//------------------------------// // Chapter Twenty Nine: Until We Meet Again... // Story: Battle Ready // by D101 Reviews //------------------------------// Chapter Twenty Nine: Until We Meet Again... They stood on the pier at Century. The armies of Equestria had already begun the return trip back across the channel to their home country. There was one ship left at harbour and only eight people standing on the pier, ready to board. Well, seven of them would be boarding. Twilight Sparkle, her brother and her five best friends stood, looking at their newest recruit to their close circle of friendship. Battle had dressed down. No armour, no uniform. He wasn't seeing them off as Prince of Warhorse or Commander of its armies. Just their friend. And Twilight wouldn't have it any other way. "Are you sure you can't come with us?" Twilight asked, praying Battle didn't hear the pleading tone in her voice. Battle sighed, hands in his pockets. "I would if I could, believe me," he said sadly, casting a glance back to where he knew the Tower of Equitem stood, hidden in the distance. "But... I took an unauthorised leave of absence to come to Ponyville. Just because we're friends... it doesn't mean I can drop everything again to come visit. I have things to do. And as much as it pains me to say it, I can't do those things from the basement of the Ponyville library." Twilight pouted but nodded her understanding. Being a monarch herself, she understood the workload, even if hers was only a fraction of Battle's. "But, hey!" Battle said smiling. "I'll see what I can do. Next time I'm in Equestria for a diplomatic summit, I'll see if I can't stay a while." "Sounds good," Twilight said, smiling. Battle took a step forward. "I guess this is goodbye," he said. He held up his hand for Shining to shake. "It's been a blast." "That's one way to look at it," Shining smiled. Battle chuckled and side-stepped, holding his fist up for Dash to bump. "You better be a Wonderbolt next time I'm in Equestria," he told her. "You doubt me?" Dash chuckled. Battle smiled as he moved to Applejack, holding his hand up for her to shake. "No you don't partner," she smiled, "Come 'ere!" And she pulled Battle into a bone cracking hug. Battle returned the sentiment before they set each other down. "Juggernaut would be proud," Battle said. Applejack tipped her hat to him, grinning. He turned to Fluttershy. She scuffed her feet before she too hugged Battle. Battle smiled as her arms wrapped around his neck. "I'm gonna miss you too 'Shy," Battle said into her shoulder. Fluttershy whispered something unintelligible as she let go, hiding in her mane. Rarity stood next, as Battle moved to her. "Don't let my clothes end up in some charity shop," Battle said. "As if I would, they were some of my finest creations!" Rarity cried, aghast at such an idea. Battle smiled before taking Rarity's hand in his and grazing her knuckles with his lips. "My lady," he said, winking slyly at Twilight as Rarity was reduced to a gibbering mess. "You're gonna come visit us soon right?" Pinkie asked, bouncing on the spot in front of him. "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye," Battle promised, miming the appropriate actions. Satisfied with this response, Pinkie bounced aside as Battle stepped in front of Twilight. They stood for a moment or two, content in silence. After a few second the others began to walk silently onto the boat. "Well," Twilight said, awkwardly. "Thanks... I-I guess." "For what?" Battle asked confused. "You know? Saving my life," Twilight chuckled, swinging her arms forward and backwards nervously. "Don't mention it," Battle said softly. Twilight smiled and opened her mouth to say something when Battle leaned in, brushing her cheek with his lips in a gentle kiss. Anything that Twilight had thought she was going to say flew straight out of her head, leaving her standing there, opening and closing her mouth like a startled fish. Battle looked as nervous as she felt. "You'd better get on the boat," Battle said quietly. "Y-yeah," Twilight whispered. Battle smiled as she stumbled onto the gang-plank. "I'll see you round Princess!" Battle called. after her. "You better!" Twilight cried back, still blushing madly. Battle laughed as he took a step or two backwards. Waving his friends from Equestria off as the boat began to move from where it was moored. Battle's smile remained plastered on his face as the boat sailed out of view. He turned on the spot as it finally disappeared and walked back to the train station. "Everything's going to be fine," Battle said to himself.