//------------------------------// // Broken- NintendoGal55 // Story: The FlutterDash Group Collab // by Dalek Saxon //------------------------------// Written by NintendoGal55 *** Fluttershy was by far the most beautiful bride she'd ever seen. Anypony would say that she couldn't possibly surpass the beauty and grace of Princess Cadance during her wedding, but Rainbow Dash begged to differ. She normally didn't care for this sort of thing, but today, it was a part of all she could think about. A beautiful bride and a handsome groom. A sour look came to her face as her gaze shifted to the groom standing opposite of Fluttershy. The pompous jerk looked more like he was smugly satisfied than he was happy about getting married. Rainbow wanted to pummel him. He clearly knew how lucky he was, but only because he considered Fluttershy to be the ultimate trophy wife. Not because of how much of a great pony she was. For Fluttershy, as radiant as she looked in her wedding gown, the smile on her face was completely forced. She didn't look like an excited, glowing bride on her wedding day. She looked more like a prisoner about to face her execution. Rainbow Dash felt her heart break all the more further, briefly locking eyes with her best friend. She fought back tears, yet again wishing it were her at the altar across from Fluttershy, not this jerk. Princess Celestia, presiding the ceremony, spoke up once again. "Now then, should anypony be against this union, let them speak now, or forever hold their piece." For one brief second, the Princess cast a look toward Rainbow Dash, before her gaze shifted along the crowd. Rainbow Dash felt her heart skip. She'd forgotten about that line during a wedding ceremony. Now was her chance! Maybe it really wasn't too late after all! Her attempts to stop the wedding before had failed, but now, she had a chance to REALLY stop it! Wings flared, she flew out of her seat, landing on the red carpet of the wedding aisle. "Yes! I object!!" She yelled. The crowd gasped, while her friends, part of Fluttershy's bridal party, all facehoofed. Fluttershy looked a mixture of shocked and delighted. The groom, however, looked at her as if she were a fly to be swatted away. "And what right could you possibly have to end this, you mongrel?" The groom spoke up pompously. "You haven't a right to decide what is best for Fluttershy." "I know what she wants better than you do, you jerk!" Rainbow Dash advanced down the aisle, glaring hard at her now worst enemy. "And she sure as hay doesn't want to marry you and be your trophy wife!" "It was stated in the will of her departed parents, you twit. Surely I don't need to remind you of it further," said the groom, holding up a piece of paper with his magic. Fluttershy looked at her sadly, hiding behind her bouquet of white flowers. "Rainbow, I'm sorry..." "Can I...see that will? So I can actually read it?" Rainbow said, holding out her hoof. Rolling his eyes, the groom levitated it into her hoof. "Very well. But make it quick. We have my wedding to resume. And you will behave. You are even lucky that I am allowing you present for my wedding." "Yeah, yeah," Rainbow rolled her eyes, holding the will in her hoof, reading it over. "Rainbow, what are you doing?" Twilight wanted to know, looking anxious. Rainbow Dash smirked, and then ripped the will apart. Even going as far to toss some of the pieces into a nearby torch pit. "Oops! My hooves slipped! Oh well, looks like there's no more will!" Rainbow grinned widely. The crowd gasped again. Fluttershy looked delighted, while their friends were amazed. The groom, of course, was angry. "You insolent wench! That was the only copy of the will!" He growled. Smirking, Rainbow trotted over to Fluttershy's side. "Oh, well that's too bad. You should've planned ahead and made more copies. But you were too caught up in yourself that you didn't even think of it! Fluttershy's already got her inheritance, so what does it matter, anyway?" "It was agreed this way!" The groom snarled, advancing toward them. "I will be marrying Fluttershy, and there is nothing you can say about it! Now enough of this nonsense! Princess, call security and kindly escort this insolent mare OUT! Immediately!" Princess Celestia merely smiled. "Guards?" The royal guards advanced toward the altar, but Rainbow Dash had one more trick to play. She scooped up Fluttershy like the bride she was, holding her tight. "No need, Princess! I'm gonna let myself out! You ready, Fluttershy?" She grinned at her love. Fluttershy beamed, nodding. "Yes!" Within an instant, Rainbow flew away into the horizon. The crowd was silent, while the groom was getting angrier and throwing a tantrum. The rest of the Elements of Harmony smiled as they watched their friends go. "Is the wedding over, now?" Pinkie wanted to know. "Oh, Pinkie..." Twilight shook her head, smiling more. ~~~~ Far away, within a beautiful meadow, Rainbow Dash gently set Fluttershy down within the patch of flowers. She situated herself in front of her, grinning widely. "Oh, Rainbow...thank you for taking me away...if you hadn't intervened, I'd have been married to that jerk," Fluttershy beamed. "I just feel bad that we humiliated him at the altar...that wasn't right..." "Forget about him, Flutters. He's going to find another meal ticket eventually. You were just another attempt at it, anyway," Rainbow grinned, waving it off. "It's all wrong...so wrong...you destroyed the will and left the groom at the altar..." Fluttershy said, but she was smiling. "Like I care what they're going to think. So..." Rainbow leaned in close, smirking. "May I kiss the bride?" Fluttershy responded by tackling the cyan mare to the ground and kissing her passionately.