//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: First Contact // Story: The Protectors of Harmony // by Delta Blade //------------------------------// Chapter 4: First Contact August 5, 2558 0905 hours Canterlot The Royal Castle Princess Celestia and her sister Princess Luna stood on a balcony overlooking the palace courtyard. Celestia was looking at the sky, her horn glowing bright yellow, and Luna did NOT seem to like what her sister was doing. "What are you doing?!" asked Princess Luna. "Don`t contact them!" "Do you have a better idea?" Celestia retorted. "We could get the griffons to help us." "Please, you and I both know that they wouldn't be as much help to us; their weaponry is just as far behind the changelings` as ours is. And griffons aren't very fond of us ponies anyway." "And both you and I also know how primitive and dangerous humans can be." Celestia took a deep breath and looked at her sister with a smile. "I know my sister," said Celestia. "I know how dangerous they can be; I've been observing them for quite some time now, longer than you have I'm sure. I've seen the wars they`ve fought with each other, the kind of evil they were capable of, but most importantly, I've seen the capacity for good in their hearts. "If there is one thing I have truly seen in humanity, it`s that there will always be humans who fight the right fight and that the good in them always conquers the evil that took up the same space. "Humans have always been seeking some form of harmony with each other; it`s just that they always seem to go about it in the wrong way. But just the fact that they are, by nature, seeking out harmony, tells me that they would do anything to protect it when they found it." Before Luna could respond, Celestia suddenly picked up a voice on the other end of her signal. "This is Captain Thomas Lasky of the UNSC Infinity. We are receiving your signal, if you are hearing this, please respond." . . . August 5, 2558 0905 hours (Equestrian Time) The Milky Way Galaxy: Cygnus arm 1500 miles above Equestria The bridge of the UNSC Infinity "So they`re contacting us," said Lasky with subtle astonishment. "Can you put it through, Roland?" "Yes sir," said Roland. Lasky walked over to the center of the observation deck and cleared his throat. Though he knew it was unlikely that these aliens spoke English, he didn't know any other options. "Okay," said Roland. "I think that should do it. Go ahead, Captain." "This is Captain Thomas Lasky of the UNSC Infinity," he announced."We are receiving your signal, if you are hearing this, please respond." To everyone`s surprise, not only was there an immediate response, but it was, in fact, spoken in clear English. "This is Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria. Our species is in dire need of help from yours." "Whoa, wait, hold on," said Lasky, quite stunned. "Your species? Where did…how did…whoa!" "Wow," said an incredulous Roland. "I did not see that coming." "I know this probably wasn`t what you were expecting, and that your species has serious trust issues, but please, you must trust us. We desperately need your help." "Who is we?" said Lasky. "We are a race of intelligent and peaceful equines who inhabit a land of love, happiness, and harmony. My sister and I rule over it. We haven`t fought a war in almost a thousand years and now face a more technologically advanced species that wants nothing more than our slaughter. Please, we need your help! Please help us!" "The crew of my ship and I came here only to find a number of forerunner artifacts on your planet." "Forerunner artifacts?" "Yes, but I suppose your situation is worth looking in to." There was a moment of silence before the Princess continued, her tone now one of more composure and less desperation. "Thank you. Come down to the planet surface so we may discuss our negotiation." "Looking forward to it, ma`am. Lasky out." "Uhh…Captain?" said Roland as soon as the conversation ceased. "I'm not sure how but, that signal broadcasted this over the intercom and, the entire ship just heard your little tête-à-tête." "God dammit Roland!" said an irritated Lasky. "It was the signal`s fault! I couldn't control it," said Roland, throwing his holographic hands up in innocence. "And look on the bright side, this will save you the speech, won`t it?" The Captain took a deep breath before continuing. "I suppose you`re right. But I'll still have to deal with whatever complaints start coming my way, like a mutiny, hopefully not." "I'd agree it`s not too likely, sir." "Yeah, but going back to business now. Roland, I need you to take us down through the atmosphere. Then call in Fireteam Icebreaker and tell them to meet me in hangar bay C. I want a pelican prepped and ready for launch as soon as we`re below this planet`s troposphere." "Yes sir!" said Roland before his avatar disappeared with a crisp salute. "Wait! Captain," said Palmer. "What about Halsey? I know we`ve agreed not to kill her, but doesn't FLEETCOM already think she`s dead?" "Probably," said Dr. Halsey. "Don't worry about her, I`ll handle FLEETCOM," said Lasky. "Right now, it seems that I need to meet with a certain princess."