//------------------------------// // Let's Try Again // Story: Making the Sun Shine // by The Fiery Joker //------------------------------// Sunny looked down at her quilted blanket. She could scarcely believe that someone who made such wonderful sweets could be so mean to her mother. Didn't good ponies do good things? “So what did he do afterwards?” Sunny asked. “He closed down,” Pinkie stated. This surprised Sunny even further. “Did you get your job back?” Sunny asked, moving closer to her mother. Pinkie looked down, the memory flashing by her eyes once again. “No… Nopony did...” Sunny began to wonder whether or not asking these questions was a smart thing to do, seeing as each one she asked made her mother more depressed. Every time her mother spoke, the colors seemed to drain from her body. Sunny sunk a few inches down into the covers; she wasn't sure she liked this version of mommy. “But there was no way I could!” Pinkie cheered,her wide chaotic smile popping out of nowhere. “Though I really really wanted to!” “Why not?” Sunny asked, her fears of saddening her mother vanishing. “Do you really wanna know?” Pinkie smirked. “Yes.” “Do you reeeealllly wanna know?” Pinkie cooed, glancing towards the ceiling and trying to make herself look difficult to persuade. “Yes!” Sunny cried. Pinkie paused, trying her best to stifle her laughing. She knew it wasn’t nice to tease her daughter like that, but she was having way too much fun. She kept up the facade and scrunched up her lips in mock contemplation. “Do you reeeeeee-” “YES!” Sunny pleaded. “Okey dokey lokey artichockey!” Pinkie surrendered. “I tell you why…” ~9 YEARS AGO~ Black. Then gray. Bloom transition to white. Now back to gray. ... Still gray. “Whaa?” Pinkie mumbled. “Oh, you’re finally avake.” Pinkie's eyes fluttered under their lids. She couldn’t make out much, as her eyes refused to open any more than a slit to protect themselves from the blinding light that threatened to assault them with soreness most uncomfortable. The first thing she noticed was a warm, toasty blanket covering her body. Except for one of her legs, which felt as if it were elevated. “If you are confused, zat is normal,” the strange voice said again. “Just give your eyes a minute or two and they should recover.” “Wh-Where am I?” Pinkie shook her head, trying to get some semblance of a grasp on her senses. She followed the voice with her head. With some effort, she focused her eyes on the blurry figure in front of her. A yellow unicorn with a smoky black mane alternated between staring at her and a clipboard held in a red aura. “You are een St. Ponysburg General Hospital, Fräulein… ah… Pie, ja?” “Hospital? But how am I…” “You vere pazzed out on ze street next to zee shocolate factory,” the unicorn explained, “and you almost didn’t make it. The shock from your injuries caused you to pass out in ze snow; you almost died of hypothermia. Any longer and ve vould've had to amputate limbs.” A pencil scribbled itself furiously all over the keyboard. “Sankfully, ein passerby vas kind enough to bring you ‘ere.” Pinkie really only paid attention to half the words that were spoken; her mind was focused purely on the large white block covering her leg. She tried to move it, but her leg wouldn’t respond. “What… what’s this doohickey around my leg?” Pinkie asked, probing it with her hoof. “Zat is a cast, fräulein,” Doctor Angel said. “You broke your leg.” Pinkie paused, the words not registering. “I what?” “You broke your leg,” he repeated. “Or to be more specific, you destroyed it.” He pointed to an x-ray of Pinkie’s leg, making large gestures with his hooves. “Your leg broke like zees. Ze femur will repair itself, but ze joint here is completely shattered. Unfortunately, you vill haf to vear zat brace for a long time. Quite possibly zee rest of your life." Pinkie’s eyes broadened in disbelief. “I get to ride in a wheelchair and use crutches???” Pinkie exclaimed. “This is the most fantabulous day ever! I’ve always wanted to use one of those but the fun-spoiling doctors in Ponyville would never let me! Even booted me out a couple times!” The doctor’s eyes moved from the x-rays and studied his patient with an arched eyebrow. He had prepared a speech of how her life wasn't over and she could still make the best of her situation despite her handicap. He’d even brought several pamphlets detailing all the various career options and help she could get despite her disability. Said speech and pamphlets were now rendered useless. Slightly disappointing the more he thought about it; he was not expecting such optimism. “Vell... zat’s good,” he started. “You inspire me, fräulein.” “What’s your nametag say? Words still look funny,” Pinkie said, squinting her eyes. “Oh, my name is Doctor Todesengel,” he said with a bow. “Doctor Toads Angel?” Pinkie repeated. “But you said you were a doctor, not a vet.” "How large a dosage did I give her, again?" The doctor mused to himself. "It’z a foreign name. You may call me Dr. Angel, Herr Angel, or just Angel if you so desire, fräulein." “Okay Angie, but I gotta ask, why do you keep calling me “‘Fro Line?” I guess my mane does kinda look like an afro, but my name is Pinkie Pie!” "Vhat?" the doctor asked. "I do not... Excuse my mein forvardness, but your mane does not rezemble an afro. It more rezembles... a veeping villow." "What's that taste like?" The unicorn sputtered, nearly dropping his clipboard. He put a hoof to his mouth to stifle his chuckles. "Such innocence!" he cried. "I vish more of my patients vere as hopeful as you!" “So Angie, when do I get my wheelchair and crutches?” “In due time, Miss Pie. I still need to make sure you’re veady to leave,” Angel placed his clipboard down and began looking over Pinkie’s leg, humming a bright march tune to himself. Pinkie leaned back, letting her head sink into the soft, fluffy pillow. She then pulled the thick white blanket up to her chin and gave an airy sigh. Whether it was from the medicine or the comfortable fabrics, she almost felt like one of the pampered Canterlot Elite. But something was gnawing at her mind that she couldn’t put her hoof on. The feeling kept growing stronger the more she looked around the room she was (willingly) confined in. Her eyes drifted over all the priceless electronic equipment, over the emptied blood bags and anesthesia syringes, and over the clear plastic packaging that she assumed once held her cast. “Huh… how am I going to pay for this?” Then it clicked. “Wait, how am I going to pay for this!?” Pinkie’s leg shot forward, clipping the doctor on the side of his face. “Scheiße!” the doctor sputtered, collapsing to the floor and rubbing his cheek. “Oh, I’m so sorry, Angie!” Pinkie cried, twisting around to see if he was alright. “I didn’t mean to hurt you! Can I kiss it all better?” Doctor Angel immediately caught himself and moved to try and console Pinkie before she threw herself out of bed. “Calm down, fräulein! I'm alright,” he insisted, still rubbing his snout. “It doesn’t hurt zat bad. After all, this is not the vorst injury I have suffered in my line of vork.” Pinkie hesitated as she saw a small cut above the doctor’s lip. However, it was above a friendly, forgiving smile, and that was good enough for Pinkie to relax a little. “And as for your question about ze cost of ze room,” Doctor Angel continued, “You do not need to worry as everysing has been taken care of. You don’t have to pay a single bit.” “Really?” Pinkie’s limbs froze. The seconds ticked by as neither she or the doctor moved a muscle. “Whew… that’s a relief.” Pinkie let herself sink back into the inviting comfort of the blankets and pillow. The doctor also released a sigh and took the time to straighten out his white coat. “As I was saying, your savior has paid for all expenses that vould expedite your recovery.” Pinkie’s face turned from one of comfort and relief to one of shock and disbelief. “He paid the entire thing? How?" The doctor nodded. “He is in ze vaiting room. You can ask him yourself, if you so desire, fräulein.” “Super duperrific! Can I meet him now? I want to throw him a party for saving me!” “Oh, zat reminds me, Pinkie, now zat you're avake, there vas someting I vanted to ask you…” His horn glowed, and a small tray holding tiny sugary red pastries landed the blanket covering Pinkie’s chest. “Do you like cupcakes?” ~5 minutes later~ “WHEEEEEEE!” Doctors and patients alike turned around. A pink pony in a wheelchair zoomed through the hallways in large strides, all the while licking rainbow frosting off the sides of her lips. A couple doctors huddled closer to their patients, unsure if the approaching pony was hostile or not. The patients on the contrary began to giggle, especially the younger foals. Pinkie Pie burst through the doorway to the main lobby, grinning madly at her new play vehicle. She spun around on the wheels, squealing with delight as she moved faster and faster. “Whoa. How much morphine did they give you?" Pinkie's wheelchair came to an abrubt stop. Pinkie turned her head towards the voice and found a grinning yellow pegasus sitting casually on a plastic chair and holding a steaming paper cup of complimentary coffee. "I mean, sure you looked pretty bad, but I didn't think they'd let you out while you were still high off your plot," he joked. “You were the nice pony who found me?” Pinkie asked, scooting her wheelchair towards him. The stallion brushed his loose red mane behind his ears. “Guilty as charged.” Pinkie propelled herself at the pegasus and engulfed him with her forelegs. With the trademark strength of an earth pony, she lifted him up screaming, “Thank you so very very very so very very so so very very so much!" “Erg! Hey, it… was n-nothing.” He grunted under the pink bearhug, trying to form coherent sentences. keep balance on two legs with his wings pinned “If I was more of a white knight, I’d be Captain of the Royal Guard.” Pinkie laughed and set him down. She soon realized she wasn't completely used to her cast yet and began to wobble in place. “Whoa! Hey!” the stallion said, sliding himself in between Pinkie and the floor before said mare became acquainted with the floor. Pinkie squirmed in his grip a little, still startled from the effects of gravity. “Hey, hey, calm down, I gotcha,” the stallion consoled her. It was more to himself, as he was having difficulty trying to righten her up. Still, his chivalrous nature would not allow him to look weak in front of a lady. After all, she viewed him as her savior and to Tartarus with him if he was going to look like a pathetic savior. Tucking his front legs under hers, he hoisted her up until they were both eye level. And three inches from each other’s faces. Merry hadn’t noticed how pretty Pinkie’s eyes until they were up close. Her bright blue irises exuded such a gentle, friendly aura. He could almost get lost staring into those- “FOCUS MERRY! LADY NEEDS HER WHEELCHAIR!” he screamed in his head, oh so painfully breaking the stare and settling Pinkie back down in the seat. When the stare broke, Pinkie could’ve sworn she forgot something. She noticed she was doing that a lot lately. Maybe she should ask this friendly colt she didn’t know the name o- “Oh my gosh! I completely forgot! I’m Pinkie Pie!” “Pleased to meet'cha. The name’s Merry Way.” “I know I already said thank you, but I still need to tell you thank you because one thank you isn’t enough to show how much thank you I want to give you! OH I KNOW! I can throw you a party! A “Random Nice Pony Saved Me And This Is My Way Of Saying Thank You Very Very Very Very Very Very Much” Party!” The stallion let his jaw unhinge itself, wondering how in Equestria she didn’t pass out from rapid-firing the marathon of words that exited her shrilling maw. In a few seconds, his head began debating several dozen thought-provoking and ground-breaking theories of what could possibly allow this mare to break the laws of physics so casually and couldn’t help but wonder what kind of scientific and magical breakthroughs ponykind would be able to accomplish should they be able to tap into this mare’s absurd power and use it for the good of all. He decided it ultimately didn’t matter and opted to lightly place his hoof to his head and chuckle. “Oh Pinkie, you are such a treat.” “A treat? But how am I candy?” Pinkie babbled. “I know some ponies tell me I look like cotton candy, but I’m not! I’ve tasted myself! And my name isn’t Candy either! But I do know I guy named Candy he… fired… me…” Pinkie froze, all the memories coming back to her in a rush. That heartbroken and furious voice reverberated throughout her mind. "I can't trust you, Pinkie! You're fired! Get out of my factory!" Her eyes began to water and redden around the edges. Suddenly, a jolt of pain shot up Pinkie's leg, making her scream in agony. “Hey, what’s wrong?!” Merry cried, Pinkie grabbed her leg with both hooves and fell backwards in her chair, wailing on the way down. Merry Way, at the ready, dove towards her. The chair landed on his back, which he took like a cushion. With a grunt, he pushed his legs towards the floor and righted the wheelchair. Pinkie barely registered the mild peril she was saved from. All she could do was stare at the floor, all the delayed post-traumatic shock hitting her full force, along with the sharp phantom pain of her injury. “Hey, hey, Pinkie, calm down, I gotcha," Merry tutted. "Are you okay?” “No…” Pinkie mumbled, her voice quivering. "You… need to talk about it?" A pause. “I don't want to... but... yes…” she replied, not looking up. “Well… I’m not going anywhere. Not with you like this.” Merry Way stated, placing a hoof on Pinkie's shoulder. Like a true gentlecolt, he carefully guided Pinkie to the plastic chairs nestled against the walls. Once he was sure she was balanced on the chair, he released his grip and took his place next to her. “Tell me everything,” Merry asked. Pinkie sat and recounted the entire tale, from leaving Ponyville, to employing at Candy Mane's factory, her eventual expulsion from said factory, and arriving at the hospital. Merry Way’s eyes grew wider with each minute that passed. “Yeesh. Brain, remind me not to say the word “Candy” around her. Never thought that would ever make somepony depressed.” Merry snarked to himself. “I’m surprised she hasn’t thought of suing him yet… Heck, I would’ve. Then again, from what I've seen of her, maybe I shouldn’t be surprised. She does seem a little too nice for her own good.” “And I guess... that’s how I ended up here. But at least I got new toys and a new friend!” A gigglesnort blew past Pinkie’s face. As that happened, Merry thought he saw a little bit of color began to return to Pinkie’s features. She shot up from the floor, which was very surprising considering her brace, and held a bright and cheerful smile. Merry saw this and chuckled. “Nothing really gets you down, does it?” Pinkie shook her head. “Nope. Whenever I get down, I just think of something really really happy to turn my frown upside down. And that’s your party! Merry Way recoiled at the mare’s proposition. From a quick glance to her leg, he deduced it probably wasn’t a good idea to let her throw him a party. “Whoa whoa whoa, hang on, don’t you that’s a bit extreme?” he stammered. “I don’t think a party’s really all that necessary for just the two of us.” “Okay, then let’s just have lunch! Or Brunch! Or Linner? I dunno, what time is it? I hope it’s linner! Linner’s my favorite! It’s sounds the funniest!” Pinkie’s face was beaming, and her stomach more than empty. "You're buying!" “Wait, what?!” A bead of sweat dropped down Merry’s face. “But I… Ahhhhh… I don’t have any bits on me at the moment.” Pinkie raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure you’re just not trying to get out of paying?" she accused. An ethereal blade forged of guilt pierced Merry’s soul, shattering his stallionhood into thousands of pieces. “Oh, that’s just cruel!” he thought dejectedly. “No I kinda... Spent it all on something else.” Pinkie’s head cocked, becoming curious. “Like what?” Merry Way waved a hoof at the pink pony, trying to disarm the bomb he accidentally planted. “Never mind, it's not important.” “Well, don't you have any money saved?” Pinkie still had suspicions that this stallion was trying to be a cheapskate on her. She was going to get to the bottom of this sooner or later. Merry’s head drooped down, shame being a cloak. “Not anymore…” he mumbled. Pinkie now was more curious than a toddler in front of jingling keys. “Well, what did you spend it on?” “A…” Merry paused, trying to find the best way to articulate this. He couldn’t tell her he spent it all on her; that was unbecoming of a gentlecolt and just plain rude. Plus, he didn’t want to have her feel guilty or indebted to him in any way. At the end of his mental strategery, he ended up with answering, “A good cause.” Pinkie nodded her head, suspicions being held at the ready like a rifle. “Okay, I can overlook your un-knightly behavior just this once! But as punishment, you must push me there!” Pinkie turned her chin up in the air and gave Merry a pompous gleam from the corner of her eye, actually gaining some semblance of regality despite her status. Merry rolled his eyes. “Let’s just have lunch..." he groaned., placing his hooves on the wheelchair bars. Pushing the bubbly pink pony past the hospital and onto the cobblestone was rather simple, the only real threat being when Merry Way misplaced a hoof on the ice and found himself on the ground with Pinkie giggling like a mad mare. The only challenge they had to face was picking a place to eat. For Merry Way, he didn’t exactly want to go to any place that was extremely pricey, but not to a place the two would regret either. It seemed like an eternity with misplaced hoofs and searching until they spotted a place that looked good to both of them and not too pricey either. Very carefully and slowly, Merry Way pushed Pinkie Pie to the entrance of the restaurant. With all the food critics and normal ponies alike, Burger und Pommes was a pretty good joint, albeit a little run down. Even though the wallpaper seemed to have been hit with acid in some spots, and the grease stains on the tables that never went away, the food was good enough to kill all sensory nerves and keep your taste buds alive. Pinkie Pie and Merry Way opted to get a booth, as the stools were notorious to give ponies splinters where the sun don’t shine, and took their orders. Pinkie decided to have the Oktoberfest Burger, which had the excellent taste of root beer and pretzels, and a small vanilla shake. Merry Way, still feeling bad, got a burger and fries from the value menu. If he needed water, there was a fountain nearby. When their food arrived, they spared the pleasantries and dug right into their burgers. When the first swallow dispelled Merry’s sensory overload, he began to think that Pinkie looked familiar. "So Pinkie, where did you say you lived before here?" he asked. "Ponyville, right?" "Yeperooni!" Pinkie answered. "Interesting. So what brings small town girl like you up to the frozen north?" "I moved here after learning about the factory," Pinkie answered. "I heard so many great things about it that I just had to work there." "Huh... that means she moved here within the past few years..." After a minute of deep contemplation, the discovery of it all hit him like a ton of bricks. “Oh my gosh!” Pinkie tilted her head and swallowed what chunk of burger she had in her mouth, curious as to what her newfound friend was so surprised about. “I finally remember you!” “You forgot me already?” Pinkie said with a hint of hurt. “Thanks a lot…” “What? No!” Merry stammered. “Nononono, I mean before that! You were that mare who tried to throw a party for everypony in Stalliongrad, and broke into people’s houses trying to get to know everypony. I think I still have the paper.” “Yeah, the ponies here aren’t very nice…” Pinkie grumbled, retreating into her shake. Merry Way faltered. He couldn’t leave this mare like this. Here was an innocent little girl from some sun-shiny happy land who was now thrust into a dark, uncaring world that she didn't know a thing about. There was no way she was going to survive out here, what with scoundrels who would gladly capitalize on her naivete and take advantage of her in ways best not described in a children’s novel. He had to help. “Well, the lunch was great, but I think it’s time I helped you home. Where is it?” "Don’t have one!” Pinkie chirped. Merry blinked. He couldn’t help but notice the complete lack of worry in Pinkie’s voice. “Umm… you know that’s a bad thing, right?” “Of course I do!” Pinkie said. “But it shouldn’t be too hard to find a new home, right?” “Wait a minute, that means… you lived in the factory?” Merry questioned, his eyes widening. Pinkie replied with a happy nod. "And Candy Mane just threw her out?" he thought, grinding his teeth behind his closed mouth. "By all that is good, if I ever meet that son of a diamond dog…” he exhaled and closed his eyes. “Grah, focus Merry. She needs a place to stay, justice fantasies can come later. I can’t board her because my room only has one bed. I guess I could give her a cot, or she could take the bed and I could take the cot… Unless… Do you have parents you can maybe mooch off of?” “Mooch??” Pinkie smiled. “That’s a funny word! Mooch. Mooch! Mooooooooooch." “STOP MAKING ME LAUGH, CELESTIA DARNIT, YOU’RE MAKING MY CHEST SORE,” Merry Way screamed in his head. He shook his head to regain his composure, “In all seriousness, do you know anyone that has a place here you could maybe stay at?” “Yeah, but they live on a rock farm out of town, and it was NOT fun there,” Pinkie replied. Merry Way blinked. “A rock... farm?” he quoted. “That’s pretty… ghetto.” Pinkie let out a little giggle. “Yeah, my Mom and Dad are REAL old timers.” Merry Way placed his hooves together on the table and rested his head on them, resigning himself into deep thought. "I don’t think you really have a choice. If you want to get back up on your hooves-” he flinched, “-no pun intended, you're going to have to move back in with them." Pinkie lowered her head, “Well… can you come with me Merry? I think I’ll have more fun if you're there with me.” Merry Way blushed, “I don't know, I mean-” She was now making the dreaded puppy dog eyes. "Pretty please with sugar on top?" She pleaded. Merry Way sighed and smiled, "Sure... okay... if there's sugar on top." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “And that’s how I met your daddy!” Sunny giggled. She always enjoyed hearing stories about her parents before she was born, bonus points if they were able to embarrass the other. She occasionally had doubts that her mother stretched the truth at points, because some of them did seem to fantastic to be true. She found the one where Pinkie was a flashy superhero a little hard to believe. “If you couldn’t get your old job back, why couldn't you just get a new job?” Sunny Smile asked. “Wellll…” Pinkie drolled, tilting her head to the side and looking up. “It’s pretty tough to compete for a job when you don’t have all four of your hoofsies all up and working. But I could still cook and clean for my mommy and daddy! So that’s… something?” Sunny's eyes moved towards Pinkie’s brace. Using her powers of elementary school reasoning, she figured her mother’s leg never recovered completely, but she was still able to walk. “But you got out of the wheelchair?” Sunny pressed, scooting closer to her mother. “You could’ve found a job then, right?” “Nope! Still couldn’t!” Pinkie said. “Even if I did, there was no way I could work because by that time I had already married your dad and was pre-” Pinkie stopped and looked at Sunny. Her stared at Pinkie with big curious eyes and an innocent smile. She hanging on to every word she said. A small smile crept onto Pinkie’s face. She was incredibly lucky to have a daughter that turned out the way Sunny did. She giggled and ruffled Sunny’s mane. “I just couldn’t work,” she explained. “Simple as that.” Sunny seemed to accept the answer, but something else was still troubling her. “But if nopony got their job back, who’s running the machines at Candy Mane’s factory?” “Noooooobody knooooooows….” Pinkie cooed eerily, waving her hooves around. “But that doesn’t make any sense! Somepony has to be working there," Sunny insisted, thinking back towards the truck from earlier. “There just has to be…” Pinkie chuckled. Her daughter was growing remarkably perceptive, yet still she still ignored simple logic. “Think about it, silly filly,” she teased. “Have you ever seen anypony going in, or coming out of that factory?” “No…” Sunny said, thinking back to the trucks. “Not yet…” “The only thing that ever leaves Candy Mane’s factory is the Candy… and the trucks. But they have candy in them,” Pinkie added quickly, thinking she might have confused her daughter. Sunny nodded and wanted to ask another question, which was promptly ambushed by a large yawn. Her lids started to gain weight, along with the bed becoming comfier by the second. Sunny shook her head to get back some control of her body. There was no way she was going to fall asleep before the last part of their evening ritual. “Mommy, can you sing a song to me?” Sunny mumbled, valiantly fighting the oncoming sleep. “Sure, sweetie!” Pinkie answered. “Which one do you want to hear?” “Sing me one about Candy Mane!” “About Candy Mane?” Pinkie hummed. “Weird, I don’t think I know any about him. Darn. I’m probably going to have to improvise from another song I know… I got it!” Pinkie hummed a small jingle, and started bobbing her head back and forth in a light bounce. “Who can take a red sunrise, (A what?) and sprinkle it with dew? (That’s amazing!) Then cover it with chocolate and a miracle or two~, Who can take the rainbow stream (Pretty!) and wrap it in a sigh? (Oh wow!) Then soak it in the sun and make A groovy lemon pie~, It's Candy Mane he mixes it with love, love, love, Yes he does! His candy tastes like it’s from above! Yes it does! It's Candy Mane he mixes it with love, love, love, And he makes the world taste good! Oh, who can take tomorrow, (He can!) And dip it in a dream? (Don’t wake up!) Who separates the sorrow and collects up all the cream? (Each drop!) He’s the one and only Candy Mane, come to spread all the good cheer! And the only place you can taste it is, from this magic pony here!! It's cause he makes it all with joy, joy, joy, Yes he does! He makes it special for all to enjoy! He fills everything he makes with joy, joy, joy, And he makes the world taste fine! Yes, life can make unexpecting turns, And the whole world can seem black, But a simple nibble of his goodies will bounce you right back! In each bar’s a little magic, a little something wonderful; It’s the meaning of joy that will make you full! Chocolate with marshmallows, along with peanuts and whipped cream! Impossible combinations more far than the eyes can see!! It's Candy Mane he mixes it with glee, glee, glee, Yes he does! It tastes the best, everyone agrees! Yes they do! It's Candy Mane he mixes it with glee, glee, glee, And he makes the world taste greeeeeat! Come on everypony, gather round and, Ask Ol' Candy Mane about sweets and candy! Come on everypony, gather round and, He'll give you anything you want! Come on everypony, gather round and, Ask Ol' Candy Mane about sweets and candy! Come on everypony, gather round and, He'll give you anything you want! There's nothing he can't do! You'll win all you can imagine! And he'll make it just for you! Candy, Candy, Candy, Candy, Candy Mane!~ It's Candy Mane! It's Candy Mane!