying to get out of the cold storm. His snow covered hooves walked onto the frozen floor of the cave. He began taking off his scarf and hood, revealing his soft brown fur and yellow mane. The cold air hit him like a bag of bricks as he pressed on into the cave. His horn illuminated his way as he went deeper, the howls of the wind echoing down the narrow cave. His breath was shallow, the white puffs disappearing in the cold air. he coughed as he walked, his throat coarse and rough. The stallion soon entered a massive cave. The ceiling had small icicles littered on it. Science equipment was now frozen on the icy ground, frost and ice building up on the wooden and metal equipment. The stallion walked through the scene, unfazed by the abandoned cave he stood in. he soon stopped infront of a large wall of ice. Wires were attached to the ice that connected to the frozen equipment behind him. The light around his horn increased to reveal the monster that was frozen in time. A large, dark navy figure was frozen in the icy wall.it was hunched down; looking like it was in a sitting position. Its arms were frozen in a position that looked like it gave up. Its head was gazing down, right at the stallion that stood in front of the frozen beast. If he remembered correctly, this being was pure metal and mechanical in nature. His sighed and took off the small satchel that hung around his neck. It fell to the ground with a soft thud. “The last being nearly killed us all. But I have a feeling you’re different.” The stallion closed his eyes as a soft magical veil covered his figure. He grabbed the brown satchel and opened it, a soft purple hue illuminating the large frozen cave. He took out the object with his magic, revealing a large purple crystal. The stallion looked up at the frozen being, a questionable expression on his face. “What secrets do you hold?” The two stood in silence. He was expecting something to happen like how the beast in Canterlot awakened. But nothing happened. With a growl, the stallion tossed the purple crystal at the frozen wall. It tapped off the wall and fell to the ground. He stood for a bit, waiting for something to happen. But again: nothing. With an angry sigh, he grabbed the dark crystal and shoved it back in his bag. he stormed off out of the cave, cursing under his breath. Once the stallion left the cave, something unexpected happened. Soundwave’s visor flickered.