The Breach

by NightmareAssassin

How this all start.

It was a beautiful day in Equestria, like usual: the birds were singing, the ponies were talking and the two Princess were ruling good on their reign....
But...No all ponies were happy, not all of them were good, expecially one....the one who murdered hundred of young peagasi... Dr. Atmosphere. His facility got destroied by the Main 6 (with the great help of Rainbow Dash from the inside), with a bomb,in the core of the Rainbow's machine, or the "RainbowMaker 5000" as it was called by him. When the facility exploded all Equestria tought that Atmospere was dead, he couldn't survive. . . . . . . .

....... He Does ......

In the next 3 years, Atmosphere searched for help, he needed hep, and first he went to Trixie, that unicor who loses 2 times against Twilight Sparkle in magic duels....the second time with the Alicorn's Amulet....what a shame, she tought to suicide herself but a little part of her didn't want to do that. And then Atmosphere met Trixie, he proposed to her a plan for take their deserved revenge. They wanted it with all of the heart.

Another 7 years passed, and the plan was finally done: A place with 1 floor on ground level and another 6 underground...a place that anypony could find, nopony had to know about that place... Tankfully a lot with Trixies magic....

"How we call this place", asked Trixie to Atmosphere, "I mean, i can't think about a fucking name!"

"How About.....SCP? Do you think is a good name, don't you?"

"Yeah, sound creepy. . . B-b-but....what's the name's mean?"

"Secure Conatinment Project..All the ponies will think that is a laboratory or somthing else.."

"Great! You are so smart!"

"But how we need to get our nemesis here....let me think about it...we will start tomorrow. Oh, and search for new help, we need it, about 2 or 3 more ponies, you have the choice. Now Go!"

Trixie wanted to search the best ponies in the reign of Equestria, and wasn't so hard to find help...she needed only to find other ponies that wanted Rinbow Dash, Pikie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity and Twiligh Sparkle Dead.
"Hmm....who I could let to join in the grop? Think, Trixie, THINK!"; Trixie's head was blowing up...she couldn't think about 1 pony. . .1 pony in the entire world. . . . .Finally one idea comes: Spitfire!
Now, how Spitfire started to hate one of the main 6 was easy. When she was at the comand of the Wonderbolts Accademy, Rainbow Dash's progress improved really fast, and then when Dashie became the Wonderbolts captain, Spitfire got fired...
From that moment she started to hate her, with all of hers heart, she wanted Rainbow Dash dead, without hurt her friends, but...she could do that...
Recruited Spitfire, Trixie's search continued, for another 2 servants....while in her journey a pegasus, with great wings crashed on her;"WHAT. . .THE. . FUCK!", Trixie's swear could be heard very far away;"What the hell is wrong with you. You are a pegasus that doesn't know how to fly!"

"Yeah i'm sorry, a goddamnit sunbeams hit me in the eye and i couldn't see a fuckin thing"

"Never mind. At least you excused yourself...Hey..i have a job..wanna join in?"

"What kind of job? I don't like to get tired...".

"It's very relaxing, come with me, i'll show you..So....What's your name?"

"Call me Saturn..I'm one of the best fliers of Cloudsdale...Hem..aparta this little event..". On his face raised a big smile.

"My name is.." What she could do? Tell hers real name? However "Trixie..."

"Pretty cute name!...So...Let's go?"

When Saturn turned, a magic beam hit him right in the head letting him fall on the grass...That was'n a standard procedure, but screw it...she did it anyway...and with an another magic, Trixie teleported Saturn to the SCP, like with Spitfire.
Now the last one servants....Who would be chosen? Trixie needed a pony, that could hit the Main 6 right in the heart...a pony very cute and adorable...who....who could be that pony?
In that moment she could hear a scream not very far away from where she was standing...
"GET OFF MY WAY!!!!!" BAM!..Trixe flew 5-10 meters away from there, like hitted by a train..but that wasn't a train, that was a teenager Scootaloo.
"What the hell is wrong with you, old lady? I told you to get didn't do that and that's the result!". Her style for talking was too similar to Rainbow Dash's one, very, very arrogant..."Hem...old lady? You are fine?"

"I'M NOT AN OLD LADY!", Another Trixie scream.."I'm Trixie, The great and Powerful!"

"Oh yes the one who get her ass kicked out from Ponyville like 2-3 times...Yeah..That one"

"T-Th-The one who get what?"..She did unsterstand that, she was giving an oppurtunity to change the statement"

"The one who get her ass kicked! Don't remeber?! Oh man what a bad memory! You know you are such a b-", PUNF!; Scootaloo fell on the grass like Saturn, for a magic beam from Trixie's horn. She approache slowy to Scootaloo's body initially for kill her, but...she needed her...
"...And the third one it's finally founded! HA!" And in that moment she teleported herself and Scootaloo to the SCP. The plan was almost ready....Now Trixie and Atmosphere needed to attract The Main 6 and the Princess in the new Atmosphere's facility....And he already knew how to do that...

.......And a histerical laught broke the silence in that huge place..........