//------------------------------// // Beware people with exclamation points over their heads at a convention for nerds // Story: Mark of the Wyld // by DarkParable //------------------------------// Well folks... Take it from someone who knows quite well that life can take sudden, and highly unexpected turns just because it can. For example, I knew a fella who could tap dance fit to impress... Something that would be hard pressed to be impressed by tap dancing. Oh give me a break, analogies are hard. ANYWAYS, one day he bends over to pick up something, pulls a muscle in his back, falls flat on his face, and gets run over by a runaway truck that was carrying, you guessed it, tap shoes. Oh he lived, but he had this irrational fear of shiny pennies after that. Hey who can blame the guy, he did nearly bite the big one because of a little piece of copper, or whatever they're made of these days. Ah, but I'm getting rather off topic here. This story is all about how MY life got flipped, turned upside down, and there weren't even any kids causing trouble in my neighborhood. Shame, would have been less weird than what actually happened to be honest. I suppose I'd best begin at the beginning and go from there, so let's do that then shall we? We shall, no arguments here. I don't allow for back seat story telling, its almost as annoying as a june bug stuck behind the blinds... God gods I did it again, ramble that is... Ok here, deep breath... And begin! "Look fellas, I honestly could care less if a weapon's allowed to be uncovered here or not. It hasn't got a sheath and its made of painted PVC anyways, not like this here axe could cut down anything..." I groused to one of the folks at the entrance of the biggest nerdout in my home town... Wow-con. Not officially sanctioned by Blizzard mind you, just something a lot of locals petitioned for and got rolling, myself included. Either way, it was an amazing yearly occurance (or so we hoped it would be... This was the first one ever) "Look, I know it ain't real kid, but the rules are the rules, and they say you can't go bringing an uncovered weapon in here." one of the bald buggers said, his head gleaming in the sunlight that was bane to all pasty skinned people such as myself. He seemed fine, if reflective, though. We spent another five minutes or so arguing before we eventually reached a compromise, I lashed my axe to the back of my armor (Yep, armor) and covered the "edge" with a spare bit of raw hide I'd kept for a skinning joke. They agreed to let me in before I melted, full costume was hot and I wanted some AC damn it! I suppose at this point I should explain just what it was I was wearing, no? Simple, I went to con as a death knight, specifically my main toon, RuneWulf. Black enameled armor, some clever lighting effects, and bits of an old fur sute of mine came together to form the bad ass, sexy, and female Worgen that I played as online. Don't judge, when you gotta stare at your character's ass for eighty five levels, I'd rather stare at a nice one, so yeah I play female toons. Granted, my costume was all home-made, but I'd made it well. The under lighting I'd put in the armor gave the effects of icy blue energy escaping from between some plates. I'd spent hours making the armor from plastic sheeting layred until it was almost solid. It had a nice sheen to it despite the paint I'd used to give it the right color. Heck, I'd even managed to make it look gender neutral so unless I spoke out loud no one would know I was a dude. The furred parts of my costume were well made as well, and they worked perfectly with the rest the black fur and fierce snarl giving the image I often imagined that Rune would wear in combat. Long story short, I could have probably won a costume contest... Probably, but I'd never enter one, I was far too shy on stage. See, that was always my problem. I'd put hours and hours into things, such as my costume, and then I'd be too nervous to show them off properly. Wearing this out to con was as far as I was willing to take it, and even then I made sure to stick to the fringes of the crowds. That's not to say I didn't go and take a look at some of the things there. For the sake of time, I'll just say that I was kind of disappointed. Sure there were computers set up to allow people to play WoW for a bit, mostly for duels and the like just to give some folks a show. I didn't like PvP so I avoided that. The only other real interesting things there were the stands selling merchandise and books. That got shot down when I saw the price tags, yeah no... Fifty bucks for a small figurine. Not happening. I was getting ready to call it quits and head home for a long questing session when I noticed something rather amusing that no one seemed to pay any attention to. Standing near the doors was a rather lovely woman dressed in one of the most perfect Night Elf costumes I'd ever seen and better yet, she'd sprung for a bit of humor and gone as a quest giver if that exclamation point over her head was any indication (It was indeed). Smiling to myself I moved over to say hello and stopped myself short... It was too good to pass up. After all, what self respecting nerd can say no to a good LARP? Well, not this one that's for sure. I stopped before her and gave a slight bow, motioning for her to speak. Speak she did and I'm not ashamed to say that her voice was fit to melt men into quivering puddles of "oh dear gods that's beautiful." "Greetings RuneWulf. I've a job for you. I require a champion to go forth into a land of danger and adventure to gather fame in my name. Tell me brave hero, have you ever wished to see Equestria?" she asked, one perfectly styled eyebrow raising slightly. Up close like this I noticed she wore some kind of contact that gave her eyes a blank silvery color. Heck if I didn't know better I'd say they were glowing. Her words however gave me a short pause. Never mind the fact that she knew my character's name, she'd mentioned Equestria. Look... I might love playing WoW, slaughtering things and freezing them solid as a frost spec'd DK, but I adored My Little Pony. There was just something about the show that put a smile on my face and made me laugh. Some woman asking me if I'd ever wanted to visit the damn place was kind of awesome when presented as a WoW quest like this. Therefor I did the dumbest thing I've ever done in my life... I nodded, very enthusiastically. She smiled softly at me and lifted a hand. "Then Elune's blessings upon you Death Knight... Go forth and enjoy yourself..." Next thing I know that shapely hand was slamming into my face, and everything went blacker than Arthas' soul. If he still had one that was.