//------------------------------// // Letters // Story: Cracked Vision // by TheHiveQueen //------------------------------// Brief A/N: Just thought I'd say I've been away from this for a while, busy with other things. Therefore this chapter may feel a bit different to the previous two. Also, I will need to do some proper grammar editing soon. Tell me if you see anything major. Also, I now have a good idea of where this is heading so the story should be more streamlined from now on. Letters Derek quickly opened his door and shut it behind him gently. He even locked it just in case the unicorn decided to make a move for freedom. All he could hear were her distressed cries as he dashed down the stairs, eager to make them go away. Derek whipped open the oven and grabbed the pizza he had prepared earlier. The warm smell filled his nostrils and he took a deep, satisfying breath. Slightly burnt, but it would do just fine. He took out a plate and laid it on the table before searching the drawers for pen and paper. With these things, he made his way back upstairs – desperate to get started. Derek flung open the door and shut it quickly behind him, in advance to looking around the room. He dreaded to think what would have happened if she was by the door, and he had just sent her flying. Luckily, she was still by the bed, absorbed in her own crying. Perhaps not so lucky then. Derek made his way over before revealing the pizza and laying it out in front of her. The smell of fresh bread wafted towards her and she perked up. She looked around, confused, searching for whoever had given her this meal. But of course, she couldn't find him, despite Derek sitting right opposite her. The unicorn lowered her head and sniffed the warm food, making sure it was safe to consume. Apparently it was, as she took a nibble followed quickly by a huge bite as the pizza was briskly gulped down. The creature dried her eyes a little, knowing that at least she wouldn't die via starvation. While she sat there, enjoying her meal, Derek moved out of sight, behind the bed, and started scrawling a quick message on the paper he'd brought: Hello. My name is Derek. What is your name? English was the only language Derek knew so he hoped that by some twist of fate the creature would too. He leant over above her, and let the small piece of paper flutter down before her purple eyes. The unicorn caught the strip of paper in her magic and gently levitated it over, careful not to use too much of her limited energy. It looked intently at the words before searching all around itself for something to write with. A new wave of hope washed over Derek as he got up and sat in front of her, offering the pen to her hooves. She must think I have magic too – the pen is floating in front of her eyes, Derek thought before watching the creature study the pen briefly, unsure of how it functioned. Finally deducing that it was similar to a quill, she scrawled something quickly with her magic whilst still holding the pen. Derek twiddled his thumbs whilst he waited impatiently for the creature to finish writing something. He refrained from looking over her shoulder while she wrote – he had come this far; he could wait a bit longer. Still, he was about to make contact with another intelligent species, so of course he was desperate to see. The unicorn dropped the pen on the floor before folding the paper and balancing it on her hoof. She extended the folded slip of paper gently to the air, unsure if it would take her message. Derek reached forward with his hand and touched the hoof once more; predictably, she didn't recoil at all. But that didn't stop him from grasping the paper and wriggling his fingers, letting them move flawlessly through the hoof as he softly removed the paper. Her eyes grew wide as they watched the floating paper move backwards briefly then chewed up by the air into nothingness. Derek looked down at the paper. The handwriting was messy and scattered which was understandable, considering the method in which it was written. But it was legible, and that's all he could have asked for. Holding the message in his shaking hands, he read: Hello there, Derek. My name is Twilight Sparkle, the most faithful student of Princess Celestia, and I have many questions to ask. Twilight? Like the film? Derek hoped not for obvious reasons. Princess Celestia? Of where? What was this magical creature doing here anyway? Derek had quite a few questions of his own but this was his guest; he was just happy she was here. He scribbled a brief response on the other side and handed the paper back over. Ask me anything, Twilight Sparkle. This felt like one of those online chat rooms Derek had been on before. Only this time, the wait for a response was agonising, and he was talking to a unicorn. And of course there were other differences. Twilight began writing again on the blank paper and a lot faster this time. Derek marvelled at how quickly she had adapted to writing with these new and unfamiliar utensils. Soon the sheet was returned and he had a new message (and a substantially longer one) to read: Forgive me for wanting to skip the formalities but this is a matter of great attention. Details will therefore also be excluded where necessary and perhaps included at a later date. My friends and I arrived in this strange world yet we are unable to witness its native species. Until now we have been unable to establish communication with them. My first question is this: Why can't we see you? A hard question to start off with. Not wanting to disappoint, Derek included as much as he knew in his next response with his best grammar: I'm afraid we are as much in the dark as you are. I appear to be the only one I know of who can see your kind. I have seen two others and I can confirm they could not see me either. Now I must ask, where do you come from? Why are you here? The paper was already full from the overly-sized handwriting. Derek reached over to get another but the unicorn beat him to it and quickly scrawled another note. However, she then scrunched it up, tossed it back over her head, and wrote a lot more on a new sheet: I come from the land of Equestria. Your kind is not present there but we recently discovered that it, along with others, exists elsewhere. The details of how are not important at this stage. We used a spell to get us here, yet I fear it went wrong. As well as not being able to see you, the reverse spell isn't functioning at all. So we need your help to get us home and perhaps make us visible to your kind so we can understand more and share knowledge. Do you think you can help us? Derek didn't know much about being an ambassador for Earth but he figured he'd give it his best shot. Honestly, I am not sure. I will however do the best I can to help you. You intrigue me equally so, and I am eager to know more. Only two things I think I should say: 1) I don't think it is a good idea for you to be seen by other humans. It might not go down as well as you hope. 2) Where are the others you speak of? Twilight grabbed the paper back eagerly with her magic, desperate to know if Derek could help her. Although disappointed that he did not have a direct solution to the problem, she didn't falter, and answered Derek's question instead. I do not know. I fear that I might have become invisible to them, also. It is certainly a possibility considering I haven't seen them since my arrival. Derek didn't know how to handle this new bit of information. If Twilight couldn't see her own kind, then what the hell had that spell done? He could see them though, he was sure of that. Why was this happening to him again? I think I have seen two of them before. One flew in here but didn't notice me. The other was present at my school but again, did not take notice of anyone, despite my attempts. That reminds me. Were you the horse I saw the other day by the car crash? Did you notice me standing there? Derek was keen to know if Twilight really didn't know he was there that day. He could of sworn she looked right up at him through the window. Car crash? What is that? If you're talking about that vehicle with smoke near this place then yes. I distinctly remember the feeling that somepony, or somebody rather, was watching me. It was only when I looked to see who it was, that nothing was there. That brought something to Derek's mind that he simply had to know the answer to: What's it like, not being able to see anyone? Twilight took her time with the next response, trying to word her answer effectively. Derek, it is creepy. I see doors open on their own. I see vehicles moving around with no one controlling them. I call the names of my friends and shout in the faces of these things. Yet nothing responds. I feel a strange sensation every now and again – one which I have now deduced is that something has moved though me. It is not a pleasant feeling. I feel bare on this planet and so very unwanted by it. When Derek took the paper back he found damp spots in places. He knew that they weren't drops of rain. I am sorry for what has happened, Twilight Sparkle. I will do whatever I can, with however little power I have, to help you. We will find your friends and I will make you whole again. Derek wasn't sure how he would do that, but he would most certainly try. He paused before adding one, final question for the day: How many of your friends do we need to find? He handed the paper back over yet again. I can't be sure. If things went according to plan, although I can't really say they did in hindsight, there should be five. For now, that is... For now? Derek wasn't exactly sure what that meant but he was sure it could wait. You know what, I'm tired. This is a bit too much to take it in at once, Derek wrote. If he hadn't already had two days of this then he probably would say he was dreaming, despite all the evidence to the contrary. Regardless, he didn't really want to delve too deep into another species and its apparent world right now. He needed to catch up on sleep. School? Forget about that crap. It's not like Derek had a perfect attendance record as it stood. You're welcome to stay here, Twilight. Although my bed is off-limits. I can give you a blanket though, Derek finished before handing it back over for the last time. Thank you. You are most kind. I realise now that I might have been heaping too much pressure on you. I have to remember that you are not a pony after all and your intellectual capacity might not be up to much. Derek hoped, after reading those last words, that it wasn't a jibe from Twilight, and that she really didn't know how intelligent humans were. After laying out a blanket, Derek took the sheets of paper and stacked them on his bedside table. It was still early afternoon, but he felt exhausted. It seemed that Twilight Sparkle did too as when he next looked over, she was already curled up on the blanket he had put out. He couldn't blame her really – New world, no one to talk too, few days without a proper home and out in the rain without cover. It seemed that had took its toll too, as the unicorn was shivering slightly. Derek got out of bed again and fetched another blanket from the cupboard. He had no idea why he had so many of the things. At least they now had a use. He threw it over his guest to keep her warm before returning to his afternoon nap. He was actually pretty excited now, and maybe would have preferred to have talked for a bit longer. What was it like in “Equestria”? Technology? Culture? History? There's magic? What was the spell? When did they arrive? Did they arrive separated, or just unable to see one another? And of most important of all: just what were they going to do about all this? Rest now, Derek, Derek told himself. There was no point in thinking ahead at this time. The only real worry he had right now was that his parents didn't walk in on his nap. Derek was dreading the consequences if they decided to pick up the blankets, thinking it was just mess. He was about to close his eyes and attempt sleeping but something brushed his outstretched foot. Derek sat up and looked over again at Twilight; however, she was still asleep. He reached forward and felt the area around his foot, searching for whatever touched him. He quickly found it – the scrunched up bit of paper Twilight had discarded. Derek, being the curious guy he was, couldn't resist a peek. Just one last thing, and then he'd be off to sleep. He unravelled the ball of paper and read the seven words written there on the crinkled paper – the questions that Twilight decided it was best not to ask: Am I dead? Am I... a ghost?