//------------------------------// // The Adventure (Kinda) Begins! (Now edited thanks to Neko Majin C) // Story: Friendship and Mysteries // by The Cake Devil //------------------------------// Chapter 5 “Yo, is anyone over there?” Dipper turned around to find Soos making his way toward the three of them. He proceeded to wave Soos over with a smile. “Hey, Soos, come here, you’re never going to believe what I’ve found. It’s some kind of magical talking-” Dipper turned back around to face his new friends only to find that they had inexplicably vanished. “A magical talking what?” Dipper turned once more to see Soos standing behind him with a puzzled look on his face. Dipper quickly bent over and grabbed the first thing he could find. “A magical talking pine cone,” he said with a nervous smile. “Hello, Soos,” squeaked Dipper as he shook the pine cone up and down. “You’re looking pretty sharp today, is that a new hat?” “Why thank you my fine prickly friend.” Soos said with a proud smile. “I am, in fact, not wearing a new hat. I am, however, sporting the new mystery shack T-shirt. Now a lovely army green instead of the old and outdated jade green.” “Well that’s nice. Now I know where to go if I want to look like a giant brussel sprout.” “Wait what?” Dipper rotated the pinecone in his hands to find Discords eyes and grinning mouth resting on the other side. “Actually, little pine cone dude, you’d want to go down to the Summerween store for that. I don’t know about vegetable costumes, but if you go down there I highly suggest the cackling skulls as a possible purchase. ” “Soos it’s just me,” Dipper said, throwing the possessed pine cone behind his back. “Wow, very nice, little dude. You’re good enough to be one of those ventrila-thingies.” “Right thanks, so what’s up, Soos?” “I mean now that I think about it, how would a pine cone get down to the store anyhow ?” “Soos?” “Well, since it was a magic pine cone, it might just use its telekinetic pine cone powers to float there. But last I checked, the store doesn’t supply costumes for plant life-” “Soos?!” “Oh, right, sorry Dipper, what was your question again?” Dipper rolled his eyes. “What are you doing out here?” “Oh, right. Well, after finishing a lovely cereal, provided by Mr. Pines, Mabel came in and said you were a little down in the dumps. So, I thought maybe you’d want to talk to your ol’ buddy, Soos. Or we could just, you know, hang out and do guy stuff, what do ya say?” Dipper smiled. “Thanks, man, but I’m kind of busy right now. Can I take a raincheck?” “Sure thing, little dude.” Soos smiled as he began to walk away. “Oh, hey, you haven’t seen my broom my any-” Soos stopped in his tracks. He tilted his head upward and opened his mouth. Dipper watched in disgusted horror as a long wooden handle slowly erupted upward from Soos’ mouth. Reaching the end, Soos gave a large cough and expelled the rest of the item from his body, revealing it to be a wooden broom. He grabbed it in his hand before it fell to the ground, slightly shaken, he wiped his mouth and stared curiously at the broom in his hands. “Hm, this is the second time that’s happened this morning. Maybe I was subconsciously craving cleaning supplies in my sleep or something? Oh well, see ya latter, Dipper.” Dipper watched as Soos made his way back to the shack. Standing in silent horror, he attempted to comprehend what had just transpired. Dipper was brought back into reality by way of a bright purple light, and the return of Discord and Twilight. “Uh, finally. I thought he’d never leave,” Discord said. Twilight looked over to him with a scowl as she planted a swift elbow to the ribs. “What the heck was that?” Discords eyes widened as he placed a claw on the spot where Twilight struck. “Watch it there, missy. I may not look it, but I’ll have you know, I’m quite fragile. And I’ll state for the record, I was merely helping that poor butterball locate his lost items. I’ve done nothing wrong, so I will be accepting your apology now.” He said as he stuck his tongue out to Twilight. Twilight rolled her eyes and gave a defeated sigh before turning to face Dipper. “Well, it’s been nice meeting you Dipper, but I’m afraid we must be on our way. We are on a very tight schedule, after all, and you probably need to get back to whatever you were doing. Come on, Discord, let’s go.” Twilight turned around and started walking towards the forest. “Oh, are you sure you don’t need any help? I know my way around these woods pretty well, and they can be a dangerous place for someone who doesn’t know where they’re going.” “Oh I’m sure we’ll be alright, besides, Discord has been scouting around here for months. By now he should have a pretty good idea where everything is, right, Discord?” “Aaactually, Twilight, that’s what I’ve been meaning to talk to you about,” Discord said. “I believe the trip might have rattled my brains just a little, because I can’t seem to remember my way around this place anymore.” Twilight froze in her tracks, a blank stare locked on her face as she turned to the draconequus. A small twitch began in her left eye and a single hair on her mane sprung out of place. “So, let me get this straight,” she said with a forced smile. “We are in a completely alien world, have seven days to find an unspeakable evil, and the only one who was sent here to help me, can’t help me? Why didn’t you mention this earlier?!” Discord grinned and gave a small shrug. “Oh, you know how it is with old age. I’m surprised I can remember which way is up these days.” He said as he levitated off the ground and spun in a circle. “Sorry, Twilight,” he thought to himself. “But if I’m going to have any chance of getting through to Sombra, I can’t have you getting involved quite yet.” Twilight smacked her hoof to her head and slowly dragged it down her face. “Great, just great, now what are we going to do?” Discord tilted his head back toward Dipper. Twilight looked over her shoulder to the child, who, in turn, gave her a smile and wave. “No,” She said turning back to Discord. Instantly Discord’s smile faded as he placed his paw and claw on his hips. “What, why not?” “Discord, he’s just a kid, and, for the last time, Princess Celestia said to be stealthy. Which means no one is supposed to know about us.” “Ah-ah-ah, that’s where you’re wrong, my little pony. She only said stealth was merely ‘advised’, not required. That means we either follow it, or we don’t. Furthermore, even if I could remember anything, my knowledge would surely be overshadowed by somepony who actually lives here.” Twilight stood silently in a moment of disbelief. “B-but no, it can’t be. Discord, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but, you may have a point.” Discord smirked with a sense of self-satisfaction. “I do tend to have my moments. Now, go recruit our new guide.” Twilight rolled her eyes, she turned back around, and with a semi-forced smile, she started to address Dipper. “Well, it seems, due to certain circumstances,” she said as she shot a quick glare to Discord. “We have to take you up on that offer. But if you’re going to help us, you have to understand two things. First, we will be facing a foe whose evil knows no bounds, and you need to be ready for anything that may come your way. Second of all, and this goes for you too, Discord, it would be best that knowledge of our existence be kept down to a minimum. I’m guessing that nothing like us exists in your world, so we need to remain out of sight and out of mind, lest we start panic among the public.” Dipper nodded. “Understood, you can count on me, Twilight.” “Good, then by the power entrusted to me, I hereby proclaim you, Dipper Pines, honorary-temporary-assistant.” Dipper smiled. “Cool, so what’s first?” “Well honorary-temp-” “Just ‘Dipper’ is fine.” “Oh, right,” Twilight smiled. “Well, Dipper, first thing is first, I think we should map out the area and pinpoint possible locations where-” Twilight paused as she was suddenly cut off by a low rumbling sound from her stomach. She gave a shy smile to Dipper as her face turned a bright red. “S-sorry about that.” Dipper chuckled. “Sounds like someone hasn’t had breakfast yet.” Twilight nodded. “I really didn’t have time to pack anything. But I’ll be alright, nothing to worry about.” She said as another growl emanated from her stomach. “Wait here, I’ll be right back.” “Wait, where are you going?” “I’m going to get you guys something to eat.” “What? Oh, Dipper, no, we couldn’t ask you to do something like that.” “I could,” Discord said. “I’ll eat anything but pears, for Celestias sake I hate pears.” “Got it,” Dipper said. “And what about you, Twilight?” “I told you I’ll be-” *Grumble* “…some apples would be nice.” “Alright, I’ll be right back.” With that, he sped off to the house. Once Dipper had disappeared into the house, Twilight gave a long and exhausted sigh. “Something on your mind, sparkle brain?” Discord asked. “Besides the hunger pang, this mission just looks like it’s falling apart before we even get started. Right now, I’m not sure if Princess Celestia made the right choice.” Discord frowned and as he placed a paw on the back of her neck. “Now, I’ll have none of that. We’ve only been here for little over an hour, and you’re already giving up? We have little over a week to find Sombra and put a stop to him, and if you’re throwing in the towel on the first day, then he’s already won. So suck it up, and use that egghead of yours to start figuring out a plan.” Twilight looked up to Discord with a small smile on her mouth. “You’re right, Discord, thank you. I don’t know what I was thinking.” “Don’t mention it, if there is anypony who's going to make you miserable on this mission, it’s going to be me.” Twilight gave a devious smile as her horn began to glow and a small bolt of electricity shot onto Discord. “That’s for calling me 'sparkle brain', and for putting a beard on me!” “Yyyyyyy-ouch! Jeez, well that’s the last time I help you accessorize.” “Accessorize?! Facial hair is not an accessory for a princess…or a mare!” “Well, I would think you of all ponies would know that it’s the inside that counts, not the outside.” “Well, you do have a poi- you’re changing the subject!” As the two argued, neither of them noticed the small blue figure, and a set of beedy eyes removing themselves from the two, and disappearing into the forest. Dipper peeked his head slowly through the kitchen door. The kitchen showed no sign of life. That being noted, he inched his way to the refrigerator. Swinging the door open, he began looking over its contents. “Okay, so let’s see. Wow, is there anything in here without mold on it? Alright, so some apples, celery, a bag of chips with some canned meat. Note to self, help Stan go shopping.” “Hey, I’ll have you know I bought that food only one month after its expiration date.” “Ah!” Dipper yelled and turned around to see his Grunkle Stan standing behind him. “So, are you going to tell me what you’re doing with all the food there?”