Harmony Itself

by ceilster

The Curse

Surprisingly, the sun was setting when Chancellor came back. He was angry, very angry when he walked through the door and his daughter was just on the couch eating chocolate cake. "What happened?" he almost yelled.
"His grandson isn't very nice," she told him as she took another piece with her hoof, not bothering to use the fork.
"All you do, all you do is complain! I need you for one simple task and you blow it! You're an alicorn for Celestia's sake," her father said. He sat down on the couch and took some of her cake.
"Hey!" she scowled.
"Hey! You messed this whole thing up! Are you even listening to me?" Chancellor asked.
"Yes and I'm sorry. But father I will not stand for this. Their family is outrageous!"
"They're Swirls, what do you expect. And look whose complaining. You're practically an Earth pony my dear."
"And what's wrong with being an Earth pony?"
"Nothing, but when you're an alicorn it makes your abilities a waste," he told her. She took another bite,
"You know, I told them I was going to skip town. But then that Altair spelled me into not being able to leave without his consent," she told her father.
"You were going to leave town?" Chancellor asked.
"Not really, but they seemed to buy it," Harmony explained.
"His sister was there."
"Ah Red, she is very peculiar isn't she."
"Please don't use that word," Harmony pleaded.
"He used that word and it just doesn't settle right."
"Altair told us what you said about his parents, I want you to go apologize to him as soon as possible."
"No," she told him.
"Harmony," he said, his voice forceful in a way.
"Father, he said things to me about mother."
"I thought we agreed to never talk about that," he reminded her.
"Yes, but I am going to."
"Go to your room before you start a fire you cannot control," Chancellor order. Harmony's body pulled herself upstairs while her mind stayed in the room.
"You are horrible," she said under her breath, which even her father could hear.
This time Harmony woke up to the rain and thunder beating on her windows. She smiled; letting her eviler side roam wild. She got out of her bed with happiness and grabbed her shoes. She ran downstairs with happiness. "Why are you so happy?" Folio asked.
"Its raining!"
"Its thundering and I can barely see a thing," he complained.
"Well I can see clearer than ever before," she said as she walked over to the door.
"Where are you going?" The mischievous (for the moment) pony turned and showed her gleaming golden eyes.
"Out," Harmony said before left the house.
"You do realize what happens in thunder storm?" he called.
"Lightning happens and I will only worry when a storm is unexpected brother!" she called back before skipping in the rain.For some odd reason, Harmony was unafraid of lightening and rain, instead focusing on the abilities that were trusted and then betrayed her mother. She decided to go to the princesses, maybe they'll be able to teach her something in such beautiful weather.
The rain soaked the stone paths and ponies everywhere were falling. Mud was everywhere and puddles were waiting to be jumped in. Foals were outside playing in the rain like Harmony but their mothers rushed them inside. Her white fur started to get damp, but she shook it off. The lightning lit up the sky for only second a before grey came back. Harmony continued to skip along the path to the castle.
The guards let her in and were a little confused on why a pony was so happy with the weather. "It's just rain miss," one said.
"Yes, but it is my favorite kind of rain; cold but the weather is warm. This is the best part of rain in May," she explained before skipping to the castle. There was no light in the halls and only the lightning lit up the path. Rain beat down on the windows and not a sound came from inside the castle as the thunder roared from outside. She slowed down after realizing no one was there. "Celestia?" Silence. "Luna?" More silence. "Princesses?" Not a sound came. She continued down the hall until she bumped into someone when she turned at the corner. "I apologize," Harmony said. It was the figure in the black hood she had seen earlier.
"No, I apologize," it said. You could see him grinning as the ten foot tall figure looked up, revealing his hideous face. Gray face and long white goatee. His eyes were yellow with red pupils and on his head was an antler and a horn.
"You're-you're," she stuttered. His smiled went even larger.
"I believe the word you are looking for is Discord," he told her. Harmony's eyes went large and her pupils shrank at the sight of the powerful Discord. Harmony turned around and ran as fast a possible outside; away from Discord. "That's right pony, run, run!" He told her as he flew next to her. She continued to run as fast as possible when he turned her into a deer. She sprinted down the halls while he got bored. "I liked you better as a pony," he told her before snapping his claws. making her turn back into herself. Harmony pushed through the doors and out to the pouring rain. Lightning ran wild and all of the guards had retreated to a safer area leaving Discord and Harmony in the open. She continued to run to the gates, but Discord placed a wall towards her and cornered her to the edge of the land.
"What do you want with me?!" she asked. Her eyes pleaded for the answer and Discord only found her actions amusing.
"I like to disrupt things," he started, edging her closer to the edge, "So lets change your life!" Discord snapped his claws and changed something within Harmony. She could feel herself differently. "Goodnight." He told her before pushing her off of the edge. Harmony fell through the air and to her death as her wings betrayed her.
She screamed, but the rumblings of the clouds blocked the sound of terror. The only thing she could see was Discord's smiling face. Gravity made her life worse and so when Harmony landed on the ground, everything went black.
"Lights out," Discord murmured to himself before disappearing in a cloud of dust.
Harmony was in a crater created by her fall but when she woke up she was in a hospital bed. Her sibling and father were near her bed. Morning Light was leaning against the bed, her eyes were red from crying all night. The rain had stopped, but the new day was still gloomy. Harmony could see the Princesses' silhouettes behind the door. She turned her head to find Red, Altair, and Comet sitting in the chairs. Red had been watching Harmony the whole time and she smiled at her friend. Harmony gave a faint reply of happiness, but she winced as she tried to move. The bruised mare looked at her self to find that surprisingly she didn't break any bones, but just to find scratches and scars all along herself. Morning Light had noticed her stirring and looked up. Morning jumped up and began to hug her sister and kiss her forehead multiple times; making a commotion too. Folio and Chancellor got up and ran to their family member. Red slowly stood up and went up to her, Altair behind her. He didn't make any eye contact but he seemed relieved that she was alive. 'Why does her care?' she thought to herself. The princesses had heard the noise and they poked their heads through the door. They both smiled that their newest and most interesting student was fine. They closed the door behind them as they left.
"What happened?" her sister asked, not letting go of her sister's hoof.
"I slipped off of the edge with all the mud and everything," Harmony lied. Everyone seemed a little bit suspicious, but they didn't question her story because no one was there to disprove it. Before any of them could ask her more questions a nurse came in.
"I see Ms. Eclipsa is awake, but visiting hours are over so please leave immediately," the nurse informed. They nodded and one by one they left. Morning, Red, and Altair were left. Red had to pull Morning off of her arm and she made her leave before she could run back to her sister. Harmony smiled at Altair.
'Why did I just smile at him?' she asked herself. Altair also looked confused but rested his hoof near hers anyway.
"They were all worried about you," he told her. She nodded.
"'I'm sorry about what I said," Harmony told him, still surprised with her efforts to be nice to him and make friends.
"I cannot tell if you mean that or not."
"It is your choice on what to believe," she replied, edging her hoof to his hoof. It was as if her body and mouth wouldn't agree with her mind.
"Umm," he laughed nervously, moving his away. "I should probably go, but I'll be back later."
"I'll be waiting," she smiled. He began to laugh more nervously and immediately ran to the door, which he accidentally ran into. He nodded goodbye before jetting out of the room. Harmony's smile faded and was replaced by the most confused face in existent.
"What is happening?" she asked aloud. She got up from the bed and walked over to the window. The rain began to pour again. The pony shuddered as the memory of what led to her injuries resurfaced. And then she did the unthinkable. Harmony took step back right before leaping through the window to the outside world. Glass from the broken window was still on her fur when she opened her wings. And it felt good when she felt the freedom blissfully overwhelm her as she began to soar into the new territory known as the sky.
But dread hit her like the lighting bolt that killed her mother; fast and painful. Where was she to go? What was to happen when they found the window broken and their patient missing back at the hospital? And what was even worse is that she was flying. The wings that kept her afloat now were the same ones that betrayed her to her doom earlier. A shiver went down her spine before she turned and bolted back to the room. She began to pace in thought and confusion of what would happen next. The confused pony noticed the window that was still broken a moment later. Harmony turned to the window and fixed her body and mind at it. Her horn began to glow goldenly as the pieces of the window came back and placed themselves together like a puzzle. She smiled when her was done and all the new magic she learned was finally helping her. "Maybe learning levitation by myself wasn't such a bad thing," she said with a smile before yawning. She looked over at the clock and realized how late it was. Her eyes started to close drowsily as she crept to the bed. "Did they give me something?" she asked before falling asleep.