//------------------------------// // First Day (that I should be) In Class // Story: The Formative Years // by Lonepone //------------------------------// I stretch out in my bed, enjoying the fact that for once I got a full nights sleep. I sit up, and for once I don't have the need to consume large amounts off caffeine to get started. I slip out of bed, and walk into the bathroom to shower, as I said I would last night. I turn on the speaker system I've installed, and set a good trance mix playing. I turn the heat up all the way on the water, and then step under the hot flow. I whimper a little as the hot water unknots some of the tension in my muscles. I stand there for a few minutes, leaning my head up against the wall, and let the hot water run over me. I finally go to grab my shampoo, only to realize I don't have it. I instead grab Octavia's, flip open the cap, and take a tentative sniff. Coffee beans. Delicate, yet seductive. Not mine exactly my style, but it will do for a day. I step out of the shower, and give my hair and body a quick pat down, leaving my hair to air dry to get my normal look. I go into the kitchen, when I notice the time. It's 2! How did I sleep in so late? I throw on my saddle bags, check the class I'm in, grab my laptop, and dash out of the room at speeds worthy of a little blue hedgehog. I arrive in front of the class room door, and put my laptop in my saddle bags. I look, and notice that Octavia is sitting next to the only open seat in the class room. Thats my goal. I enter the class backwards, and start walking backwards to the target. The entire class is now staring at me, but more importantly, the professor is looking at the board. I keep an eye on him as I walk baskwards, and as soon as he turns around I start walking towards the door. "And where do you think your going? Sit back down" he snaps at me, and then continues his lecture. "Sorry Mr." -I glance at his desk- "Noteworthy. I'll go sit down". I then walk non chalanty to the chair, and sit down next to Octavia. A couple ponies laugh in appreciation when they realize what I just did. Not Octavia though. Musical History. I snort to myself. Who needs to know about the past? There's a reason that these ponies where left behind, and that's because better ponies came along to replace them. Octavia seems to just be eating this up though. I scan through the rest of the classroom, staring at other ponies manes, since we're in the back of the class. There's a lime green pony with green and white hair that's sticks out, as then just a classroom full of bland manes, since the green one seems to be the only one with a sense of style. Or a modern one at least. And then I see a familiar spiked black and blue mane, and a black coat underneath that. Maybe this class won't be so uninteresting after all. I conspicuasly slip an earbud in my ear and tune out what the professor is saying. Who cares about once great now forgotten ponies from ages past? They're not relevant any more! I spend the remaining hour of the class like that, tuning out whatever the professor says in favor of what Deadp0ny has to offer my ears. Before I know it, he dismisses the class. I'm the first one up and out the door, despite the fact I'm in the back of the room. I have to strongly resist the urge to shout 'seeya, bitches!' as I walk out. "Hey Vinyl, that was pretty cool what you did" I look over at my new companion. "Hey, Sound. I'm just awesome like that. Why, you want me to teach you my secrets?" "Maybe" he laughs as he walks off. I walk bac to my dorm, Octavia trailing behind me. I walk in, throw my bag on my bed, and walk back out intending to turn on my Xbox and chill out to some 'MienKraft!'. But we don't always get what we want, do we? There's a very angry Octavia standing in the door way. I try and walk around her, but she repeatedly blocks my path. "We'll, excuse me, princess" I say, stepping aside, and geusturing her into the room. "What is your problem?" She asks in that prissy whiny voice. "Hohoh my god, your worse then Rarity. Right now, my problem is you, standing in the door way, seperating me from my Xbox. So..." I pause for dramatic effect before shouting "MOVE!" "We have a 1000 word assignment, and you want to play some stupid game?" "We have an assignment?" "Yes, about the 5 great composers from the classical age! Where you even listening?" "Nope. Had my earbuds in the whole class. Why lie?" "I should just report you! And so your going to waste all the money you spent on going here, only to sleep in for two classes, miss all but the last hour of the third, and the zone out for that hour?" "Actually, sweet heart" I say sarcastically "I'm here on grants. Not all of us have a rich mommy and daddy like you do. So now stop being an arrogant little bitch, and get outta the way" This has the desired effect on her. "Good" I say, and sit in front of my game for the next couple hours, eating some ramen for dinner. Towards nine I slip into bed, staring icilly at the mare in the bed next to mine until I fall asleep.