Harmony Itself

by ceilster

Prince Charming Is A Stalker

For the next three weeks, Harmony wet through an intense teaching of flying and magic. She could fly so well it would make Wanda R. Bolt (the most famous flyer) jealous. But Harmony was still struggling with her magic. It seemed to be against her all the time so she used the small amount of magic she could use to perform simple tasks like opening doors to cleaning the dishes to levitating objects. Celestia saw this as improvement, but Harmony saw it as rubbish.
She still wouldn't fly to school and home or anywhere in between her sister made her promise that on Monday they would fly to school together. Even though her magic wasn't the greatest, Harmony felt like she finally found a life preserve in her sea of depression she could hold onto for breath. Harmony was walking home again after a long day of school work as usual. The moon was up and the stars shown brightly through the darkness, guiding her back home. The light to her house was still on when she was nearing it and she smiled when she saw her father waiting for her. He was reading a book on the couch with his spectacles on. The mare crept through the door and into the house. "Ah Harmony," her father said knowing she was there without even looking.
"Father," she nodded before walking towards the door.
"Do you remember what tomorrow is?" Chancellor asked.
"Yes, I do father."
"Then I hope you remember to dress nicely, I won't be here in the morning so will you hold down the fort until I come back for you?"
"Of course," she answered before continuing up the stairs.Her father nodded and continued to read his book. Harmony flopped onto her bed with exhaustion and disappointment. If anything she didn't want to see this boy, much less look nice for him. He could be a slob or hideous, these were just the few horrendous thoughts that came to her mind as she dozed off into her nightmare,
In the morning she woke up again. And this time she got up without a fight. The struggling pony didn't need to cause a fuss on this already dreadful day. The sun shone through the window, which made her feelings idiotic. She had hoped that there would be rain but her father must have been the genius to schedule this meet on a sunny day. Harmony went over to her dresser and took out the dress. It was dark blue and sadly to her there was no red on it. White lace on the bodice and it was also sleeveless. It was the only piece of clothing that she owned that was fancy, which was odd because of her families wealth. Harmony pulled on the dress and a pair of black shoes. She went over to the mirror and brushed out her mane and placed it in a low bun. Then she put some black eye shadow and mascara. The pony was surprised with her self that she dressed herself up so nicely for a stranger. "Oh well," she said to herself as she let out a deep sigh. She got up and walked downstairs where she was met by her brother and sister. They were playing cards at the table and laughing it up. Her brother looked up and immediately stopped laughing. Her sister turned around and found Harmony in the dress. Morning Light immediately got up and ran to her sister. She circled around her and examined every inch of the dress. "You haven't worn that since your tenth birthday!" she exclaimed.
"I'm surprised you remembered because you were only two," Harmony replied.
"It's been a long seven years," Folio added. Harmony nooded and they sat down at the table.
"Deal me in," she said. Folio gave her seven cards and they continued to play Go Fish.
"Are you excited?" Morning Light asked.
"I'm nervous more than excited."
"Worried he's pony killer?" he guessed.
"Among other things," she said before they continued to play card games for hours. Around noon, their father came in.
"Harmony," Chancellor said. Harmony nodded and got up from her seat. Folio and Morning said their goodbyes and they were off. Chancellor led his daughter outside to the carriage that was waiting for them. He led her inside and once they sat down the carriage began to move. "You look lovely."
"Thank you father. If you don't mind me asking, what is the name of my suitor?" she asked.
"He will tell you himself." Harmony gulped and she seemed to get even more nervous. After ten minutes of sitting in the silent carriage, it slowed to a stop by a courtyard. They had arrived at a mansion nearby the city.Outside a pony with a servants suit waited for them to get out. In his hoof was a tray with two glasses of champagne on it. Chancellor and Harmony both took one from the tray.
"Comet Swirl is waiting for you inside," the servant said before leading them inside. Harmony leaned towards her father.
"Swirl? As in Star Swirl the Bearded?" she asked but he only smiled. She became even more nervous. the servant took them inside the house and into the parlor of the home. The rooms were white and green drapes covered the windows. Dark blue couches with golden floral design were in the center of the room around the oak coffee table. Sitting on one of the couches was an older stallion. He had wild white hair with very dark blue highlights and dark grey (almost black) fur. Chancellor sat down on a chair across of the stallion and Harmony sat next to her father.
"Tea?" Comet Swirl asked. Harmony slowly nodded and using his horn, Comet made tea appear in front of them. He looked down at his red watch, which made his yellow glasses almost fall off of his green eyes. "My grandson should be arriving shortly," his old voice said.
"So Comet, how is business going for you?" Chancellor asked.
"The telescopes you designed are being made as we speak," he answered. Her father as an inventor was very interested in science so he develops many scientific tools. Comet turned to Harmony and smiled which couldn't be seen to well with his long mustache in the way. "Hello Harmony, I am Comet Swirl."
She nodded. "It is very nice to meet you sir."
"I hope you'll find my grandson as interesting as everyone says he is."
"What is your grandson like anyway? If I may ask," Harmony replied. Comet closed his mouth and thought for a moment.
"I don't think there really is a word to describe him," he said. Harmony looked extremely worried now and Comet noticed. "But in a good way my dear, he is magnificent as you'll soon find out." She nodded and continued to sip her tea. Then a servant came into the parlor and whispered something in Comet's ear. He nodded and the servant left immediately.
"Is there something wrong?" Chancellor asked.
"No no, my grandson has just requested to meet Harmony alone in the courtyard," comet told them. Harmony gulped.
"Well darling," Chancellor said, edging her to go meet him. She nodded and got up from her chair.
"If you excuse me," she said before curtsying. Comet nodded and Harmony slipped out of the parlor. A servant led her down the hall and to the outside. From a distance she could see a stallion examining some roses near a willow tree, but she couldn't see his face. Harmony walked down the stairs and proceeded to weave herself through the garden to the pony. She turned around once to see Comet and her father watching on the balcony. She continued to walk on the stone path until she reached the tree. The black maned pony turned around to look for the pony but he was no where in sight.
"You are a very strange pony," a voice said. She turned but no one was there.
"In what way?" she asked.
"Well for starters you are an alicorn."
"And that is genetics for you," she replied.
"So you know some of your sciences," it said.
"Show yourself," Harmony demanded.
"I have noticed that you prefer to not use your hooves," the voice continued.
"What is wrong with that?"
"Oh nothing is wrong, its just peculiar in my opinion."
"And I find it odd that you won't show your face to me," she responded.
"But what if you attack me?"
"There is a difference between what ifs and reality," Harmony said.
"You've attacked me before so I do have a good reason for my if," the voice added.
"Then you will just have to risk it," she answered with a hint of confusion in her voice.
"Well you asked for it," he said. Harmony turned around again and found a stallion behind her near the tree. It wasn't just any stallion though. It was her stalker. Harmony tensed and her eyes widened. Her nostril flared in anger and her anger continued to increase. She began to walk towards him. "Now just wait a minute, I can explain." But it was too late because as soon as he was against the tree, Harmony raised her hoof and slapped him.
"What is wrong with you?!" she shouted at him as he cowered against the tree. She slapped him two more times before storming off farther into the garden. She turned to see her father and Comet in confusion. The angry pony heard hooves coming towards her and she increased her pace. The stalker caught up to her and his face was still red.
"I'm sorry I followed you," he told her. Harmony rolled her eyes and continued to walk as fast as possible, trying not to tear her dress. "Come on Harmony, you must have been curious too." She stopped and turn to him. She got close to his face.
Angrily she asked, "How do you know my name?"
"Don't you know mine?"
"No," she answered. He backed up from her and let out a hoof.
"I'm Altair."
"Well Altair, can you please escort me back to my father so I may leave?" she asked. Without an answer Harmony continued to find her way back. Altair followed her.
"You shouldn't be so angry with me, that would be bad for our relationship," Altair told her.
"Relationship? We do not have any form of a relationship," Harmony replied while walking faster.
"Come on, you know we're going to. So lets just restart and have a good start," he said.
"Okay, lets restart with you not being born. I think that could work."
"Well that's not going to happen anytime soon."
"I can make it happen," she threatened. Altair frowned and continued to follow her.
"Fine be that way, but I've got to know," he started.
"What?" she barked.
"Do you know Red?" Altair asked. Harmony stopped and turned to him. She leaped onto him and pushed him to the ground. Their families couldn't see them as Harmony pinned Altair.
"Don't you dare go near her!" Harmony roared. Altair's face got red and for a second time he turned the tables and was pinning her to the ground. She struggled against him and dirt started to get on her dress. Her bun was gone and her hair was sprawled on the ground.
"How do you know her?!" he asked, and this time he too was angry.
"She's my friend!"
"She's my friend!" They continued to struggle for a few more minutes before they realized what they had both said. Altair was the first so he let go of her and Harmony angrily pushed him to the ground with her back hooves. He got up in a flash and Harmony stood up, still furious.
"Well this is unfortunate, I was waiting for this to happen later," a familiar red pony said. The first thing you could see were her deep blue eyes and then her yellow and blue a hair before you knew it, you could see her red wings.
"Red?" they both asked.
"Sorry guys, but I had to keep you two separate," she told them.
"Red you told me you didn't know her," Altair said, distrust was in his voice.
"You aren't supposed to be in town!" Harmony almost screamed.
"This wouldn't have happened if you had told me sooner you were marrying my brother!' Red told her. She backed up and stared at the two of them.
"She's adopted," he said before turning to her sister, "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I don't know! I panicked and decided not to tell you guys, but what good of plan that is," Red explained.
"It's not like she's apart of a crime family and I'm apart of a police family! Its not like we would shoot each other and fight over turf!" Altair replied.
"Obviously, but I just like it better when Grandpa doesn't know and with the two of you under the same roof makes my secret coming out easier!" Red said.
"Hold up, is your name really Red Hoofed?" Harmony asked, obviously behind in the conversation.
"Yes-well no, okay so my birth name is Red Hoofed, but my adoptive family changed the name to Red Dwarf," she explained.
"What's with all these astronomy names?"
"Our great, great, great grandfather is Star Swirl the Bearded and so the astronomy paths just kept coming," Altair explained.
"Is that why your name is a star?" Harmony asked and he nodded.Harmony sat down on the ground rested her hands in her hooves. This was to overwhelming her. Her stalker and her crime acquaintance are siblings and she is marrying her stalker!
"You could have told us," Altair told his sister.
"I could have but I didn't, will you ever forgive me?" she asked as she placed a hoof on her forehead. Sarcasm was in her voice, making fun of mares today.
"I guess."
"How 'bout you?" Harmony looked up and the two of them were staring at her.
"I will forgive one of you," she stared at Red, "and as soon as I get up, I'm going back to my home to leave this town like you told me you were doing."
"Why are you leaving?" Altair asked.
"Guess," she said. Red looked at her brother.
"Don't do it," she told him.
"Sorry," he said to the both of them before his horn started to glow.
"What are you do-" And BAM! Altair casted a spell on Harmony. "What did you do?!"
"Inhabit spell, you can't leave the Royal City without his consent," Red told her guessing what Altair had done. She stood up and she looked like she had no opinion. "Harmony?" Harmony started to walk away from them, back to the house. Altair ran up to her.
"Don't Harmony me, do realize that I have just as much power in magic as you do. And what I said was true, I'm going to go home and leave town. If that takes me a while then so be it, but I am not staying here with you," she told him before going back to the house. Comet and Chancellor were waiting for her and Altair, but he lacked behind her.
"Darling," Chancellor said.She put a hoof to his face.
"Sir Swirl, I have regretful news that I must leave. It was very nice meeting your family, have good rest of the evening." Harmony told Comet. He nodded and she took started to walk towards the doors. Her father wasn't behind her, but he would catch up soon enough. She heard hooves behind her, but she didn't stop walking. "Father, I do not care what deal you have made, I will not be apart of that deranged family."
"Says the pony who cannot fly," Altair said. She stopped in her tracks and turned to face him.
"Who say's I cannot fly?" she asked.
"Well what?!" she started to shout, her last straw was finally pulled. "Do you want to know why I don't fly? Do you? Do you?" There was a silence from Altair. She walked up to him got so close to his face her muzzle was almost touching his. "I don't fly because my mother died flying. And I have a feeling you understand what that is like because your parents are clearly not around, so either they left you or they're dead. Either way, I'm out of here." And with that she opened up her wings with such a mighty force, a tornado could have formed. She started to flap her wings and she began to fly, and fly she did to her home in less than a second, leaving Altair back in the dust.