//------------------------------// // New School // Story: Harmony Itself // by ceilster //------------------------------// She landed on him just as he turned around. Harmony pinned the mysterious stallion on the ground and stared at him with the most scary and angry face she could manage. "Who are you and why are you following me?" Harmony demanded to know. The stallion struggled underneath her trying to escape. She pushed down harder. "I said who are you?!" she shouted this time. Then he knew what to do. The mystery pony rolled them over, which surprised Harmony. He then pushed off of her into a tree and got up and galloped as fast as possible. Harmony slowly got up and finally realized what had happened. She sprinted after him, but he was lost in the crowd of people. Harmony angrily kicked the ground with her hoof. With nothing to do, the white alicorn walked back home replaying in her mind what had happened. When she got home she slumped on the couch by the fire. Then a few minutes later Mrs. Dust came into the house. She was their maid and occasionally tried to teach Harmony how to clean/cook. "You lazy child," Mrs. Dust sneered. Harmony looked up from the couch and glared. "Yeah, well I'm useless!" Harmony shouted. Mrs. Dust came over to the couch and sat down next to her. "And I wonder why," she said sarcastically. "Oh close your mouth. Will you be teaching me something today that I won't be able to perform?" Harmony asked. Mrs. Dust nodded."What will it be?" "You are going to help me bake a cake for my husband," Mrs. Dust told her. They got up from the couch and Mrs. Dust instructed Harmony on what to do. About two hours later, the kitchen was in a mess and the cake was on fire. By then her father had come into the house. "What did you do?!" he half asked half yelled. "Umm, we were trying to bake a cake," Harmony told him. He began to message his temples with his hoof to calm down. Mrs. Dust quickly began to cleanup the kitchen, which she could do in seconds. "I'm so sorry for the mess sir, I was just trying to improve your daughter's skills in baking, but I think I've now learned that that is impossible," she apologized. "It is fine Mrs. Dust, you may go. Tell your husband I said hello, I can take it from here," Chancellor said. Mrs. Dust quickly went her way, but before she left the home she turned around and mouthed sorry to Harmony. Harmony nodded and waited for her punishment. "I'm sorry father," she said. "Harmony I have news I must share," her father said. They sat down on the couch and he held her hoof. "What is it?" "I have found you new teachers," Chancellor announced. "Who? Who are my new teachers?" Harmony questioned. "The rulers of this land themselves!" he exclaimed. Harmony's eyes widened and she started to freak and not in a good way. "Wh-when do I start my lesson?" she asked nervously. "Tomorrow!" he sounded so happy. He wanted what was best for his daughter, but she didn't like what he had in mind. "And how many days do I visit?" "Everyday, this way you can learn what you've missed out on for so long!" Chancellor exclaimed. Harmony gave a fake smile so he would think she was excited. But inside she was frowning, and it was the largest frown. ~~-~~-~~-~~-~~-~~-~~ It was the next morning and she struggled to open her eyes. Depressed as usual, she got up from her bed. There was no hope for such a useless pony who had to go to the princesses for lessons because she was unable to perform the basic task of opening a jar of jam. Harmony looked at herself in the mirror and continued to to get dress. She brushed her hair and placed her red shoes and cape on. She walked down stairs to be greeted by her siblings who were really excited for her. Her brother seemed to be better and was busy scribbling down words on a piece of parchment and her sister had managed to tie on her own bow. "Harmony! You get to have the princesses be your teacher!" her sister exclaimed. "Yes Morning Light, but every teacher does a fantastic job," she told her. "Especially you," Morning Light added, which made her smile. Morning got up from her chair and ran to hug her sister. When they broke, they sat down and ate their breakfast. Their father greeted them late, in fact he met them right before they began to leave for the day. Folio parted ways with them to go to his library. Morning Light and Harmony continued on their way to their schools. Morning Light ran ahead and left Harmony before they could reach her school. Harmony understanding her message turned and walked to the ginormous castle. The guards allowed her in without a question and she ate up the view. It was amazing and so new to her. Even with their reign so short, the castle was magnificent. She walked through the halls slowly and nervously for what the day may hold. Princess Celestia was supposed to teach magic and Princess Luna was to teach her flight. They were both alicorns like her, but they had decided to split up the work. She continued down the halls looking for the throne room when she finally found it. The princesses were sitting at their thrones when she entered. They were having a long discussion on desserts. Finally, Harmony went up to the princesses and knelt. "You must be Harmony Eclipsa," Princess Celestia said. Harmony nodded and raised from her kneel. "I thank you graciously for allowing me to be your student your majesties," she said in the most formal way possible. "Please, you do not have to be formal with us child," Princess Luna said loudly. Her sister gave her a look and talked in a softer voice, "Sorry." "Thank you," Harmony said. "Now today you will be taught by Princess Luna in the morning and me in the afternoon. We will have lunch together if you please, but you may always go home for lunch," Princess Celestia told her. Harmony nodded. Luna looked over at Harmony. "I see you have not found your special talent yet," Luna said. "Correct." "And your father has told us that you haven't practice magic in a long time," Celestia added. "Correct." "Why is that?" Harmony looked down at that question. "I'd rather not talk about it," Harmony told her. "It's alright if you don't want to," Celestia reassured her. They got up from their thrones and Luna escorted her out to the garden. "Will you show me your skills in flight?" Luna asked. There was a long silence from Harmony as Luna stared curiously. "I have not flown or practice magic since the death of my mother, unlike my siblings it took a large toll on my life," Harmony explained frowning. "If you don't mind me asking, how did she die?" "An unexpected storm. She was flying home when the lightning struck her," Harmony answered. She didn't take her eyes off of the ground and she continued to bite her lip as a pain reliever from the memories. "I understand why you wouldn't want to fly again after that, but maybe you will be able to find joy in it again. You just have to try," the dark blue alicorn told her. Harmony nodded after a few minutes and looked up at the princess. "I would like that." The princess nodded and then unfurled her wings. Harmony nodded and let out her wings. It was a new sensation, and it felt good to have her wings be free again. The light breeze moved her feathers and it felt even better. "Now, I learned how to fly by being pushed off of a cliff, so," Luna said. Harmony didn't realize what she said until Luna pushed her. They were at the edge of the land and now Harmony was plummeting to the ground. She began to flap as fast as she could but she hadn't used those body parts yet and they were just waking up. Harmony flapped as fast as she could and prayed for dear life for her wings to work. Then it happened. Harmony's wings began to work again and she wasn't falling anymore. She smiled as her wings brought her back to the surface. She was only floating, but it was a start. Luna was waiting for her and smiling too. Harmony was so happy that she was able to do such a thing again. "Did you see me? My wings brought me up here!" Harmony exclaimed. Then she remembered what Luna had done to her. With out thinking, Harmony hit the princess's arm. "Ow! What was that for?" Luna roared. "You pushed me to the ground!" Harmony told her. "Well it worked," Luna replied, softer. "Now I won't be able to trust anyone," she said. "I'd rather be able to not trust someone than to never fly. So, was it fun?" "Yes-I mean no, I don't like flying," Harmony told her trying to cover up her excitement for flying. "Right. I think its time for you to learn how to actually fly. So let me just set up an obstacle course and we can continue. Can you go get my sister for help?" Luna asked. "Sure, I'll be back soon," Harmony told her. Harmony walked back into the castle to go look for Celestia. ~~-~~-~~-~~-~~-~~-~~ He was perched on the hill staring down at the castle. "She probably thinks I'm a stalker," he said to his companion who was laying in the grass. "Calm down. When she learns who you are she'll understand why you followed her," the companion said. "That easy for you to say, you never get caught following someone. You're a pro," the first one said. "Altair, you aren't a criminal like me," the companion told him. "Well Red you should know. Did I mention she caught me by surprise, she doesn't even have a cutie mark and she caught me!" Altair exclaimed. "Yeah you mentioned, like a thousand times," Red Hoofed told him. "And she knew where you lived, do you know her?" Altair asked. "Nope," she lied like it was the easiest thing in the world. "I wonder why she there then." "She probably saw you and thought if she hid for a while you would leave her," Red Hoofed suggested. "Why are you so invested with her anyway? Like you said, she doesn't have her cutie mark." "I told you, our parents are forcing us together. I might as well learn about her," Altair explained. "Okay, but she probably isn't that interesting. I know for a fact that she can't fly or practice magic. She's practically an earth pony. What a waste of an alicorn," Red told him. She knew very well why she didn't do those things, but she didn't want to make Altair think he knew her. "How did you know she was an alicorn?" he asked. "You aren't the only one who can spy on someone, at least I can stay hidden in the shadows." "You're right, maybe I should just let you keep an eye on her," Altair said. "My guys are already doing that, do remember what my business is darling," Red told him. "I know I can count on you." Red nodded and they continued to watch the girl.