//------------------------------// // Chapter 8 // Story: Maybe if I get to say // by Fat1thatyoulove //------------------------------// Chapter 8 – The cupcakes a lie Your stomach is full with cupcakes, brownies and a few other sweets you're now regretting on eating. You were right about Pinkie being done with the cupcakes, but you didn't know you and Violet would have to taste test everything. Truthfully you couldn't taste anything after the fifth whatever you ate and you know Violet didn't complain about anything seeing as how she only wanted the cupcakes. But your soon to be stomach pain was worth it as Violet has her happy smiling face back, you can't really tell if its a sugar rush or not but right now it doesn't really matter as you watch her galloping towards the library door. Violet waits next to it as you come up beside her and open it, you move your eyes around the room for a moment as you look around the neatly cleaned room. The cluttered books that use to lay atop the table. The only items that still sit at the table are the closed Element of Harmony box and Star Swirl's book. "There you two are." You turn your head to Twilight's voice as you hear Violet's hooves clapping against the wood floor as she quickly moves towards the lavender mare. Twilight embraces the little filly in a big hug as she gives a slight giggle and looks to her with a smile, "And how was your first day honey?" Violet slightly loses her smile as she shakes her head. Twilight squints to the motion as she talks, "No? You didn't like it?" Violet nods her head to Twilight's words. Twilight brings her eyes to you as you shrug, "She didn't like it." You hold a slight smile to Violet as you stay quiet about what you were told, you figure your talk with her is plenty. Twilight hugs Violet again as she talks in a sweet voice, "That's fine Violet...did you get to make any friends?" The light purple filly pauses at the word before she nods her head. Twilight's smile holds as she looks to the little filly with a very excited face, "Really?" But Violet doesn't give an answer as she gives a slight yawn, you speak up as you talk for her, “Ya she must had meet a colt named Sparky in school.” You give a slight laugh to your comment hoping she’ll buy into seeing as how you never told her about Sparky before. Twilight looks to her tired face as she talks, "Thats great!...but lets get you a nap and then you can tell me all about it." She helps the little filly up the stairs as she walks beside her. You hold a slight smile to them as they move from your sight up the stairs, you move yourself over to the window as you look outside. The day has started to come close to its end, or at least its starting to get dark from the clouds that cover the area around Ponyville. The sound of hooves comes back to the room as you turn your head back to Twilight, as you make eye contact with her she speaks up, "So you said you had an idea for Violet's costume right? Because the clouds should make it dark in an hour or so." Her voice comes up in a slight know it all tone as she explains to your slight confused face, "...It gets darker early that way foals can enjoy Night Mare night without getting tired." You nod your head as you talk with a smile, "I have a costume idea." - - - The sky outside has become dark and the time has passed decently fast as you look over the wide eyed filly sitting on the bed. You stare to the dark green filly with a slight smile as you look over the makeshift costume you've made. But the cut up and now slightly burned grey shirt along with the one pant leg of blue jeans that you used is a little bit more to you than just a costume. The fact that you have finally found a use for those past life clothes means a little bit more to you as you shrug, "Well Violet, nopony is going to know who or what The Hulk is but...you look perfect." Thanks to the spell Cheesy Heart used on you you were able to remember how to use it, which really makes the costume come together now that her coat has been changed to green color. You help her off the bed as she starts towards the door, you didn't really expect to dress yourself up...but you found a cape under the clothes you found it necessary to become the real super pony. You hold this thought to yourself as you walk over to the open drawer, you move your eyes to the box you have yet to give Twilight as you watch it float out of the drawer as you push it closed. You study the box as you float it over towards the bed, your heart pumps a steady fast pace as you place it down for latter. "Are you coming?" You call out to the voice down stairs as you start through the door, "Ya." You come to the stairs as you start down them, but you don't really watch your steps as you stare to Twilight's outfit with a slight chuckle, "What are you?" Twilight has a dark purple wizard like hat on with a dark blue cape that covers her whole body with the same dark blue boots on her four hooves, a small amulet with an M on it comes around her neck. She looks her costume over as she talks, "Its my Mare-do-well outfit without the mask. You nod your head as she looks down to Violet with a slight giggle, "Why is she green again?" You shrug as you talk, "It makes the costume." Twilight nods her head as she opens the door, but her head goes back to the stairs as she calls out, "Spike don't you want to come with us?" You both stare to the staircase as you watch the small purple dragon wearing a long white fake beard comes into view, he rolls his arm as he talks, "Not this time, I got sick from all that candy...so this year i'm just going to stay in and eat all the candy I don't give out." Twilight squints to his words as she talks, "But you'll still eat too much?" Spike shakes his head as he talks, "Naw, i'll be fine." She rolls her eyes as she opens the door, "Well Spike, we'll be home in a little, I don't want Violet staying up too late." The little green filly goes out of the door as you and Twilight follow after her. End of chapter 8