The Breach

by NightmareAssassin

Inside the facility

The guards took the sleeping bodies from the ground andput them in different a prison. The first one that Atmosphere visited was Celestia, wich was inside a coffin, a strange coffin...the material wasn't wood, or was adamantium, modified for not allow her to escape....and frozen for major security
Now that Celestia was there like dead, they could think about the others...
"Trixie, you'll be happy after i sendt you to kill twilight no?"

"Eh...What?! Yeah sure....i want to kill her by myself only...i don't need anypony for do that."
And then Trixie leave..for the Twilight's chamber.

In the other side of the SCP, in a small little dark prison, there was Pinkie Pie, and seemed not happy for the fact her prison was really tiny, in fact she hate tiny places, she is scared from them. In that moment the door opened and she could see the three masked guard entering in the room..And with a electric beam launch her on the floor, with spasm..then they taked Pinkie and trowed the body in a bigger room, with party hat and other stuff from parties on the floor.
The shock lasted for few minutes and Pinkie coud get up..."What are all those Party items? i'm scared! LET ME OUT FROM HERE PLEASE, PLEASE!. . . . . . please". She gives up, and sitted in a corner waiting proably her death.
After 30 minutes al voiceifrom a speaker with a metallic voice broke the silence:
"Hi seems that you are not happy....poor girl...i can help you you know?"

"Let me out!"

"No, i can't do that, sorry...heheheheh...say goodbye to the world, party maniac!"

The three guards re-entered in the new room, and all of them were carrying strange struments; she tried to escape, but the fastest one blocked her the exit, the strongest blocked her, and the little one put on her head two metal disks, they tied her, and when they were on distance, the guards activated the electroshock. Pinkie was hitted right in the brain from that. After 10 seconds of 'treatment' Scootaloo, Saturn and Spitfire left the room, the door closed behind them, a very strong metal door, and with a number on it : 173....

"What a headache...., it passed on my head a train?" I don't feel my wings, all my body hurts...I realy wish that egg head tells me something...but anyway." Rainbow Dash got up really slowy for the reason that on the floor was something wet..."What's this...seems wather, but i can't see a fucking SHIT there with all this dark around me. . . No, n-no; It couldn't be that thing... how is this possible!". It wasn't was liquid rainbow..."This is a dream...a fucking dream! I can't be in that factory, not again...I have destroied it with my friends...i'm fucking dreaming, that's all; now i'll sit there waiting to wake up."
In that precise moment the doors opened and the trio of guards entered in the chamber; "Now what...three fucking guards for kill me? You leave the door open..see you later FUCKERS!". But Spitfire close to her the escape, hitting Rainbow Dash right in the wing, and a horrible CRACK could be heared wery well.

"Escape now asshole. Oh, you can't, now your wing is broken, feel bad, don't you?

"Go fuck yourself, who ever you are"

"It's Spitfire" A new pegasus entered in the room. "You don't realised it when she's more fast than you?"

"Why, Atmosphere, why you corrupted theese poor soul for your plan."

"It doen't matter, now you are here, and now i's your turn to be one of my monster.."

"M-Mo-Monster??!". The four pegasus, walked in front of Rainbow Dash, that with a broken wing couldn't do anithing for block them, try to escape.."Please, make it fast...".A syringe entered in her neck, and the thing that contained, entered in her body. "what contains it?". Nopony answer to her..and another sleep catches her...The chamber wich will have to contain Rainbow Dash was at the 5th floor...a gigantic metal box magnetized and floating in mid air in a bigger room...They toke her there, and after put the body inside, the close, the box, magnetized it, and went out the 2nd room...and on that door, a big 106 appeared...another innocent soul toke by Atmosphere...Now who would be the third one...

In a little room, Twilight Sparkle was getting up, fortunately she was an unicorn, so she can make some light, and she saw a big machine with 2 doors, one on the left and one in the right, and in the middle, a device...what would be that thing? What it was supposed to do? Maybe was hers tomb? maybe it was a killing machine? It seemed more different than that tower destroied in Cloudsdale, a 30-40 metres talled machine for murdering pegasi....also Scootaloo, remembered, but she was already live when Twilight and others went there to destroy it...Scootaloo was in a room on top the facility with Rainbow Dash, that still worked there, and refused to kill the little pegasus, for let her to work there..And after that the cyan pegasus told to the little one the plan for killing that machine, not without anger of the other, wich couldn't explain to herself why Rainbow Dash was killing pegasi...but anyway, she wanted to reedeem herself, so she was got forgive by Scootaloo...
That bomb sestroied almost everything and for survive to it Twilight made a force field for protect all the presents there, or at least, the innocent ones. they saved 136 pegasi, that day...and the Coudsale regime, died with its factory...that what all tought.
"Well, well, isn't Twilight Sparkle the cunt in front my eyes?" Trixie followed by her arrogance, entered in the room.

"Trixie...your fucking voice could be heard by thousand miles.."

"whatever you say little shit.... You have already see that machine? What do you think? What can possibly be?"

"I-I-I...don't konw..Probably is for killing me"

"What a Genius! Correct Answer! You win a magic beam in your forehead!",Trixie launched a magic spell, for tirig Twilight, that wouldn't surrender so easly, and than the 3rd challenge with Trixie and Twilight bagan...all the two unicorn were more powerful than the last years, but Twilight still was the more powerful...In fact she was defeating Trixie, that cheated by doing a light explosion, blinding Twilight, enought for launching another spell for paralize, and put her in the machine.
With loud sounds, the device started to work, and a count down appeared on a monitor.
"Goodbye forever fucking egg head!"

Twilight started to crying, she didn't want to die, in a machine, she tried almost everithing for escape from that cabinet, when suddenly: "Twilight, can you hear me?". the purple unicorn seemed didn't listen the voice, so the entity did an another try; "Twilight...listen me, you can escape from there..."

"Who's talking? Reveal yourself...and in what side you are?"

"After your friend Fluttershy converted me, i'm in your one.."

"Discord?". Twilight couldn't belive herself..."How, you get here?"

"It's a very long story, but whit few words....i got caught by Trixie...And now i'm a computer...but as a informatical entity, i can go anywhere the electricity here I am..."

"How I get out of here? Please Help, the timer indicates i have only 10 seconds!"

"You can't, but you can become like me, at least you won't die..."

"Ok....How...". That idea would be very stupid, but she had no choice.

"Make a force field with all of your engergy...the powerful need to die with the field, trust me, Twilight; we are on the same team..."

Twilight focused on the field, with all of her energy; only 5 seconds left, she had to do it, for her life..She could feel less her body, like if it was annihilating itself....1 second...Twilight didn't feel anymore herself live. The machine started working, and suddenly stopped. "What happened...Discord help! The machine stopped!"

"It you are that machine...if anypony of the one still live, could escape and find you,you can help her by giving great powers...anyway, now we have a lot of time, wanna hear my story how i became a computer?.....

"Atmosphere, of all the prisoners, only Luna, Rarity, Fluttershy and Applejack remains.". Trixie didn't think that Twilight 'survived'..and now all of them thought that only the four ones are the left ponies to kill, or trasform them. Anyway, that didn't matter; They had the victory in the hoof..nopony could stop them...

"Trixie, call me the guards; we need another freaks...i want Fluttershy, now...."

After a while, the trio comes; Atmosphere told them to take Fluttershy in the strongest room, for new instructions...Now that Fluttershy was in the room, Trixie entered. The poor peagus was terrified from what could happen there; Trixie mada her horn glowing, and then launched a spell, a mental destroyer one..for making the kind Fluttershy a murdering monster.

"I think we got it, seems ton anymore the old Fluttershy.."

Hers eyes were red....a very very dark red, like blood; her mane bacame a very dark purple, the teeth much sharper teeth and her breath...seemed the one of a soon Trixie turned for exit from that chamber, Fluttershy jumped on her for ate or killing the unicorn, that in a endless pain , a pool of blood and screams, manged to escape and close that door...Fluttershy however, takes a piece of Trixie's of her forelegs!"OH MY GOOD! THAT FREAK EAT MY FORELEG! FUCKING PEGASUS!"

"What?" Atmosphere ran to Trixie, and the only thing he could do, was stopping the blood, or Trixie would be dead in few minutes..meanwhile, fluttershy was eating happily her piece of body, and when she was completely ate it, a big histerical smile raised on her face....

"Calm down Trixie, we will find a solution for this!..Saturn, come here, take Trixie to the laboratory, i'll fix this!"

"Sure, Boss; you think she will recover?"

"I hope that....we need her...or at least hers magic."