Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

A trip into the mind

Chapter 61

"Hey Lance! Come here!" My cousin yelled from downstairs.

I groggily sat up and rubbed my face, what does he want?

I pulled myself out of bed, wearing nothing but boxers. When I glance over at the clock, I let out a loud groan. 6:16 AM, that's too early!

I reluctantly made myself pull on my pants and T-shirt.

After some self complaining, I left the guest bedroom and walked down the stairs.

Upon reaching the ground floor, I was greeted by my cousin, who had a smug look on his face.

"Mornin'!" he said, a smile on his face.

I let out a sigh, "Yeah, what did you want?"

He opened the front door, "Me and James have something we want to show you." He then motioned for me to walk through the door.

I rubbed my face, "I'm going, geez!"

When we entered the pastor, I saw James standing next to a large black stallion.

James looked at me and a devilish smile appeared on his face, "So Lance," he reached into his pocket and pulled out a phone, my phone! "We heard you like My little pony."

My eyes widened and my hand shot to my right pocket, only to find it empty. How did they get my phone?!

Before I could say or do anything, Robert, my other cousin, grabbed me from behind and held my arms behind my back.

I tried to break free, but I wasn't strong enough. It was useless to even try, he was so much stronger than me due to the daily work he does.

James began to laugh as he made his way over to us, followed by the large stallion.


I awoke with a start and sat straight up. I could feel sweat all over my body. There was so much of it, it was dripping off my face.

I hate reliving that moment, but my mind won't let me forget about it!

[Oh God! I hate reliving that every night!]
<You and me both. It was horrible!>

I took a few ragged breaths and looked around the room.

It was almost pitch black, but there was a little light coming through the heavy curtains. It gave the room a peaceful feeling.

I looked over to the bed to see Twilight sleeping peacefully, Spark lay next to her in a bundle of blankets.

I had let Twilight have the bed so that there would be enough room for Spark. I took the couch, the very uncomfortable couch.

It's been four days since Spark was born, and we're still at the resort. We couldn't leave, the train was on a schedule, so we have to wait for it come back.

Luckily, today is the last day we have to be here. We'll all be returning home, but with two new additions. Shadow Breeze and Vinetion.

They both decided to come back with us, I don't know why though. We've all decided that they can stay at Drax's, until they get a place of their own.

I chuckled, but then remembered the dream. I then put my face into my hooves, content on trying to forget about it, like I've been doing almost every morning since the... incident.

"Lance? What's wrong?" I heard Twilight say, a touch of concern in her voice.

I looked over to see her sitting up in bed, but I couldn't see her facial expression. Damn darkness...

"... Yeah, I'm.. great!" I said, feeling slightly embarrassed. What? That damn memory is still fresh in my mind!

I saw her shake her head, "Oh Lance, your a terrible liar."

I let out a small chuckle, "I know Twi..."

She slowly climbed out of bed and came to my side. She then sat down and took my hoof in hers, "So, whats wrong?"

I shook my head, "I can't tell you.... It's kinda something I've never told anyone."

She nuzzled my neck, "Can you tell me?"

I sighed, "I want to, but I can't. I can't make myself talk about it."

Twilight let go of my hoof and climbed into my lab, "Can you try to tell me, please?"

This was new, I mean the sitting in the lap thing. I wrapped my hooves around her, "I'll give it a try. Two years ago, I went to my grandparent's farm. I liked it, it was a nice place to relax, but it was also stressful. My two cousins, James and Robert, were always trying to mess with me. I don't mean joking, I mean full on hurt me. They never really liked me, I don't know why though. One day, they called me out to the pastor and..." I stopped talking, I couldn't go on. I had tears in my eyes from just thinking about it.

Twilight rubbed my cheek with her hoof, "Its okay Lance, you don't have to tell me."

I gulped, "I want to tell you, I just can't make myself."

She sat back slightly and tapped her chin, "I may have an idea. But you'll have to be okay with it."

I nodded, "What is your idea?"

She looked at me and I could see her smile, "Well, I know a spell that will allow me to see your memories."

I furrowed my brow, "I don't know if that's such a good idea."

She cocked her head, "Why not?"

I thought for a second, "For starters, there's things that I don't think you should know..."

[Yeah, rule 34.]
{Quiet you!}

"... and the memory is kinda... how do I say this? Mortifying. I think that describes it."

Twilight rubbed her nose against mine and rested her head on my shoulder, "Lance, I can handle anything you have to offer. Trust me, I've been around you after all."

I chuckled, she has a point. "Okay Twi, I'll let you do the spell."

She squealed in delight, but quickly covered her mouth, looking at the bed.

Spark was still asleep, good.

I shifted Twilight around a little, "What will this spell do exactly?"

She thought for a second, "The book said it will let both of us see your memories. I don't know the full details, but its safe."

<Sounds legit.>

I began to rub her back, "Alright, you can cast the spell when ever you're ready."

She smiled and gave me a peck on the cheek. Her horn than began to glow a soft purple. After a few seconds, she touched it to my head.

I felt a small stinging in side of my head, then I passed out.

Seconds later, I opened my eyes to see whiteness.

Twilight looked up at me, we was still in the same position, "Wow, your mind is so... empty."

I rolled my eyes, "Oh haha, have your fun Twi."

"Yo, when you two are done, I'd like to talk to ya." Said a all to familiar voice behind us.

I twisted my head to see both Break and Dawn standing next to each other, and a small computer like device behind them.

I smiled, "Well, how are you two here?"

Dawn chuckled, "Dude, you're in your head, and we're always in your head."

Break nodded, "I though you would be smart enough to know this. I guess not."

Dawn slugged him with his hoof, "Be nice!"

I let out a small laugh and stood, followed by Twilight, "Oh you two."

Twilight was looking at them with a strange look, "Those are you consciences?"

I nodded, "Yep, cool huh?"

Break smiled cockily, "Damn right its cool!"

Twilight looked past them, "What's that thing?"

Dawn turned to the object, "That? Oh its just Lance's memory."

I shook my head and chuckled, "How convenient."

Break looked at me, "I know right?"

Twilight took a step forward, "Can I look through it?"

I held up a hoof, "Nope, I'll look through it. I don't want you getting into anything bad."

Break smirked, "Hey Twi, do you wanna see something we call porn?"

Twilight cocked her head, "Porn? Whats that?"

My eyes widened, "Break, you asshole! Don't worry about it Twi." I then looked at Dawn, "So, can I?"

He nodded and stepped to the side, "Its your mind, you're the boss."

Break rolled his eyes, "Not the boss of me though."

I chuckled at him as I walked past and stepped in front of the computer like object.

Twilight stood to my right and Dawn to my left.

I looked it over, "So, how do I work this thing?"

He touched the screen and it came to life. Once it was on, there was a long list of words on the screen, "All you do is pick the one you want and it'll cause everyone here to relive that memory."

I nodded and smiled, "Now that is awesome."

I began to scroll down the list, and I must say. Wow! There is a ton of categories.

Twilight stopped me from scrolling and pointed to one, "What's that one?"

I looked at the one she was pointing at and shook my head, "We are not opening that one." The one she had pointed at was 'Alone time'. I don't have to be a genius to know what that one is.

Break leaned over me, "Oh, we're clicking that one."

Before I could stop him, he selected that category.

I suddenly began to remember with vivid detail all the moments I had... you know.

When it was over, Twilight had a shocked look on her face.

I let out a weak chuckle, "I told you we didn't want to see that one." I turned to Break and mouthed, 'Fuck you.'

He smiled, "Time and place Lance."

I rolled my eyes and looked at Twilight, "You okay?"

She slowly nodded, "That was... awkward."

I chuckled, "You have no idea."

We continued to scroll through them, clicking on a few here and there.

After a good forty minutes or so, I finally came to one called, 'Farm nightmare'. That has to be it.

Twilight looked at it and me, "That's it, isn't it?"

I slowly nodded, "Yes, are you sure you want to see this?"

She bit her bottom lip, "Yes, I think I'm ready."

I took a deep breath and clicked it.

I relived that entire ordeal, from beginning to end. It was worst the second time! Oh God! That stallion was huge! James and Robert are sick bastards!

After it ended, Twilight was in a state of shock, "They... did that to you?!"

I nodded grimly, "Yes..."

Dawn was in the fetal position, mumbling to himself.

Break was keeping his cool, but I could tell he was stressed after reliving that.

I patted Twilight's back, "You sure your okay?"

She nodded, "I'm sure, its just, that was horrible!"

I pulled her into a hug, "I know..."

Her horn glowed and everything thing began to fade.

We was soon back in the hotel room, still in each others embrace.

Twilight looked up with sad eyes, "Lance... I'm so sorry you had to go through that."

I leaned down and nuzzled her cheek, "Its okay. I actually feel a little better after reliving it, even if it was horrible."

She cocked her head, "Why? I though you would need to talk about it?"

I shrugged, "I may need to talk about it one day. But for now, I don't feel up to it."

I looked around and sighed, "Should we start packing?"

She sighed also, "I guess."

We then jumped off the couch and began gathering our clothes. Only two more hours before the train gets here, and I can't wait! I'm sick of the cold.