A [Fe]Male Perspective of Equestria

by Spacecowboy

04 - Solo Sex, Shower Stumbling***

I closed the door behind me and slowly slid down the front of it. Finally, a break from Twilight. After dinner, she continually pestered me with questions, as well as dropping one hell of an info dump on me. A shower and some stress relief is exactly what I needed right now. I walked over to the shower controls, noting that they were still the same as back home. Now, why ponies created shit that was most definitely not meant to be used by creatures with hooves, the world may never know. I turned the water on before walking to the counter.

I stripped down to nothing, slowly taking my time as I appreciated the image presented in the mirror. Yeah, it was my new body, and it was awkward as fuck. However, I might as well enjoy it, right? My brain immediately locked up as the next thought attempted to be processed. My stress relief usually consisted of masturbation. An act which no longer involved the now deceased Mr. Thompson, may he rest in peace, and one which I'm not entirely certain I want to partake in.

Shit, I really needed my stress relief. Well, seeing how I was interrupted when I was first putting on clothes earlier in the afternoon, I suppose I could pick up from where I'd left off. Setting the last article of clothing in my hand onto the counter, I slowly turned from side to side and looked at myself. I let my mind drift to the more obscene thoughts I'd had during the earlier hours, imagining exactly how I would ravish this body. It was definitely a bit odd being in the body that I wanted to have fun with, but no regrets, right?

The steam filling the air and the steady thrum of water hitting porcelain brought my attention to the shower. Deciding I’d rather not see myself playing with, well, myself, I’d try to find relief while in the shower. Moving the privacy curtain to the side, I stepped into the warm jets of water.

The first droplets of water that hit my skin felt amazing, the warmth seeping into me. Closing the curtain, I closed my eyes and let my imagination run wild, slowly bringing my left hand up to a breast and resting it on top of it. I slowly clenched my hand, and the only word I could think of was electrifying. There were so many nerves present that it added to the warmth coming from the water, a new feeling that I was unfamiliar with.

Letting out a small sigh, I relaxed and brought my other hand up and began massaging both of my breasts at once. The sensation was odd, with the warmth of the water hitting my skin, and the added warmth coming from somewhere within me that was slowly building up, it was a lot different than when I had Mr. Thompson.

I imagined myself fondling my last ex's breasts in my mind's eye, carefully and gently applying pressure at just the right places, letting the time slip by. That present, budding warmth in my gut continued to build on itself, and I found a hand drifting down my stomach, lightly tracing the skin. It left a faint prickling sensation, which proved to be rather conducive to further emphasizing everything I was feeling. I finally came to the place I had yet to really look at, and brought my mind out of its slightly fogged haze and turned my back to the water.

A dainty pair of lips peered at me, my whole groin mostly devoid of any pubic hair. I carefully, and gently used my one free hand to trace the contours of them, shivering despite the warmth of the water hitting my back. I continued to lightly rub along the edges of the alien area, every touch continuing to build the sensations I was feeling. I closed my eyes and leaned forward slightly, my hand up top switching between breasts every so often as I let the warmth just build and the stress flow out of me.

I wasn’t exactly sure how much longer it was, but I moved my finger just a bit too much, and my knees buckled as a finger slipped inside of me. That felt so weird, but so good at the same time, dare I say it. A small moan escaped my lips, luckily masked by the sound of the falling water. I stroked myself once more, this time my knees did buckle, and I fell to the side, right into the shower curtain.

Throwing out my hands, I tried grabbing onto something to break my fall. However, I only succeeded in ripping the curtain from the rod, getting tangled up in it. It wrapped around my midsection as I came to a stop on the thick rug outside of the tub, legs awkwardly splayed in the air as I rested on my upper back, my head looking towards the door.

Speaking of a door, for some reason, Twilight came bursting through it moments later, horn aglow and ready to do... something. Our eyes met and we both kinda froze. “Uh... What brings you into my shower, Twilight?” I tried to ask indifferently, pushing my embarrassment aside at being wrapped up in a torn and shredded shower curtain while lying on the floor.

Her mouth opened and closed a few times, very much reminiscent of a fish’s mouth when removed from the tank and about to be thrown into the toilet. “Uh, I, noise, uh–" She stammered out, rather cutely too with how flustered she was. She took a deep breath as her wings slowly expanded, then tried speaking again. “I’m supposed to stay by your side all the time, and I heard a large noise and was afraid something might’ve happened...”

“Well, as you can see, just a fight with a shower curtain.” I paused, noticing her wings were pretty much locked out, her face flustered, and her sight now locked just above my eyes. I slowly looked at where she was looking at, and immediately flipped my shit as I tried to shuffle out of the shower curtain. Apparently, this whole time, I’d been showing my new sex off, right at her eye level too.

A glimmer of magic appeared around Twilight’s crotch, and my eyes were met with a most disturbing image. A large, and when I say large, I mean huge, dick was rapidly emerging from her groin. Or, would that be his groin? Brain, this is a bad time to concern yourself over semantics, focus!

I tried to move, but I was hopelessly entangled in it. “T-twi-light... please tell me that’s not what I think it is...” Was about all I managed to stammer as I was immobilized, my eyes hopelessly locked on the purple and white mottled monstrosity peeking out between her legs.

Her eyes were dilated as she looked at me, for some odd reason the prior warmth was blossoming in my gut again. I’ll chalk it up to the new hormones maybe, but for now there was a much larger pressing concern. “Uh, if you mean if there’s a dick between my legs, yeah, there kind of is. I think it’s yours.” She spoke as if she wasn’t all there, and her nostrils seemed to open and close rapidly.

“Fuck me...” I barely muttered, completely at the mercy of Twilight now. “Mind giving me a little assistance?” I asked loudly, hoping she didn’t misinterpret it. She just stood there, eyes somewhat unfocused. “TWILIGHT!” I screamed, trying to get her attention and get her eyes away from, well... me.

“Uh, oh yes, sorry. Assistance? I can do that.” She walked over slowly, her dick bobbing up and down with every step she took. Wow. Was that mine? I mean, it doesn’t look anything like Mr. Thompson did, and I think I’d know if it’d been that large. I see what they mean now by hung like a horse. I think I might actually be somewhat jealous now.

“Thanks, Twi-LIGHT!” I nearly screamed as her cold nose bumped against my groin, the temperature contrast killer on the nerves. “Twilight, what are you do–” I started to ask, then ended up letting out a very throaty moan when her tongue entered me. Oh gods, my thoughts, they do not compute!

Her tongue probed and pushed at me, and with how she was positioned directly in front of me, her dick was right there in front of my face. Oh man, curiosity killed the cat. Another push from her tongue caused me to moan even louder, the warmth suffusing my whole being. It felt so wrong to have something intruding into me, but my body really didn’t give a fuck about that right now.

Oh man, if this is what females have always felt, I’ve been missing out. Every stroke, twist and turn of her tongue hit nerves I’d never known existed, every single one of them sending pleasures I’d only dreamt of to my most outer extremities. She forced her tongue even deeper in, causing me to scream in pleasure, only to have my cries muffled.

Salty. That’s all I could think of through the haz of lust that had descended upon us, as a rather long object found the first few inches of itself in my mouth. I instinctively closed my mouth around it and sucked, which greeted me with even more saltiness. Saltine crackers, that’s what I was thinking of. At least, until the next strike of her tongue hit a spot deep within me and I moaned out around her dick. I felt a massive buildup of heat at my center, which then exploded.

The next few seconds were nothing more than a blackened memory to me as my body soared on heights it could never possibly achieve as a male. I might have lost Mr. Thompson, but it seems that I gained a much better set of equipment for pleasure. I came to with Twilight lapping at my soaked lips, her dick still firmly entrenched in my mouth. An audible pop sounded out as she took a step back, and I saw her muzzle glistening with what could only be my juices from my first female orgasm. Man, that is hot.

Her horn fired up and flipped me so that I was laying on the carpeted rug as she loomed over me. Twilight moved in to lustily kiss me, and although awkward because of her muzzle, I just sat there still dazed from my orgasm and let her eat my face. It was oddly sweet, and I had to make a mental note to taste myself the next time around... huh, next time? Why am I thinking of that already?

I closed my eyes, simply enjoying the pleasant afterglow and the warmth in the room. At some point, my arms found their way around Twilight’s neck, my fingers digging into her fine fur. I felt her move around a little and move her head away from my mouth to the side. “Are you ready, Elam?”

I murmured, way too relaxed to even care about opening my eyes to see what she was talking about. Twilight’s lips returned to my mouth, her tongue seeking entrance, so I lazily opened my mouth and let her in. Wow, do ponies have long tongues. That’s going to be very handy when the time comes, I suppose. I felt a prod or two at my groin again, and my addled mind wondered what it was. Wait a moment, her mouth is here, and that’s not her tongue...

My eyes jolted open as I tried to jump up, simply putting Twilight’s tongue further into my mouth as her bulk kept me somewhat pinned to the ground. I let out a mixed howl of pleasure and pain as I felt myself speared, my fingers digging hard into Twilight’s coat. I managed to look between our bodies and saw the source of the mixed feelings.

Even as I got a good look, Twilight slowly pulled back and I got to watch as at least eight inches of ponycock removed itself from inside me, glistening with my juices. I was somewhat torn, as I was most definitely a guy in mind still, but holy hell did this feel good after the initial pain passed. Twilight broke the kiss as her concentration shifted to her new appendage, which I could now feel had just the head inside of me. It was an odd feeling, as it left me feeling somewhat empty inside and wanting for more for some odd reason.

"Wow..." I barely muttered, Twilight sharing my sentiments.

"Ready for Mr. Thompson? You only spent a fair amount of the evening moaning about his loss, I'll gladly give him back to you as much as I can." Twilight purred out, barely holding herself within me. Wow, that's fucking hot. Damn these new hormones!

"Twilight..." I managed to barely squeak out, having lost my resolution for now, "If you don't shut up and fuck m–" I let out a loud, ragged moan as she thrusted forward, burying herself in me again. This time, there was no pain, only pure pleasure as she stopped at a comfortable spot inside of me. I dug my fingers into her neck, slightly raising my head and resting it against her neck.

She began to go at me with a steady motion. Quick thrust in, then a slow pull out until she was barely inside, then another quick thrust in. For just getting a dick, she sure as hell knew how to use it. My mind was numbed with bliss, moans ripping from my throat with every thrust in. It wasn't too much longer until I got into it, throwing myself as best as I could against her every thrust as she slowly plunged deeper and deeper into my depths, the heat inside me unbearable.

I experienced my second mind shattering orgasm as I yelled, my mind blacking out again. I came to with the sensation of a cool feeling flooding my insides, Twilight nearly hilted within me. I could feel each pulse of her cock continue to fill me up, sending me into another bout as my mouth opened even though no sound escaped me.

I milked Twilight for quite a few seconds, new heights of pleasure achieved, enough that I might find it in myself to forgive her a bit quicker for turning me into a female. The spurts finally died down, although it seemed like Twilight was already ready for round two, as she slowly pulled out, and thrusted in once more. I was enjoying this more than I should've, but when in Rome...

On her next thrust forward, I threw all the weight into her as Twilight hilted within me, a small amount of mixed fluids spilling out around our joining. I locked my legs around her back hooves, keeping us joined together and moved my hands down her body. I grabbed one of her wing bases out of curiosity and was rewarded with her whole body quivering, rubbing me inside in all the right ways. Another one of my hands drifted further back, easily able to explore the relatively small alicorn.

As I occasionally tweaked one of her wings, my hand came to her rear, and I gyrated my hips as I grabbed on tight, causing us both to uncontrollably moan. With one last tweak of her wing, my other hand moved to her other side, grabbing tightly again. Twilight surprised me with a kiss as she moaned into my mouth, causing my hand to slip further back.

I scrambled for a hold on her, and my fingers barely met each other at Twilight rear, where they found a copious amount of liquid freely running from her cleft. Long past the point of questioning anything because of lust, I dug two fingers inside of her. Twilight bucked her hips and moaned into my mouth, getting a rise out of me in turn.

One of my fingers found her clitoris and I tweaked it between my thumb and forefinger, sending her over the edge as she had a dual orgasm. As more liquid began to pump into me, the dam gave way once more, sending me to my own peak as I joined Twilight in bliss.

My legs turned into jelly as my hands slipped from her, and I let my head fall back into the softness of the rug. I simply laid there, feeling Twilight slowly retreat from me as she went limp at last, a large mess of fluids escaping from my insides. I was sore all over and in a haze, and for some reason I just couldn't bring myself to hate Twilight for what just happened.

"I still don't forgive you, Twilight..." I mumbled as she collapsed on top of me, heavily panting. "Although sex as a woman is mind-blowing, it's gonna take a bit more to get past you stealing my dick..." I felt the rapid inflation of her chest against my breasts as she breathed, and I wrapped my arms around her in a hug.

"T-that's fine, Elam. Now I see what Luna means by it being amazing..." Twilight muttered herself, gently kissing me on my cheek. "You're a right bastard, but I think we can come to an understanding... In time I'll get your forgiveness, I have no doubt."

"Maybe," I couldn't help but chuckle, I think with time I'd come to like Twilight even with our rocky first impression. Still not happy about my situation, but I gotta make the best of it. Doesn't mean I don't still have plans for Celestia though, the troll.

"Now, how about that shower..."