//------------------------------// // Twilight Sparkle // Story: Bacon // by JerryTheHouseGhost //------------------------------// After Twilight Sparkle found that she loved bacon, she couldn't get enough of it. "More bacon!" she had said. "More!" Twilight decided to throw away her responsibilities as a new princess so she could follow her new found dream of studying bacon and what made it so tasty. After realizing that studying bacon wasn't an ample way to bring in money for her family (herself and her bacon sculptures she molded out of... bacon...), she began to write and sell stories about bacon. We were lucky enough to interview Twilight about her books. RECORDED AT A PREVIOUS TIME "Hello, Miss Sparkle." "That's Mrs. Sparkle now!" "You've married?" "Yes. I've brought him here. Com on in, honey!" *A creepy bacon-pony is wheeled in on a little red wagon* "That is literally the scariest thing I've ever seen." "What did you just say about my hubby?" "I said he is the most handsome stallion I've ever seen. I'd marry him if-" "If I wasn't already married to him?" "-er.. Yes; let's go with that." "You wanna sit down?" "I'm already seated..." "I was talking to Bacoon." "Bacoon?" "My husband." "Oh." "Go on; sit down!" *Twilight pushes the bacon pony, which falls down onto the interviewer* "Uh..." "Yes?" "Is, uh... Is this a formidable seat for your husband?" "Why wouldn't it be?" "Well... Let's proceed with the interview. I've heard that you are writing a series of books." "You've heard correctly." "Do you mind telling me a little bit about them?" "What would you like to know?" "What is the title of the series?" "The series is called Why Are You so Tasty?" "Is that question ever answered in one of the later books?" "What question?" "The title of the series." "What about it?" "It's a question..." "My husband doesn't like you." "Uh... Okay... Another question!" "Splendid!" "How many copies has your first book sold so far?" "What?" "Your first book. How many copies have you sold?" "Uuuuhhhhh...." Twilight Sparkle's book sold zero copies. Not even her closest friends bought it. Since the book was Twilight's only plan for money, she ended up losing all of her money. She was evicted from the royal palace, and the only friend that allowed her to stay in their home was Fluttershy. Twilight got into Fluttershy's secret stash of stuff and almost killed herself by drinking at least 20 gallons of bacon grease. "I wanted to taste bacon," Twilight had said. "Fluttershy forbade me from eating her solid bacon, so I decided to go for her liquid bacon." Little did she know, bacon grease is disgusting. "If I had known bacon grease was this disgusting, I would have only drank 10 gallons." What Twilight didn't know was that the bacon grease was also restricted. Fluttershy did not take kindly to Twilight consuming 1/4 of her bacon grease stash. She kicked Twilight and her bacon husband out, but kept and ate the bacon filly. Upon asking Fluttershy about her secret stash, she replied, "I could have sworn it was a secret." Twilight was now homeless. Imagine being homeless and having to go to you friend's funeral. That's exactly what Twilight had to do. When they were lowering Rarity's casket into the ground, Twilight insisted that they should not bury her. "Nopony ever said living in your friend's casket was against the law!" Twilight had said before occupying Rarity's casket. Nopony listened to Twilight's demands, and they buried her along with Rarity. Twilight's bacon husband lives with Fluttershy now. "He cheated on Twilight with me around 15 times within the day she was living with me."