//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: Maybe if I get to say // by Fat1thatyoulove //------------------------------// Chapter 2 – Just a hop away Getting Violet ready took a little longer than expected seeing as how she decided she didn't want any help, but the brush maned and fresh breathed filly along with you make your way down the stairs as you both take in the smell of breakfast. You give a slight yawn as you reach the bottom of the staircase and begin to scan the room. Violet's high chair has been pushed away from the table and you now follow after the filly as she moves to her new seat at the table she's been sitting at for the last two days. She doesn't really need any help getting into the seat seeing as how its not really too tall, but you still find it necessary to make sure she can before you take your own seat. But you don't move to your seat as you listen to the hooves coming in from the kitchen, you turn you head to Twilight as she floats over a plate to Violet. Even though you know it was just a dream the fact that you see Twilight has loosened a slight knot in your stomach. She holds a happy smile as she sets it in front of Violet, "Violet remember to eat everything, you want to be focused on your first day of preschool right?" Violet blinks to the words for a second before she gives a wide smile and nods her head. Twilight turns her head back to you as she gives a sheepish smile, "Um, I kind of burned your-..." You don't let her finish her sentence as you plant a kiss to her, the kiss was a little longer than you intended it to be as you break it and smile to her. Her cheeks are a little blushed as she shakes her head with a slight giggle, "W-what was that for?" You hold the smile as you walk over to your seat and sit down, "I didn't know I had to have a reason to love you." She doesn't move for a moment as you both hold a stare to each other, but your moment is broken as Spike comes into the room with a plate, he lets out a laugh as he walks over to the table, "Ya Twilight tried cooking today..." The little purple dragon puts the plate on the table as he lets out another laugh, "...So everything is either under cooked or burnt." Twilight's soft gaze is snapped as she lets out a sarcastic laugh, "Ha ha, very funny Spike." She brings her hoof to her chest as she holds her head up proudly, "I'll have you know I did everything by the book." You shift your eyes to Violet as you watch her pushing the plate of cut up pancakes and eggs towards the edge of the table, the only thing she seemed to eat was the zap apple bits. Her mission falls uncompleted as you reach over to it and stop it before it falls. "Violet." Twilight grabs at the plate as she looks at Violet, "You love pancakes?" The light purple filly holds a smile as she shakes her head, you watch her front hooves come up in front of her as she holds her smile. You give a little chuckle to her as you watch Twilight looking over the plate, "What do you mean those are not pancakes?" You give a slight chuckle as you think to yourself, Violet eats when I cook. Spike unlike your small laugh erupts in laughter as he takes his fork from his mouth, "See I told ya i'm the best cook." He stares to his claw as he continues, "Ya its all in the claw." Spike turns his gaze to Violet as he smiles, "You want uncle Spike to make you something don't ya?" Violet wiggles her hooves to the voice as the purple dragon jumps from his seat with his head up high. The light purple filly turns her gaze back to Twilight as her front hooves and ears start to move. Twilight shakes her head as she talks, "No Violet, its not time for school." You shake your head to the little filly's enthusiasm as you think, Violet you're doing it wrong you're not supposed to want to go to school. You hold your hoof out to her as you talk slowly, "Remember if you don't like it you don't have to go." You don't get an answer from the little filly as Twilight gives a giggle, "Of course she'll like it." Her voice gets a little bit more excited as she holds a smile to Violet, "You're just going to make so many friends I just know it." She taps her hoof to her mouth as she looks away, "I wonder if Celestia would want you to write friendship reports too..." You squint to her comment as you think, sure you;ve gone over a few things with Violet but you doubt her name and a few simple words is enough for a report. "I don't think she'll want her too." Twilight nods her head as she talks, "Oh I know..." She gives a little giggle as she rolls her hoof to you, "She wouldn't do that until Violet enrolled into her school." She taps her hoof to her mouth again as she talks but this time she loses her smile a little, "I-I should ask Celestia about that..." She stays in thought for a few seconds as she studies the table in front of her. But her stare doesn't get to stay long as you and her both move your gaze back to the little filly now with a low blue glowing horn. Violet's eyes drift up a little as she holds a slight smile to the low chime from her horn. Twilight gets her smile back as her voice dips down into an encouraging softness, "What are you doing?" Violet moves her eyes back to the voice as she stare to Twilight's face, her horn still gives a low chime as she listens to Twilight's voice, "Remember Violet it's not nice to use your magic on other ponies...or Spike." The little filly hesitates for a moment before she nods her head, after a few seconds of the magical chime it stops and Violet instead starts to move from her seat. But she's stopped as Twilight talks, "Violet you're not playing until you have something to eat." She blinks to the words for a few seconds before her eyes shift to you, Twilight follows her eyes as she turns towards you, "And yes daddy can't play until then either." You blow at the comment as you think, ya it will be my luck someone's going to need my help today or... Your thoughts are brought to a halt as you hear a knock at the door. Twilight trots over to it as you nod your head to the table, yep today i'm going to have to get some magical frosting for Pinkie or i'm going to have to get a cat out of a tree for Fluttershy. You smile to the thought as you listen to the tomboyish voice behind you, or i'm going to get a rematch in horse shoe tossing. You turn your head to the cyan mare as she trots herself in, as you turn her voice starts to become directed towards you, "Oh look for once youre not pink, asleep, or cutting some pony's mane." You nod your head as you talk, "Ya and for once you don't show up late." She gives you a smile as she rolls her hoof, "I'm never late, some ponies just start earlier then they said they would." Twilight gives a slight giggle as she talks, "What brings you by Rainbow?" Rainbow's voice is cut off as she darts over to Violet and begins to pick her up, "Well Rarity told me to tell you two that she still needs to make a tux and a few last things on your dress." She scoops Violet up to her grasp as she takes herself off the ground, her gaze moves to the little filly in her hold as she talks, "Gosh weezy you've grown since the last time I did this." You hold your hoof out as you talk, "Rainbow..." But your comment is cut off before you can finish as Rainbow blows to you, "Look Violet you're already making daddy worried, and you've not even had your first heat yet." The light purple filly doesn't pay attention to the cyan mare's words as she's too busy wiggling her legs to the ground under her as Rainbow floats her around the room in a slightly slower pace than normal. Twilight watches her friend's slow pace as she talks, "Well we told her she can't play until she finished her breakfast." Rainbow gives a slight laugh as she continued her slow flight path, "You know when I was a little my dad couldn't even keep me in the cloud for less than fifteen minutes." Violet's fun is cut off as Rainbow comes back down to the chair and places Violet down, "...But he always caught up with me." She turns to Twilight in a wide smile as she spreads her wings and takes on a slightly leaned forwards stance, "...That was the first thing that made me want to go faster." At Twilight's nod the cyan mare turns back to Violet who now has a slightly confused face to her quickly ended fun. Rainbow rubs at her mane as she talks, "Sorry weezy, i'm a little tired from early morning cloud duty." Her voice picks back up as she turns to you and Twilight, "Oh man, wait until you guys see the fog we got from the Everfree forest, its going to be the scariest Nightmare Night ever!" You squint your eyes to her comment as you talk, "I thought it was a party or something?" Twilight's eyes shrink a little as she talks, "Oh you're right! Nightmare Night is tonight...I don't have anything for Violet..." She taps her hoof to her mouth as she starts to calm her voice down, "Its not like she would stay up past her bedtime but she still needs something." A thought pops into your mind as you look between them, "So its like Halloween right?" Rainbow and Twilight both look at each other for a moment before Twilight speaks up, "Like what?" You roll your hoof as you try to bring out the half of a thought you hold in your mind, "Like costumes and um...stuff." Rainbow nods her head as she talks, "Right?" But her confusion doesn't last long as her voice picks back up to it's normal tomboyish tone, "Anyways, fair warning I am doing my normal pranks, and no sorry can't let you two slide." Twilight cocks an eyebrow to her as she talks, "Violet's magic is a lot more susceptible to her emotions...you're welcomed to get frozen wings." "Nuh-uh...can she do that?" Her eyes drift back to the little filly sitting at the table. Twilight smiles as she puffs her chest out a little, "Yes." You follow her smile as you nod to Rainbow, "Wanna see Rainbow?" "Pass. I've had enough of magic for one day." She wiggles her hoof out as she talks, "Some of those Everfree clouds don't like to be moved...Anyways I gotta go, we still have a few things to do." She turns her head to Twilight as she finishes, "Make sure you two stop by Rairty's." Twilight nods her head as she talks, "Goodbye Rainbow." "C'ya." Rainbow trots towards the door as she spreads her wings back out. You watch her leave for a moment before you drift your eyes back to Twilight as she talks, "I'm going to see if Spike needs any help, Violet can't be late for her first day." You give a slight chuckle as you look to Violet, "I think mommy wants to go more than you do." Violet shakes her head as she moves her front hooves and her ears, you smile as you think over her slightly incorrect reply, but she looks too happy to correct her, "Yep, Violet not real pancakes." End of chapter 2