//------------------------------// // - XXI - // Story: Solem Perditum // by PropMaster //------------------------------// - XXI - Celestia’s shaking slowed, and then stopped. She took a careful step away from Light Stride, her hooves falling from his shoulders to rub briefly at her eyes. When she lowered her hooves from her face, she was composed, smiling gently. “Thank you.” Light Stride made to stammer another apology, but Celestia held up a hoof, quieting him. She spoke again. “You did what you had to do, Light Stride, and in the process you saved me from a terrible fate.” Bending down to look the uncomfortable stallion in the eye, her face grew serious. “You have my gratitude.” “Of course, Princess,” murmured Light Stride, one shaking hoof scuffing lightly in the dust. Celestia sat down. “You were very brave to come after me, my little pony.” Light Stride sat down quickly, his sense of decorum still somewhat intact, even if he had just recovered from being embraced by a goddess. “I wasn’t the only one to volunteer, Your Highness, I just happened to be chosen. My barrier magic is some of the strongest in the guard.” Celestia nodded. It made sense, of course. Many of the unicorns in the Royal Guard were chosen for outstanding abilities with specific types of magic. “Nonetheless, you are very lucky to be alive.” Celestia’s gaze shifted to look at the lunar landscape around her. “Have you been fully briefed on what is happening?” “Yes, Princess Celestia. I was told that wherever I was going was most likely an incredibly powerful magical illusion; strong enough to ensnare you completely. Princess Twilight Sparkle suspected King Sombra’s potent fear-based magic was involved,” replied Light Stride, delivering the statement with the efficiency Celestia had come to expect and admire in her guards. “Princess Twilight Sparkle was correct. I was assaulted by King Sombra in my dreams, just now.” Celestia reached up to her jaw, the stinging ache still a potent reminder of how close she had come to defeat. “Tell me, how did you know to wake me up?” Light Stride glanced away, looking uncomfortable. “You... seemed agitated.” Celestia frowned. He was hiding something. “And?” Light Stride returned his gaze to Celestia. “You said something.” Celestia chuckled. “Ah. Embarrassed to be privy to a Princess’s dream-fueled ramblings?”  Light Stride nodded, looking relieved at her understanding. “Yes, Your Highness. What I heard was... not meant for mortal ears.” Celestia raised an eyebrow. “Oh? You’ll have to tell me what I said, now, Light Stride. You’ve piqued my curiosity.” Light Stride tapped his hoof in the dust for a moment, frowning. “You... cried out for the Holy Matriarch, your mother.” Celestia shivered. “I did?” “That’s how I knew you were in trouble, Highness.” Light Stride glanced down at his hooves. “To hear you calling out for your mother, like a frightened foal... was disturbing.” Celestia nodded. “I’m sorry that you were afraid for me.” Standing up, Celestia shook out her mane, and caught Light Stride as his jaw dropped open. Celestia glanced at herself, remembering that she was coated in lunar dust and her flank had dried blood spattered across it. She blushed. “Ah, you’ll have to excuse me. I’ve been... roughing it.” “I don’t doubt that, Princess,” said Light Stride, still looking a bit disconcerted. “Would you feel better if I cleaned myself up?” asked Celestia, smirking at his discomfort. “If it pleases you, Your Highness... yes, probably,” Light Stride replied, rubbing the back of his neck with one hoof awkwardly. “Well, that’s too bad!” Celestia laughed as Light Stride’s eyes widened. “I’ve been stuck on this moon for a long while, and you are too, now. If we’re going to get along, we are going to have to dispense with the formalities and focus ourselves on escaping our situation. I can’t have you genuflecting and bowing every few moments, or becoming uncomfortable when I do something that...lacks my more normal decorum. If we are to survive, we need to focus ourselves on the larger picture, and that picture doesn’t include bathing or courtly mannerisms.” Light Stride stared at her, mouth working to find words to respond. Celestia chuckled. “I appreciate the respect you give me, Light Stride, but things will be far easier for both of us if we simply act more at ease with one-another.” After a moment of obvious disquiet, Light Stride nodded. “Yes, Princess Celestia.” “That’s the first thing I’m stopping, actually. Call me Celestia.” Light Stride gaped at her for a moment, then shook his head. “I don’t think I can.” “Certainly, you can. Try it,” Celestia urged him. “Very well... C-celestia,” stammered Light Stride, his face turning red. “We’ll have to work on that,” murmured Celestia, giving Light Stride a wink. Celestia pondered for a moment. Light Stride was still obviously uncomfortable with the idea of treating her like he would any other pony. An idea came to her. “I might be able to put you more at ease. Stand, please.” Light Stride rose from his haunches, standing at attention. Celestia walked around his side and her horn lit up. The clasps of Light Stride’s armor lit up briefly, then undid themselves, and Celestia telekinetically lifted the golden armor from his back, and set it down in the dust. “There, that’s step one. You are officially off duty, Light Stride.” Light Stride shifted uncomfortably. He was a well built stallion, strong like all of her guards, with a cutie mark of a horseshoe superimposed over a star on his now-revealed flank. A red gem sat on a silver necklace around his neck; no doubt it was the gem with spells woven into it to help Luna, Twilight, and Cadance locate her. Celestia nodded, and then stepped out of her golden shoes, slid the jeweled torc from around her neck, and placed them on the ground next to Light Stride’s armor. Finally, she removed her crown, and set it atop the pile of regalia. Light Stride looked shocked, and Celestia smiled. “I’m off duty as well.” Ruffling her wings, she laughed. “My, it’s been a long time since I took off my regalia. I almost feel...naked.” Light Stride’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head, and he turned away from her. Celestia giggled. “I’m sorry, that was perhaps a bit too far to go for a reaction, but the look on your face was certainly nearly worth it.” Light Stride smiled weakly, still not looking at her. “V-very funny.” Celestia hid a smile behind her hoof, composing herself, and then trotted around to face Light Stride, who looked down to his hooves once more. Celestia flared out her wings. “Look at me.” Light Stride obeyed, looking up at her. Celestia smiled. “There. See? I may be a bit larger, but I’m not that much different from anypony else... horn and wings notwithstanding. You’ll have to get used to my humor, I’m afraid.” “Certainly P—Celestia,” replied Light Stride. Celestia turned away, and began walking. “Let’s get going. I was following my sister’s hoofprints towards...somewhere. Stay by my side.” Light Stride followed swiftly, staying close to Celestia. He asked, after a moment. “How... how are we following your sister’s hoofprints? I thought this was all an illusion.” “It is an illusion... but it is a believable one. I’ve found many interesting things, including a great tower that allowed me to briefly communicate with my sister.” Light Stride looked confused. “How does that work?” “I assume that the illusion draws from my subconscious expectations, making them reality, while also playing on my fears to twist them in an attempt to break my mind and leave me vulnerable,” explained Celestia. “Oh.” Light Stride was quiet for a moment, clearly pondering something, before asking, “So, why am I seeing the same thing as you?” Celestia beamed at Light Stride. “I haven’t the slightest idea!” Light Stride looked even more confused. “And that makes you... happy?” Celestia nodded. “It’s not often that something is mysterious to me. Since I am trapped, I’ve decided to make the best of things. Once my sister, Twilight, and Cadance have more information on our whereabouts, I’ll know better how to approach breaking free of the illusion. Until then, though, I am content to explore.” Light Stride nodded. “I suppose that makes sense.” Celestia smiled. “I’m glad you agree.” Together, Celestia and Light Stride walked towards the unknown.