Maybe if I get to say

by Fat1thatyoulove

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 – Taking that first step

The light purple filly impatiently waits next to the door as she continues to swing her head between you and the door.

You stare at her expression of enthusiasm as you again think to yourself, you're not supposed to want to go to school...

"Ok Violet." You turn your head to Twilight as she floats a light purple pouch towards Violet, "...I cut everything up for you, in case you're hungry for lunch." The pouch is floated to the little filly as Twilight moves closer. It takes her a few minutes to help the pouch around her but she eventually gets it on.

Violet pushes the strap a little that hangs around her side, the pouch is a little bigger than you and Twilight thought, "Hmm..." Twilight taps her hoof to her mouth as she talks, "Well Rarity did use Sweetie Belle as her size tester."

The little filly eventually stops her pulling as she looks back up to you two. Twilight holds her stare as she talks, "You sure you want to go Violet?"

You turn to her voice a little surprised at the tone as you think, she's the one now not wanting her to go? You look over her expression as you start to smile, good now she can feel too old to fast.

Violet blinks to the words before she sits herself to her flank and starts to move her hooves.

You let out a little chuckle as you listen to Twilight's voice, "what do you mean we're slow?"

The little filly turns back to the door as she waits for one of you to open it, she's still too small to reach the doorknob, but just barely. You follow her outside as she happily gallops out, Twilight turns herself back to the house as she calls out, "Spike we'll be at Rarity's after we drop Violet off if you want to-..."

Twilight's voice is cut of as Spike's runs through the house, "Of course!"

She closes the door behind her as she trots past you and Violet, who have stopped not knowing where to go.

You follow after her as you trail beside the filly, "So how long is it again?"

Twilight moves her trot on the other side of Violet as she talks to you, but she turns her head towards Violet as she answers, "Preschool is about three hours and we will be back right after lunch."

The little filly doesn't seem to pay attention to her words as she's too busy kicking up the dirt around her making her hooves a slightly dirty purple like she usually does when she goes outside.

Your walk has brought you into the town as you look around the streets and buildings around you. From what Rainbow has told you and from what you know today is supposed to be something scary or a party...but as you look around you only see ponies putting up fake cobwebs and stringing what look like christmas lights but in the shapes of weird skulls or bats.

The town does look a little bit more busier today and you keep shifting your head making sure Violet hasn't run after something. You turn your head to Twilight as you talk, "So is this what you do for Nightmare Night?"

She takes her head up from the little filly as she looks around, "Well most of the stuff takes place around the town hall." She smiles as she continues, "This is just outer street things...we still need to come up with something for Violet to wear."

You nod your head to her as you speak, "I think I got something."

"Really?" She cocks her head to you as she talks, "Like what?"

Her tone strikes you a little odd as you cock your eyebrow to her, "You'll see."

Twilight nods her head a little as she talks, "Ok but if-..."

Her voice is cut off as you watch a quick bolt of pinkie fur spring around her neck, the energetic ball you know as Pinkie is quick to talk as she looks over you and Violet, "Hi you guys!" She takes in a deep breath as she moves her eyes back to focus on Violet. You prepare your ears as you stop your walk, Areyouguysgoingtogoasafamilyofpouches?HU?causethatwouldbereallyweird." Pinkie lets loose of her hug on Twilight as she starts up in a laugh.

You follow her laugh not really knowing if what she said was funny or not.

Twilight shakes her head as she talks, "No, and we're taking Violet to her first day at-..." Her voice is cut off as Pinkie shoves her hoof to her mouth.

"OH oh don't tell me..." She gives a wide smile as she brings her other hoof to her mouth, "I'm going as Madame Pinkie tonight so I need to practice." Pinkie moves her hoof from Twilight's mouth as she starts to move her hooves around her own head in a circular motion, "Uhm..."

You squint to her weird breathing as you look to Twilight, "Uh, Twilight shouldn't we..."

Pinkie jumps from her stance as she talks, "You're going to go pick poison joke to make the best costumes right?"

Twilight and you both are a little taken back by her loud and happy exclamation but Twilight doesn't stay fazed for long as she talks, "No, we're taking Violet to her first day of preschool."

Pinkie takes another big gasp as she looks down to the smiling filly, "You're going to your first day?! I remember my first day." She lets out a laugh as she talks, "I went to the best preschool the quarry had..." She taps her hoof to her mouth as she thinks out loud, "I think it was Rock school or something."

Rock school? You look over the pink pony still trying to think as you roll over her comment in your head, the rocks must have been made of candy or something.

Twilight nods her head as she holds her hoof out to her friend as she talks, "Well we really should get-..."

"NO wait!" Pinkie wiggles her hoof to Twilight as she talks, "Oh darn I forgot, but I did remember that you still need to pick out a cake." She folds her hooves over her mouth as she talks in a muffled voice, "Oh, that was a surprise..."

Twilight and you both give each other a slight look of confusion as she talks again, "We really need to get going Pinkie."

The pink pony nods her head as she rubs her hoof to Violet's mane, causing it to lose the combed bangs that half resemble Twilight's, "I wish I had a cupcake to give you, but I have to go help Applejack set up the stands."

Violet gives a happy wheezing sound to Pinkie's high pitched voice as she continues to rub her hoof to her.

"Bye Twilight!" Pinkie hops away as her sentences comes to an end.

You turn your gaze back to Violet as you give a little laugh, her mane that you accidentally cut too much the other day has turned back into its point like Rainbow's. Twilight gives a slight groan as she looks over the little filly's messed up hair.

But she doesn't get to stare for long as she picks her low sweet voice back up to Violet's happy face, "Come on Violet, you don't want to be late."

You follow after them as you continue to swing your head around to the ponies around you putting up decorations.

End of chapter 3