The Day My Life Began

by Authora97


September 17th, 2007

Today was great! It was a Saturday so my family took me out for a great day of fun. For lunch we went to Chilis (my favorite!) and I got a cute little stuffed black and white cat. I'm naming her Phoebe.

When we got home I wanted to watch a movie, Monsters Inc. We had it on VHS so my family could watch it whenever.

Dad got out our VHS, then pushed the little green box in it.

"Happy Birthday Morgan." He smiled before sitting next to me and Mom on our big soft tan couch.

As my favorite part was came up, my head started to feel funny. Like something was tugging at it. Not knowing how to make it stop, I welcomed it.

Then it got dark.

My back hurt really bad, my back was kinda burning. I heard some talking. Slowly standing up, I looked around.

Metal pipes hung along the walls, some had steam coming out of them. Some pipes looked like they were supposed to hold something my size. The room was kinda hot.

Looking thru one of the pipes, I saw something very familiar. Two weird monsters were walking around, one looked like Randall and the other was Fungus.

Greatest Dream Ever!

“Come on, while we’re young Fungus.” Randall groaned.

The both lifted a yellow container out of some more yellow tubes. Carrying it towards the chair.

“Kid needs to take off a few pounds.” Randall groaned while lifting the heavy box.

Soon they reached the chair, but when the box opened Mike fell out.

I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but I remember from the movie that Randall wanted to know where Boo was. Mike refused and then...

Uh oh.

The red alarm started going off, and the device was lowered from the roof. I could hear Mike freaking out about it. It started moving toward him... he tried to convince them to stop...and then...

It turned off.

“What did you do wrong this time!” Randall yelled.

“I don’t know! I calibrated the driv-!” Fungus yelled.

“FIX. THE MACHINE!” Randall yelled at Fungus.

I began to look around me for anything I could use against them, finding a stray pipe that nobody had come to fix yet. Picking it up, I walked over towards the bad guys. Randall walked away to go check on the power and I used the walked up behind Fungus.

Mike saw me though.

“Hey!” He yelled.

“Huh?” Fungus asked before I hit him hard with the pipe, knocking him out.


Once I was sure he was down, I walked over to Mike.

“You okay?” I asked him.

He stared at me for a second, then looked up. I did too and was met with the face of James P. Sullivan.

He was a lot bigger than he was on my TV.

“Hey...” I greeted, he hopped down and I noticed Boo standing behind some other pipes. “We should hurry. Randal’ll be back any second!” I whispered, it echoed in here like crazy.

“Who are you?” Sully asked.

“No time for questions Sully! We need to save Mike!” I told him while walking over to Boo. “Come on.” I suggested while hearing the sounds of Sully freeing Mike.

Boo was still dressed in her fake-monster outfit, she walked towards me awkwardly. When she finally arrived, I took her hand and walked over to Fungus.

“We have to put him in the Scream Extractor.” I told the two monsters. They both agreed and dragged him to the device. Placing him the chair.

When it turned on, we ran. Fast.

Once we left eh Pipe Room, the four of us were running inside Monster Inc, inside the business area I think. Mike was screaming about us leaving the company, the city and finding a new life. I stayed inside when they walked out the door, kinda scared. Sully stayed too and I joined him in running towards... wherever he was running to.

We were inside the Training Room before I could stop myself. I hid to protect myself behind some wooden planks. It got really scary at one point, I could hear Boo crying when Sully scared her but I didn’t want to get hurt in my dream so I stayed where I was. Turns out I didn’t need to run to Boo, she ran to me. As Sully got close, I moved Boo back a little. The poor toddler was crying really hard.

She escaped my grasp when I was backed up against a wall, she ran off towards the wires, tripped and revealed her human self.

As I hid, I remembered the scene that was next. They were going to be sent to Mt. Everest!

When the door was placed and opened, I ran over to warn them and was pushed thru it myself, along with them.

“WAIT!” My warning was useless as the door was already closed and the button at the top stopped glowing. “Darn it.”

Sully ran to the door, he was about to open it again.

“They turned the door off. We’re stuck here.” The snow blew into my face, making me shiver. Maybe this wasn’t a dream.

“BOO!” Sully yelled.

“It’s too late. We’re banished genius! We’re in the Human World!” Mike yelled over the snow. “What a great plan going to your old pal Waternoose! Too bad he was in on the whole thing! All ya had to do was listen to me! Just once!”

“Hey, leave him alone!” I yelled at Mike, causing him to look at me.

“And you! How did you even get inside the Factory!” Mike yelled

“I don’t know! One minute I’m at home with my family the next I’m inside the Factory. Don’t go blaming Sully for this, if you hadn’t gone into her room to play then this probably wouldn’t have happened!” It was getting really cold, I couldn’t stop shivering, I tried to warm myself up but it was no use. I could almost feel a cold coming on, or that weird disease hypotha-hypo-hydro. That one you get when you get too cold!

Walking (more like stumbling) over to Sully I lightly pulled on his fur, gaining his attention.

“What’re we gonna do Sully, it’s really cold out and I didn’t know to get my coat.” I asked him.

Sully still looked sad, but he gave me a pat on the back. This accidentally sent me tumbling down the mountain.

“AH!” I screamed, trying really hard to stop.

“Kid!” Sully yelled.

I kept spinning for a second before finally stopping along a snow bank. I’d never seen so much snow in my life, and I don’t want to do that ever again. When I tried to stand up again, the wind knocked me into something.

Turning around, I saw a big, furry, white monster.

Hearing some footsteps, I could only guess that Sully had finally caught up. The two gasps I heard told me that he dragged Mike with him.

“Welcome to the Himalayas!” The Abominable Snowman yelled.

I sneezed, then slowly fell asleep.

When I woke up I was wrapped up in a scratchy blanket and placed in front of a tiny lantern. Looking around I saw some sleds and other weird stuff. Looking next to me I saw Mike with mittens all over him. He looked funny.

“Hehe,” I laughed, slowly getting up. Gripping the blanket tighter to fight the cold.

“It woke up.” Mike groaned.

“I’m a she Mike Wazowski!” I laughed again, it rhymed. “And you look funny.”

Mike just rolled his big eye and moved away from me. I just stuck my tongue out at him.

“Hey kid,” Turning to the voice I saw Sully and the Snowman walking over, “Are you okay?” I nodded.

“Yeah, I’m just kinda cold.” Looking back at the Snowman, I saw the lemon flavored snow cones. “Oh! Snow cones!” I reached for one before they could stop me and got to eating it.

Yeah, I’m the kind of kid that eats ice cream in winter and hot chocolate in Summer. They were both so good I couldn’t wait all that time just to have them again. The ice made me insides kinda cold but it still felt nice.

“Lemon, I love it!” I cheered. Too focused on my snow cone, I didn’t notice the funny looks Sully and the Snowman were giving me until I looked up at them.

“Aren’t you scared of us?” Sully asked.

“Haha, why would I be scared? You’re all nice. It’s just Waternoose and Randal that are scary. I’m really scared of spiders, but I’m not scared of big blue furry monsters or snowmen or green monsters with a big eye.” I had some more of my snow cone, still freezing cold.

Sully turned to the Snowman and I grabbed another snow cone. Using it for another purpose.


“Hey!” Mike yelled, wiping the snow cone off his face.

“It can show emotion!” I laughed. “Come on Mike, we’ll get back in time to save Boo and you’ll be un-banished.” He just looked at me angrily.

“Yeah? And how do you know that huh? Your another human!” Mike yelled.

Because I’ve Monsters Inc. five times already. I know that after this...we’ll go down to the we’ll find a door to the Factory and umm...then we were going back to...oh wait that was later...uh Sully was, no, you that’s not right either. I don’t remember what exactly happens after we get back but I know we do!” I told him. “And we’ll all live happily ever after just like in the movie.”

“What movie?” Sully asked.

“The one I was watching with my family, it’s my birthday so I got to chose the movie. I wanted to watch Monsters Inc. because it’s really funny and I like Boo, she was so sweet.” I explained. Didn’t they know?

“What is she talking about?” The Snowman asked Sully. The blue monster just shrugged. I walked over to the Snowman.

“Mr. Snowman, could we borrow one of those sleds please?” I asked, making sure to use my sad eyes.

“Ah no! It’s 10 below freezing out there. Rule Number One: No going out in a blizzard! And it’s a three day hike to the village at the bottom of the mountain.” The Snowman yelled.

“Three Days! But Boo needs our help now!” Sully yelled.

“Boo? What about us!” Mike yelled, throwing some snow cones at Sully, starting with mine.

“Hey!” I yelled at him.

“Ever since that kid came in you’ve ignored everything I said and now look where we are! We were about to break the record Sully! We would’ve had it made!”

“None of that matters now.” Sully said while working on a sled.

Mike stopping throwing snow cones. He yelled some more and dropped the one he was about to throw.

“Oh would ya look at that! We’re out of snow cones! Let me just go outside and make some more.” Snowman said before running out of the cave.

I carefully walked over to Mike.

“Mom said it’s not nice to argue in someone else’s home. Especially when they helped you.” I told him.

Mike rolled his eye again. “Look kid-”

“I have a name you know!”

“-Just stay out of it.” Mike ordered.

I huffed, this birthday surprise was starting to get less fun.

Letting those two argue, I wrapped the small scratchy blanket tighter around me. It was really cold out here.

Finally, I noticed Sully getting ready to go.

“Wait up!” I climbed onto the sled and soon we were going down the mountain very quickly.

It felt nice, to have the cold wind run thru my hair but not so nice to have it go into my eyes.

After a few minutes of searching in the village, Sully and I found a house and burst into the closet. Crashing into the ex-orange and yellow monster. We both started running towards the Pipe Room.

I could hear Boo smalls cries as Sully crashed thru the pipes. Standing back inside the pipes, I waited for Sully to come back so we could start running. We did, and soon met up with Randall. Well, I couldn’t seem him but I saw him kicking Sully around.

I looked back in time to see Randall hit Sully with one of those big heavy containers,

“You don't know how long I wanted to do that Sullivan.” Randall explained, coming out of his invisibility long enough to tell us that. Randall’s laugh was really creepy.

He punched Sully a few more times, making Sully drop Boo and make him look like he was trying to dance like my Dad. It wasn’t pretty. I ran up to the toddler and guided her away from the fight.

I watched the fight until Sully was hit in the face with snow.

“Mikey!” I yelled.

“Look it's that I don't care about the kids-” Mike explained while Sully was still getting attacked.

“You don't understand!” Sully said before swinging his arm around.

“Yes I do I was just mad that’s all. I needed some time to think. But you shouldn’t have left me out there.” Mike said, his back turned to us the whole time.

“I’m being attacked!” Sully yelled

“I'm not attacking you. I’m trying to be honest. Just hear me out.” Boo and I walked up to Mike and tried to show him. Well, I did. Boo spoke in toddler. “I know kids, he's too sensitive.” Mike said, moving his arm towards Sully.

It looked like Randall was choking Sully at this point.

“If you start to cry then I’m gonna cry and we’ll never get thru this.” Mike said.

“He’s not crying Mike!” I told him. Mike was having none of it, he noticed Sully not ‘paying attention’.

“They least you could do is pay attention!” The snowball hit Randall right in the face.

Sully was able to see Randall, grabbing the lizard and slamming a fist into his face.

“Hey! Look it’s Randall! T-ohhhh.” Mike finally understood. We barely had time to say more before Sully lifted the three of us up into his furry grasp. Taking us away from the Pipe Room in case Randall woke up.

I laughed while Mike explained it to Sally. Even harder when she lied about Randall over the system. Just before Sully pressed the button, I gripped onto his fur tightly, knowing he was about to go inside Door World.

Until the roller coaster started. I've never been so scared in my life.

Once we found the door, I laughed with all my might so we could open the door.

“Get in!” I yelled.

About six doors later, Boo and I were grabbed by Randall and dragged along the coaster. I screamed really loudly as I watched their door fall, right up until the moment it crashed on the ground. Not wanting to fall to the ground I remained still in Randall’s grasp.

Soon Randall thru me and Boo into his into that kids room. When Sully jumped in after us and the fight with him and Randall went on, I looked Boo in the eyes and told her to be brave and handed her the bat. A look of anger crossed the small girls face, she ran over to Randall and starting bonking his head.

Randall turned a lot of funny colors. Finally stopping on sick green when SUlly grabbed his neck.

We both roared as Randall lost and was held by Sully until he was still.

“They’re not scared of you anymore.” Sully told Randall. The two of us gave one more big roar. “Looks like you’re out of the job.”


Soon, we were on a platform with another door ready to go. I clapped and cheered as Randall was thrown into the RV door.

After a lot of climbing, more door jumping and just a little bit more fear of being dropped, we finally got back to Boo's door but neither Boo nor I could laugh to turn it on or remember what happened next. Until the door started moving.

It was kinda hard to get Boo out of the suit and take one of her socks off without dropping her, I had to hold on really tightly to the door so I could hold Boo just as we arrived where they could see us. Mike walked out of the door’s protection with Boo’s suit in his hands.

I ran out with Sully while Mike distracted the CDA. It was me that accidentally hit the cans, getting the spider’s attention.

I was running. Fast. Waternoose was behind me and I couldn’t seem to run fast enough to avoid it. Giving one fearful look back, I quickly regretted it.

It was the giant purple spider that owned the company. Another bad guy in the movie, wearing some business suit that just made this whole thing weird. I got up and continued running inside the halls of Monsters Inc. scared out of my ten-year-old mind.

“Stop right there! Bring the girl to me!” The spider screamed.

“Help! Someone help!” I shouted as loud as I could. My heart was beating so loud I was sure that I was sure the spider could hear it and was using it to follow me.

As I turned another corner I saw them. Sully and Boo.

“Do you need some help?” Sully asked.

“I just want to go home.” I said before the bright flash came.

I shot off the couch, screaming. He was still about to get me.

“Morgan calm down!” I heard my Dad’s voice say. “It was just a dream!”

I looked around, it was the living room. Same couch, same TV playing Monsters Inc. it was playing the part with the CDA in the Testing Room. I still felt so scared and I just wanted to run.

That was by far, the most realistic dream I have ever had.

Months when by, the incident on my birthday remained with me. When I got back to school later on, I told my class about it. They laughed at me. Not with me at me.

Three years later, I went to a new smaller school. My parents ran it, some kids came and they were alright. But I made sure to keep what I could do a secret. I ended up lying about a lot, like my grades. I was really good at math in some places, good enough to get my homework done and get a B. Without the jumping I probably would’ve gotten an A but I dialed it down.

Those dreams didn't stop though. I was still going to strange places I saw in TV or read about in books, when I turned eleven I realized that it was a gift I had been given. My Talent was going into these places and making them how I felt they should. Happier endings. Sure, the sequels were a little different but in the end it still all worked out for the better.

I saved many, killed almost as much. Time was a funny thing, sometimes I would spend a whole year someplace and find only an hour has passed.

So when I turned 15, my spirit was closer to 145 years old.

It was an empty existence, my experience after the Birthday made me keep it a secret. No journals, diaries, special notes or videos. I kept it silent to even my parents.

I am Morgan Spencer... and this is my story.

It all started, with one special jump that changed my life a mere five years after the first one...