Harmony Itself

by ceilster

Strange Meetings

Harmony walked down one of the longest halls in history. But to her it wasn't so bad because paintings of the important ponies in history were placed down this hall. Many different mares and stallions from different powers looked down at Harmony with their large eyes. As she neared the end of the hallway, voices began to sound clear. There were two voices and one of them was Celestia. The other was male and seemed to be taunting.
Harmony stopped at the corner to listen to what they were saying, it may have been eavesdropping, but the white mare couldn't resist. They were having an argument of some sorts about their places in Equestria. "I banished you to your prison," Celestia told him in the least kind voice of them all.
"Well I escaped," the voice said. Harmony peered over the corner to see the voice, but all she saw was a hood. She ducked back quickly hoping no one saw her.
"You manipulative bas-how did you escape?" the princess asked.
"I have magical abilities too you know," it said.
"Well I do not want you here, you should know you can't regain control," Celestia said.
"Don't count on that, I can reek havoc with just a snap,"
"And I still have the Alicorn Amulet."
"I will be back, soon enough I will rise to power," the figure said before vanishing.
"And I will be waiting to stop you," Celestia said to herself. Harmony backed up and began to walk like she was searching for someone around the corner.
"Oh! Princess Celestia, there you are," she said to the princess.
"Why hello Harmony, did you need me for something?"
"Your sister needs your help and she sent me to go fetch you," Harmony explained.
"Yes." She said before they walked down the halls and back to the courtyard.
"I heard another voice as I neared. if you don't mind me asking, who were you talking to?" the young alicorn asked at the edge of the outside.
"An old friend stopped by," Celestia answered. Harmony couldn't tell if she was lying or not, but the stranger seemed sketchy to her. She nodded and they continued to approach Luna. The princess had created half of the course and Celestia immediately began to help her. Within a matter of minutes the other half was made revealing a long path of obstacles and turns. The older princess said her goodbyes and left to return to her own duties. Luna smiled at Harmony and brought her closer to the course.
"I just want to see your abilities in flying that way I will know if I have to explain turning or not. So just let instincts take over," Luna explained. Harmony nodded and stretched out her wings again. She began to flap them so she cold start hovering. She leaned forward and with that she slowly went through the course, balancing her way through each turn.
"Maybe I won't be too useless," she told herself in hope. "But then again, I will be useless in these times for being a house wife."
Luna greeted her at the end of the course with a small smile. "So you can fly! But you spent the rest of our class time flying so slow, I regretfully tell you that our classes are over."
"I apologize, I will try to fly better and faster," Harmony replied.
"You'll get there. So you will be joining us for lunch?" she asked.
"I would rather eat at home so I must apologize," the new flier answered. Luna nodded and returned to the castle. Harmony turned around and trotted back to the city. She decided not to flaunt her knew found abilities and not to cause any trouble because she was still a very bad flier. Realizing she was back in the open, the mare began to frown. Her stalker may be hiding in the crowds next to her. With these thoughts in mind, she went as fast as she could to any familiar building where she could take refuge. She knew Red's home wasn't a good idea and her own home was too far from her to hide in. She scanned the area and spotted the perfect hiding places. The mare slowly walked towards the building with a huge smile on her face.
The bell rang as she opened the door alerting the owner a customer was here. Her brother popped up from his stacks of books to see the visitor. "Harmony! What are you ever doing here?" Folio asked.
She shrugged before answering, "I just wanted to have lunch with my older brother."
"Of course! Let me just clear the table," he said before using his magic to move the books and make some food appear. They sat down at the table and ate their dandelion sandwiches. "So how are the lessons going?"
"They are great, guess what I've learned to do?"
"What? Can you know teleport? Can you teach me? I was sick that day, remember?"
"No silly I didn't learn to teleport but I have learned to fly!" Harmony told her brother with glee, but he slumped down in his chair. "But-" he looked up," when I do learn, you will be the first to know." He smiled and they continued to eat lunch.
"Anything else interesting occur?" he asked. Harmony stopped eating and stared at her food, deciding to tell him or not. "Harmony?"
"I think-I know am being followed by a pony," she answered. Her brother tensed up.
"Do you know what they look like?"
"Yes. He has dark grey fur and his eyes were green. He had white hair and blue highlights. And he was unicorn," Harmony started before telling him about everything. She let out the part about Red, but she told him everything that had happened yesterday. He scratched the underside of his muzzle in interest.
"I think you should tell the authorities or the princesses about this threat. And as soon as possible," Folio told her. Harmony nodded and continued to eat her lunch. When they were done, Harmony left to get back to her lessons. On her way back to the castle, she kept making turns that were pointless so she could get the stallion that may have been following her off of her tail. After making thirteen strange turns, she got to the castle. She turned around one last time and saw no one behind her. Her legs carried her through the gates of the castle and through the halls while she continuously thought about what her brother said. She walked through the doors to the throne room where the princesses finished eating.
"Why hello Harmony, we were just finishing up. Are you ready to start our lessons?" Celestia greeted. Harmony nodded and she got up from her chair. Celestia led her down the hall to another room filled with books. "This is our classroom, my sister has informed me of your reasons to not practice in such a long time. I will not push you to do anything, so if you would rather not practice, you may read anything here instead." Harmony nodded and the princess watched as she approached the shelves filled with books. She examined the spines and took out one of the books. "If that is your wish," she said. Celestia sat down at a table with a book of her own as Harmony began to read.
She grabbed a book called, The Past of Equestria. She knew only a little about it and read as much as possible. She touched up on her knowledge of Hearth's Warming Eve and the Discord reign that lasted until the princess combined forces and used a spell to trap Discord in a statue. They almost lost their horns too, but with the two there they defeated him. Harmony continued to read until about ten minutes before her class was over. "Princess?"
Celestia looked up from her books. "Yes?"
"I have a problem and I was wondering if you could help me," she told her.
"Well, I'm glad you would come to me for help, what is wrong?"
"Yesterday, a stranger kept following me everywhere."
"They may have just been going to the same places as you," Celestia suggested. Harmony shook her head.
"He followed me to the forests and when I confronted him, he ran away," she explained.
"I think you should wait and get all the facts before going to the authorities besides me, I regret to tell you I cannot be involved in speculations," the princess informed. The black maned mare nodded and slumped back in her chair for a few moments before getting up again. She walked over to the shelves and randomly grabbed one of the books from the shelves.
"May I borrow this book for the evening?" she asked. The princess nodded and Harmony left the castle. She trotted back to her home and once she settled in at her home, she began reading. Nigh time had already come so she had to light a candle to continue reading. It was maybe the most helpful book she had ever read.
It was about restarting magic.