Sweet Dreams

by Sylent-Rayne

Chapter Two- Breakfast

The smell of burning toast assaulted Caramel's nose as he stepped carefully off the last stair. Wincing slightly, he walked cautiously into the kitchen, where, he was certain, he would find his mother, trying, and failing, to make breakfast.

"Caramel!" Gala shouted as he stepped into the room, "Mom's making breakfast!" She giggled and winked at Caramel as their mom frantically tossed the burnt toast on the table.

"EAAT!" She shouted at Caramel, who sat with a startled noise and began to chew on the crispy toast. She hurried over to the stove and began her hurried bustling, creating such a racket that Gala covered her ears and shouted:

Caramel watched this entire scene with disinterest. He noted that Gala was saying something, but he had more important things to think about. Such as, what he was going to be doing, who he was going to see, and of course....

"Big Macintosh!" Gala's voice burst through his thoughts. Blushing violently, he gave his sister a glare, and she smiled sweetly.

"What about Big Macintosh dear?" questioned her mom, tossing eggs onto the pan.

"Oh nothing," Gala replied, sticking her tongue out at Caramel, who let out his breath with a huge sigh, "Caramel just gets to work with Big Mac."

Caramel took a piece of toast and flung it at his sister, his face flushing red. When his mother turned around, her smile turned into a look of concern.

"Are you ok darling?" she said, brushing a strand of hair out of his face, "you look awfully red."

With a strained smile he answered calmly, "Don't worry mom, I'm fine. Just a bit nervous, that's all."

His mom seemed satisfied with that answer, and after dumping two eggs on his plate, she went back to cooking.

"You know," Caramel's mother began, pouring a little batter into the pan, "I remember the first day I participated in the Winter Wrap-up," Gala made a face at Caramel, and he began to giggle quietly, trying his hardest not to be heard.

"What did you do?" Gala asked, taking a cautious bite of eggs.

"Oh you know..." As his mom began to explain, he let his mind wander. What was Winter Wrap-up going to be like? Was he going to work so hard he wouldn't be able to stand? And most importantly, would Big Macintosh even talk to him?

"Caramel?" his mom said questioningly, looking concerned again, "Are you sure you're going to be ok?"

"Yes mom," Caramel smiled again, and he stood up from the table. "If it's ok with you, I'm going to leave a little early," He began walking to the door, but before he could leave his mother said:

"Have a good day dear!" Caramel flashed her a smile, and with a small push, he opened the door and stepped out into the morning air.