The Breach

by NightmareAssassin

A bad idea

"Hey big sis, whatch what i have found...a document with a strange symbol on it....Hemm on it is writed S.C.P. . . . What the hell is that?". Princess Luna couldn't explain what was going on and neither Celestia could...The two princess were staring at that symbol, like there was something strange in it...."Howewer, that's only a bullshit" And with a spell, Luna trowed the piece of paper right in the trush; "10 points!". And with a smile she left the throne room....After that, Celestia toke the document an began to read it...and finally she founded the strangest thing: The sign of the writer....."It can-cannot b-be h-him..". The document was signed by ATM...and probably he was that ATM: Atmosphere!..."How he could survive? I need to find it out. Luna! Come here please, i need you for a thing.". Few seconds later Luna came in the throne room all wet; "Why you are all wet Luna?" Asked Celestia

"Hem..Maybe i was taking a bath?".. You are very a dirty minded one big sis..Heheh

"Yeah...I gues you'll be right. Anyway search Twilight Sparkle and the others, i need them."

"Alright! I'll be back soon". and then Luna flew out of the window, at the research of the Main 6, for whatever Celestia wanted....

"You're still wet! Come here and dry yourself"

"The flight will dry me!"...

Pinkie was the first who get saw by Luna, she was having fun with a tree...."Pinkie Pie...", whispered to herself, the princess. After landing Luna explained to her the situation and fast like the wind, Pinke bounced all the way to the castle, while Luna continued the research; or better, the research found her in the sky. "Hi Luna, What's up?", Rainbow Dash from behind the princess,"Why are you flying so fast?"

"Go to the castle, my sister will explain all the things....Quick!"

With a sweet move, Rainbow Dash changed direction and flew fast as she can to Canterlot. Now only 4 of them still left, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity and Twilight..The last one was the easyest to find....always in the library..Luna found her there; Appejack was with her brother running around ponyville; Fluttershy in a pic-nic at the river with her animal friends...Rarity in a diamond mine.

"Rarity, what are you doing here?"

"Can't see i'm taking diamonds!"

"You mean search diamonds? You can't find need to extract them, no?!"

"That's what my employees do! Silly Luna...Really you though that i was going to extract diamonds? My hovees would be ruined.."

"Anyway...I need you at Canterlot, Quick. I'll take you with me"

After that all the ponies were in the throne room, Celestia showed the document to all of the ones in the room. All of theme were reading that document from the S.C.P., and all though that could be Atmosphere the author of the letter. But how he could survived to the explosion? That bomb destroyed almost everthing there, and Atmosphere didn't die...How?
Celestia warned all the presents that all in that room will be gone there; no excuses; Celestia wanted him to be brought to justice, or at least she wanted see him dead the letter could be founded a map that explain the position of the S.C.P.

"Anyway, I don't like this...that S.C.P. . . . .What's the name's mean?". Asked Luna.

"Secure Containment the letter tells...Luna, you know how to read, right?". Was the response from Applejack.

While all the ponies in the throne room were talking about this, on the other side of Equestria, over the Cristal Empire, and over the dragons cliffs, in a huge grey building, Atmosphere, Trixie, Scootaloo, Saturn and Spitfire were deciding their role..
Atmosphere, the big boss; or at least the one who commands. Trixie, the magic one, she only need to activate with the spells the murdering machine that couldn't be activated by a pegasus. Saturn, Captain of guards..his strenght could defeat the Applejack and Rainbow' ones. Spitfire, hers flying skills would be needed in that tiny hallways. Scootaloo, the mindcontrolled and heartbreaker one...after all the prisoners would see her in the facility teir morale would be destroied. Now all of them needed only to wait the others come....

After one week of journey, the group reached a canyon, and on the entrance of it there was a sign: "We all are watching you now...don't do stupid are be warned.." The sign sounded creepy at the group's eyes, but they need to proceed...
The canyon was full of traps, like collapsing rocks, and deadly stuff and after another 3 days the canyon got passed, for let them see that building, the building that they were looking for about 1 and alf week...The S.C.P.

As soon as the group got closer at the building, a smile appeared on Trixie's face; "Gotted!", then a force field raised up from the ground to the sky, for trapping them....Now they couldn't escape from there.
"Told ya this was a bad Idea....Now what?". Luna with a sarcastic voice.

"We have no choice, let's move in". Twilight reply.

From that seemed an entrance door, camed out 3 guards, Scootaloo, Saturn, and Spitfire; masked so they couldn't see them in the face, and with a suit for mask also the body. Saturn forced the group to enter, adn as soon Rarity rebelled, a electricity beam hitted her right in the stomach, leaving her on the ground. "Don't do dick moves...this was a warning, the next time i'll kill all of you, come in, QUICK!".

The eleven ponies entered in the entrance room, really dark, like there was no light inside, or at least vere few light. far away Pinkie Saw sompony...well, a pegasus, with well curated wings, and a unicorn next to him..

"Atmosphere! How you survived from that explosion!?". Rainbow Dash very angry.

"That doesn't matter, the one with does is that now all of you will die...Trixie, activate the sleeping gas.."

In the exact moment when Twilight heard about Trixie, her eyes became bright.."Why, Trixie, why.."
But Trixie didn't care about her and when the gas started to exit from the walls, she did another spell for protect her and Atmosphere, because they didn't wear a mask. the effect was so rapid that no one of the Princess, unicorn or eatrh pony could protect herself, and a long sleep caught all the group, a long sleep that could lasted forever.....