//------------------------------// // A Generous Invitation // Story: Fluttershy hosts a Tea Party // by TheAvalonCode //------------------------------// Chapter 3: A Generous Invitation A yellow pegasus stood in front of the opulent store-front of Ponyville’s most popular clothing store: Carousel Boutique. The Boutique was owned by the Well-spoken white unicorn, Rarity, who was one of Fluttershy’s closest friends. No-one expected a quiet and shy mare to be so close to somepony who was different in so many ways, but nonetheless, the pair trusted each other completely. They would often go to Aloe and Lotus’ spa together to relax and catch up on recent events. However after Rarity hadn't turned up on a number of occasions, Fluttershy decided to find out if anything was wrong. She trotted up to the purple door and gently knocked before entering. A small bell pinged and a second later she was greeted by a high-class yet friendly voice. “Hello darling and welcome to Carousel Boutique, where all of our garments are chic, unique and magnifique!” The speaker in question was of course Rarity, who was intently examining a half completed dress with her back to the door. Fluttershy hesitantly stepped closer until she was standing next to her good friend. The dress was (as usual) rather splendid, with multiple gemstones sewn into the waist and front. However the part of the dress that would cover the flank was missing. Rarity was still in deep thought, one hoof poking her muzzle as she pondered on the final design. “Um… It's me Rarity” At this, the white unicorn snapped out of her fashion-related stupor and quickly turned to her friend. “Oh Fluttershy, I am so very sorry!” She pouted slightly and indicated the would-be dress. “This monstrosity has been causing me such a bother!” Fluttershy glanced at the dress and frowned a little. “Actually Rarity, I think it's really nice.” She pointed out small areas on the beginnings of the dress, noting the finesse of the stitching and how the colour is complimented by the gemstones. This sudden outburst caused Rarity to pause before she regained her composure and put on a grateful smile. “Oh darling thank you but there is no need to be so kind. The shape is obviously all wrong, especially since I wanted it to ride a little low on the flank.” After a few moments of polite debate, Rarity brought the conversation back to Fluttershy and her sudden appearance. “Now I'm sure you didn't just come her to discuss my work. How can I help you?” Whilst saying this, she led her pegasus friend to a low-down purple table where they settled down. Rarity offered a cup of tea but Fluttershy refused since she had just had something to drink. After pouring herself a cup Rarity asked why Fluttershy had come along again. “Well um… I was worried about you, since you didn't come to the spa for a long time…” The white mare laughed kindly and waved a hoof. “Well darling, as you know, I recently received a large number of contracts from Canterlot. In fact, that's the very same reason I am so worked up over that dress over there. Miss Sapphire Shores asked me ever so nicely to create a brand new garment for a show of hers, so you can see why I am for perfection.” Rarity noticed the slightly sad but understanding expression that her friend had taken on. “Oh but don't take that to mean that I'm avoiding our spa days! You know very well that I simply adore our little get togethers! I unfortunately have been a little short on time, is all.” Fluttershy ruffled her wings to get comfortable and frowned a little. “Oh don't worry too much Rarity; I was only a little bit concerned. Also, I know you're really busy, but I was going to do a tea party this afternoon and I was hoping you would come along. That is, if you can.” She cocked her head and a small, hopeful smile crossed her face. The yellow pony felt a little bit bad since she was taking Rarity away from her work but another side of her really wanted to have all of her friends attending. After snapping out of her long train of thought, Fluttershy noted that her unicorn friend was glancing back and forth from Fluttershy and the dress. Soon, her gaze settled on the pegasus. “Well darling I suppose everypony deserves a break now and then and this little soiree of yours seems as though it would be just the ticket.” Rarity smiled glowingly before starting to some sort of realisation. “Oh Fluttershy my dear, I just remembered. I know you also have a bit of an eye for fashion, so you simply must take a look at my new line of summer hats! A second opinion would be lovely!” This often happened when Fluttershy visited Carousel Boutique. Rarity would enlist her help in reviewing a new creation, even if Fluttershy thought she didn't have enough knowledge of the fashion world to be able to lend a hoof. Nevertheless, Rarity enjoyed having Fluttershy there as a critic so the pegasus was more than happy to try and evaluate the various dresses and other items of clothing that were the results of Rarity's hard work. Leading her friend up a short flight of stairs, Rarity used her magic to open up a door that was the entrance to her personal “workshop.” Here, Rarity would often spend hours slaving over the creation of designs for clothes and then the clothes themselves. Although, to call it slaving is a little strong, since Rarity had always loved her craft. She now led her friend to a number of mannequins lined along one wall. Each one wore a different hat, each in a variety of colours, shapes and styles, some having gems attached, while others were adorned with colourful plumage. Rarity turned to her friend who was studiously looking at her creations and put on her best business-mare face. “Now then darling, which one do you think you would wear?” Fluttershy surveyed the various headgear. There were a number of them that she liked, but felt that they wouldn't really suit her. Then her eyes fell on a straw summer hat that had a baby blue ribbon tied around it. Fluttershy had owned a hat in this style a little while ago but had ended up losing it, much to her distress. She trotted over to it and turned back to her purple-maned friend. “Oh I think this one is just lovely!” The unicorn cast her eyes over the hat, and then Fluttershy and a ghost of a mischievous smile crossed her face only to be replaced with one of gratitude. “Yes, I was thinking that it would suit somepony such as you perfectly. In any case, thank you ever so much for your help! I will try my hardest to be attending this afternoon as well; I'll make sure to have some time!” She then led Fluttershy back downstairs. “Now then, I would love to chat with you some more, but I must get back to this dress! After all, I have somewhere to be this afternoon.” She winked slyly at Fluttershy, who grinned and began to leave. “I’ll see you soon then Rarity!” She opened the door, and strolled back out into the sunshine. “That's two off the list… where to go next….” Fluttershy spent a moment to consider. Since the day is beginning to get on, maybe I should visit Applejack, just so that she doesn't get caught up in her own duties. She turned toward the road that Sweet Apple Acres was on, and began to cheerfully make her way to meet another of her good friends. I'm glad I at least get to see the girls today, even if they won't be able to make it to the tea party… But I shouldn't think like that! I know my friends and I know they won't let me down!