A [Fe]Male Perspective of Equestria

by Spacecowboy

05 - Spirited Away by the Night in the Early Morning

I yawned, slowly stretching my arms to the sky, the sunlight beaming in through the roof. A figure next to me rustled at my movement, a quiet sound escaping her sleeping lips. I opened my eyes and rubbed the gunk out of them then turned my head to look at her. She was a wonderful woman, unaware of my financial situation. One of those rare gems who loved who you were, not what you were and what you stood for. I'd gone through so many women who simply wanted a taste of the inheritance I had, rather than my wonderful mind and large dick. Although, now that I think about it, the latter might've been a benefit to them once they got better acquainted with it.

My morning wood made itself known as I carefully removed the blankets, my stiff arousal increasing at the sight of Jennica's lovely pert breasts barely covered in a loose fitting night slip. I loomed over her and kissed her, passion and heat carried by my lips. Her eyes shot open and she wrapped her arms around me, holding onto me as if her life depended on it.

Jennica finally let me come up for breath as I found myself gasping for air. "G-good morning, love." I wheezed out, only eliciting a multitude of giggles from her dainty mouth.

"Good morning, Elam. I just love your wakeup calls." She grabbed me and I landed on my side next to her as we looked into each others' eyes. Held in an embrace, I simply enjoyed the sensation of holding her, even as my arousal made itself more prominently known as it strained against my boxers. "Oh, is there a morning problem that I can assist you with?"

My eyes momentarily crossed in pleasure as she groped me, somehow catching both balls and dick within her hands. "Oh gods yes, love. Do I ever have a problem that requires your assistance." I managed to speak rather calmly, however moments after the last word left my mouth, I couldn't help but break out into laughter as Jennica joined in.

"We never really were that good at roleplaying!" She managed to get out through her giggling, which was rather hot. She raised one hand to rest on my chest, the other sneaking for the waistband of my boxers.

I laughed as well, enjoying the foreplay. No matter how awkward things could get, the sex was always mind blowing levels of awesomeness. "Not really, but it never keeps us from trying!" I kissed her gently, my own hands exploring underneath her loose slip. Firmly gripping her left breast, I tweaked the nipple between my fingers, eliciting a low, sexy moan from Jennica as she expertly pulled my waistband down, leaving my length to her mercy.

My other hand joined the first, acting in concert to remove her top, leaving her exposed to me as the covers slowly found themselves down at our ankles. Pausing just long enough for both of us to fully remove the last of our undergarments, I lined myself up with her, thrusting in as I brought my lips to hers, drinking of her deeply.

After a quick thrust in, I enjoyed the warmth of her depths as our tongues fought for dominance up above. I pulled out slowly, then thrusted deeply once more, causing Jennica to deeply moan into my mouth. Breaking our kiss for air, I smiled at the beautiful face of the woman who lay at my mercy. I closed my eyes while pulling back then thrusted forward once more.

Pleasure filled all my senses as the thrust went deeply into me, causing me to scream. Opening my eyes, Twilight stood over me, moving her face in for a kiss. Right as our lips sloppily connected, a voice rang out from above.

"Oh, that is just too good! You humans always have such fun dreams when you first show up. I especially love the tiny penis part of it! I mean, come on, that little thing is supposed to bring satisfaction?" I found myself an observer to, well, myself being fucked senseless by Twilight. "Hello, Elam. I had planned on coming in later, but it is always hilarious to see that little thing you former males always covet. It does not happen often, so I had to make sure to enjoy the moment."

I forced myself to quit staring at the scene below me at around the time the copy of myself below was screaming into Twilight's mane and holding on for dear life, which brought memories of the prior night into my mind. Oh god. No, go away memories. I found myself face to face with who I assumed to be Celestia's sister.

I couldn't help but jump, my mouth opening and closing as I attempted to form some words. Yup, it seemed that my brain had decided failure was a good option.

"Damn, it appears that I have projected myself a bit too strongly into your dream, you will be awakening any moment now. Do not be alarmed when you awake, as you are in–"

I instantly awoke, eyes finding themselves thrown wide open as the fresh memory of the dream, and Luna's interruption of it, were the foremost thing on my mind. I took note of my surroundings, and realized I wasn't in the room I recalled falling asleep in. Therefore, I did the exact opposite of what Luna had requested. I was very much alarmed, although I managed to hold back the screech that was just begging to be released. After all, it seemed that my screams were more akin to a banshee wail to these ponies than anything else.

I rolled out of the bed I had apparently been placed in and landed on the hard floor, knocking the wind out of my lungs. I heard a sigh off to my side, before a voice spoke. "I did warn you not to be alarmed, and yet you go and roll right out of the bed anyways. Silly mare." Luna spoke, my vision darkened by the fact that how I fell had pushed all of my hair right into my eyes. I reflexively closed them as I felt magic pick me up and deposit me right back onto the bed. "Now, I teleported you here so that we could talk, mostly about last night." She snickered at the end, as if Luna found it hilarious that I had gotten my brains thoroughly fucked out by Twilight.

I slowly opened my eyes as I further blushed at the memories of the prior night. Although my mind rebelled at the thought of being cast into the role of a woman, my body as well as my mind, albeit the latter grudgingly, liked it. I did notice several things as my eyes fully opened however that immediately brought my thoughts elsewhere.

Firstly, the fact that I was naked. And rather exposed to Luna. For some reason, I felt the warmth of arousal surging to the forefront of my feelings, while embarrassment also made itself known. I snatched for something to cover myself up, but the covers on the bed were firmly tucked into the sides, my pulling doing very little to dislodge them. Secondly, my ears twitched as sounds reached them, the clarity rather startling. My hands reached up to feel them, and travelled well above the point where they should've been. They finally made contact with lightly furred ears that were at the top of my head, rather pointed protrusions that stuck straight up. Lastly, I was rather sore. Everywhere, truthfully. Twilight took the time to get well acquainted with her, make that my, dick, and the pony physiology was extremely different from humans. Namely that instead of half an hour to hours, it merely took minutes at most for her to be ready for another round.

Luna entered my vision, my new ears swiveling to the sounds of her hooves striking the tile flooring. Yikes, that feels weird. "I've got... ears." A soft laugh reached my ears, its effect amplified by my newly ponified ears.

"Yes, you do. I want to talk to you about what happened last night between you and Twilight in the hopes that you would not instantly hate her for it. She was nearly as incapable of stopping it as you were." Luna paused, a slight grin crossing her face. "However, it appears that the first of your changes has fully manifested, and I must say. The colors red and black are very striking on you. You'll come out looking rather gorgeous, I think."

"What?!" That was about the only response I could think of, completely ignoring the fact that I was stark naked in front of Luna as I frantically searched her room for a mirror or any reflective surface. "Not red and black, not red and black, not red and black! Kill me now if that's the case!"

Finally, I found a mirror to look into, and I let out a gasp at what I saw. It was even worse than the stereotypical black and red color scheme, if that were possible. I brought my hand up and ran it through my hair as I examined myself.

My ears poked out from a field of formerly black hair, where the first six inches of it or so had changed colors. The majority of it was pink. Not a slightly faded red, or any shade that could possibly be mistaken for another color. This was, without a doubt, pink pink. The only good fortune was that the massive field of it that was overtaking the black color of my hair was broken up by a stripe of dark blue running through it. My ears were covered in a light coat of dark lavender fur, only a handful of shades darker than Twilight's coat. I also noted with some despair that my hair was even longer, what looked to be months of growth had occurred overnight. I went to scratch at the back of my head and noted another odd thing.

Reaching back and turning a bit to where the mirror was more in the corner of my eyes, I pulled my hair back into a ponytail of sorts to look at the back of my neck. Where once skin had been, my hair had begun to extend itself down into the makings of a mane found on a pony. It was all the way down to the base of my neck at this point, and it looked rather... odd to say the least.

"Why you..." I glared at Luna as well as I could as another question that needed answering entered my mind. "And where the hell are my clothes at?" I moved forward to punch her even as a blush began to suffuse my face. I quickly closed the distance and threw my left fist at her right cheek, my hair creating a rather odd sensation as it moved with me. And the cold air on my naked skin, oh man...

My arm was encased in a dark blue glow as Luna began to laugh even harder than earlier. I went to strike out with my right arm, but it was too far away to connect with her nose, and only served to remind my skin about the cold air caressing it as a breeze blew in from the balcony across the room. "Now now, Elam. I thought my sister made it clear that it's not very polite to go about punching every pony you encounter." She smiled widely at me, a cheerful glint in her eye as she shook me lightly with her magic, causing certain things to jiggle more than I would've liked them to. "The lack of clothes is something that you will have to get used to, better sooner rather than later. Afterall, the only time most ponies wear clothes is for formal events or... in the bedroom."

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Will you let go of me? I promise not to try and throw another punch at you for a little bit." I groaned out, my arm starting to go numb due to the force of the magic holding onto it. "And I'd rather have my clothes until I can't wear them anymore, and then I'd like new clothes that I could wear. I'd rather not go around naked, thank you very much."

I felt the magic dissipate and let out a sigh as I gently massaged the feeling back into it. "Your clothes are back in your bathroom, where you left them last night after my lover rutted you senseless. You can claim them later, but there's really no point in your useless human modesty, Elam. Besides, better to get used to being naked now rather than when, say... you end up quadruped before having a tail, and are on display for everypony to see? While a low probability, the possibility does exist." Luna paused, examining me critically. "I also apologize for my jest, it was in poor taste. Red and black are two rather terrible colors, especially when combined together. However, I did not lie when I said you would most likely end up a gorgeous mare."

Again, that damn blushing! It has only been a day and then some since I'd turned female, and even then most of it was spent unconscious or asleep, but my body was betraying me at every step and turn it seemed. I made my way back to her bed and sat down, the soft and smooth surface feeling very odd to me. "One day, one damned day..." I muttered to myself, annoyed more than anything. I looked to Luna, who was still awaiting my reply. "It might be a losing cause, but still..." I sighed, "I'd like to think that I have some control in all of this. And I think I'd rather the black and red... Pink is ugly and awful."

Luna chuckled, now eyeing me up and down. "Do not let my niece Cadance hear such a thing. She would surely take affront, as your mane is nearly the exact same color as her entire coat. Now, to the more important thing. You'll find that as a whole, Equestrians are very much open and casual about sex. It is a fact of life, and there is no point being shy because of such. To address the metaphorical 'elephant in the room,' as I believe you humans say, what happened last night between you and Twilight really was not preventable, mostly due to hormones.

"You see, your olfactory nerves are already that of a pony. I believe they have been since you started changing. After you became aroused last night and Twilight busted into the bathroom, your arousal triggered her own. Seeing as to how," Luna let out a cough, trying not to laugh, "Mr. Thompson Mark II is a new addition to her body, she really had no clue how to react to the situation. I tell you this for the obvious reason that it would do best for you to not hate the individual who is both my love and the one assigned to help you integrate. Besides, you enjoyed it, did you not?"

Damn this pony! Although not as troll happy as Celestia was, she struck a nerve with that last remark. I suppose the whole pheromones thing made sense, although that didn't bode very well for the future. The fact that she was able to tell that I actually enjoyed it, well... To say that I'm ashamed of that fact would be an understatement. It was slowly eating away at me, as to admit that I enjoyed having sex on the receiving end would imply that I was okay with what was basically the largest difference between being male and female. As a guy, I'd be called gay, but with my new body, I'm not sure what to consider it as.

In the end, the only response I could come up with was to profusely blush as my cheeks turned a shade deeper than my new hair color was. I heavily sighed, holding back my sarcastic remarks and anger, knowing that both would do me no good here.

Luna laid herself down next to me, the moonlight and ambient light in the room reflecting off her coat. I felt the warmth at my side as she nuzzled my neck, and I just closed my eyes and gave in to the new emotions I felt. "I know that it may seem... wrong, for you to simply 'give in' as you might call it. However, the sooner you embrace your new self, the happier you can be. It is amazing how much being in a good mood can do for the body and soul." I felt an oddly comforting warmth as she unfurled a wing and brought it across my back. "There is no need to try and put up a pretense, either. Twilight and myself will be here for you, helping you adjust and deal with these... oddities, as you most likely see it, for now. It is definitely a hard process, adjusting, and that is without changing genders either."

For some reason I began crying, although I had no desire to do so. I'll admit the sensation of numerous feathers covering my backside was rather nice, almost like a down comforter, but even better. I could faintly feel Luna's heartbeat as the warm blood pumping through her wing warmed me up in turn. "It's just... I've only been awake for hours so far here. My body is changing, I'm in a whole new world, and I, dare I say it aloud... I enjoyed what Twilight did to me, oh gods yes. I'm pretty damn ashamed and confused about that though. I just don't know what to think." The words just poured out of my mouth of their own volition. "And even if pheromones, which I do know about, played a part of it, after awhile I willingly gave into it. It was just so good. I could only dream of such feelings as a guy."

Luna didn't reply as I continued to have the new hormones run rampant through me, wreaking their havoc on my body. The tears slowly began to dry up as a new scent reached my newly sensitive nose, this one rather enticing. If I had to lend words to it, which was rather hard to do, it smelled of a variety of sources. One of the better known smells to me that came to mind was the scent of freshly cut grass, which I had always enjoyed. However, the clarity of it was nearly mind blowing. There was a sweet smell that was similar to a flower, although of which type I was uncertain. Underlying those scents, another one was present, something a bit more musty, a bit primal, almost.

My thoughts were disrupted as I felt a nibble on one of my ears, the other reflexively flickering at the contact. Luna's wing pulled me in closer as I squirmed around. Between the feathers of her wing moving around and the nibbling on my ear, laughter began to bubble up from within me as I was tickled by the sensations. "See? It is not that bad when you begin to let go. Just do not think about it, and everything will be that much simpler. Do not think, just act."

I gave into the laughter and continued squirming around as Luna assaulted me with her wing and mouth. It was quite interesting, the amount of strength her wing held. She was more than capable of holding me close to her side, captive, with it. Her mouth quit assaulting my ears, the small amount of saliva that had ended up on the fur leaving it wet and chilly compared to the other ear.

A pair of lips found mine, catching me by surprise. I tensed up at first, but then Luna's voice came into my mind. "Do not think, simply do what feels right. Trust me." Hesitating only a moment longer, I returned the kiss, feeling myself pulled into it once I accepted it. I also leaned in a little myself, just letting my mind blank out.

Luna pulled back, a warm smile on her face as she looked me in the eyes. "See? It can be a good thing, if you let it be." She nuzzled me again, and this time I leaned into it as it felt right. "I know that my sister was rather... crass and rude in how she came across on your first meeting, but I assure you, we both care for your well being. She was simply attempting to ensure that whatever ire you had was focused solely on her." She moved her head a little, and I could feel her hot breath on my ears as she spoke extremely quietly. "And I will offer you my full support at getting back at her in the future. I never miss the opportunity to prank her, never."

I laughed, glad to know that I had an ally in that cause. Somehow I'd also gone from edgy to at ease in an extremely short time, and was rather fine with that fact. There was something about Luna that just put me at least and let me feel like everything was going to be alright. "Thank you, Luna." I muttered, hugging her tightly. Between her wing and me embracing her, I was thoroughly wrapped up in her, the cold bite of the air forgotten. "Something smells good..." I said a bit louder, as the smells from earlier intensified, the musty one coming to the forefront.

Luna chuckled slightly, the action sending vibrations throughout my body. "Yes, those are actually my pheromones... and also very similar to the ones Twilight was putting out last night that led to your... merriment. However, I am able to control myself, as I have had my whole life rather than a single day with it."

The gears in my mind slowly turned, and it finally clicked in my mind as to what exactly she was referring to. "What is it with you... alicorns and dicks. Jeez." I pushed the smell to the back of my mind, forcing myself to ignore it to the best of my ability.

Luna laughed this time, a full blown action that sent warming ripples through me. She's pretty damn soft too, now that I'm thinking about it. "Truthfully, until your arrival, it was simply my sister and I who sported the best of both genders. Afterall, being the original alicorns, we were the embodiment of both the tribes and gender. Somehow, Twilight's magical blast brought about her current situation, as well as yours." Luna's eyes gazed out to focus on nothing in particular it seemed, as she muttered to herself. "Oh, the possibilities of what we can do now..."

I politely coughed as the musk intensified, blasting away at my meager defenses. "Uh, Luna..." I managed to tumble the words out, not entirely certain how to bring it up. Luckily for me though, she seemed to pick up on what I was getting at, as her eyes widened as soon as she took a snort in.

"Oh, my apologies, Elam." I noticed her hesitantly pause a moment, as if she were contemplating something, as her cheeks became tinted red from embarrassment. "You know, you really should think on what name you want to take. Even if Elam were a mare's name, it is most definitely not a pony name. Let's see here, what can I think of..." She trailed off, removing her wing from my backside and shifting around a little bit, causing the cool air to tickle my backside once more.

"Oh, what about Starry Skies? I have always loved names associated with my night sky, afterall!" I raised an eyebrow at Luna and shot her a look that basically asked if she was serious. My ears also twitched, a feeling I was quite uncomfortable with. Note to self, make sure to learn the signs they give, it would make reading these ponies a lot easier later on. Twilight was too nuts to get any good reads from her, as her moods had shifted so quickly that I couldn't tell one from the other last night. Memories of her questioning spree and the few I managed to field myself brought something else to mind.

"First off, no way am I going to be called Starry Skies. That just sounds so, so..." I trailed off, looking for the proper word to sound my dismay. "Cliched. Yes, that sounds entirely way too cliche. Ain't gonna fly. And secondly, well, refer to the first point made." I poked at her, causing her to slightly jump. "I do have a question though. Twilight mentioned something about those marks on your ass, and how they had something to do with destiny, or some nonsense like that. What are they, really?"

Luna looked slightly hurt after I shot down Starry Skies, but she'd get over it. "Well, it is called a cutie mark, and its location is on one's flanks, not ass. It is a magical reaction caused to a pony finding the one thing that they are best in, what brings them the most joy. In a way, it is part of their destiny, as it exemplifies what they are happiest at doing." I tried focusing on her words, but my mind was just so distracted, the smell of her sending rather familiar feelings of warmth rippling through me.

"–Are you still listening, Elam? You seem to be having a rather peculiar problem, one that I think I could help you with, if you are willing." She warmly smiled at me, again draping a wing across my back and moving it in such a way that every individual feather gently played across my back, causing me to shiver. "And oh, by the way, I thought I should let you know. I've been using a little bit of magic to help keep you a bit calm and open to things. I was worried you might go a teensy bit insane, otherwise. So, what do you think about my offer?"

I heard Luna's words, and she had a point. Rightfully, I should be flipping the fuck out right about now, rather than feeling so damn calm about things. But hey, Hakuna Matata, right? Of course, my mind was pretty much made for me by my body when Luna rolled over to her side, exposing her already stiff length, so black that it seemed to drink in what little light there was in the room. I found myself also on my side, somehow between Luna's legs as she looked me in the eyes, awaiting my answer. "Yes..." I breathlessly replied, moving to initiate a kiss for once.

Luna dodged my mouth, bringing hers to my ears instead, voicing her latest thought. "Oh, I just thought of the perfect name! Sunset Shimmer!"

My screams of horror clearly rang out until they were muffled by Luna’s lips.