The Chaotic Touch of Harmony

by law abiding pony

24: No Good Deed

Twilight Sparkle was not a fan of the helicopter. The purple alicorn loved the idea behind it though. A heavier-than-air craft that flew by virtue of what she surmised to be a giant fan on top. This was mostly due to Loki's less than stellar explanation of the craft's functionality. What she didn’t like about it was the noise. The whine of the engine coupled with the thumping blades made initial conversation with Tune’s herd difficult. The fact that the four earthling ponies wore helmets made it nearly impossible.

So the equestrian princess resorted to channeling a low level telepathy spell for all ponies present. It didn’t allow them to read any thoughts, but it did enable the speaker to project what they wanted to say and the rest would hear it. The other reason Twilight did this was so she could cut out the audio portion of the transmission to save her hearing from the engine noise. It had taken the other ponies only a short testing period to adjust to the spell designed for ease of use by its recipients.

Alexia tried to wrap her head around Twilight’s explanation. “So… you’re telling me. That I became an alicorn because I went on TV?”

“Not quite.” Poor filly must still be in shock over it all. “Going on TV awakened your power because ponies all over the world reacted to your natural aura and pledged themselves to you. But you’ve been an alicorn since the night you arrived at The Ranch.” Twilight spat the last two words like they were poison. She was grateful of the freedom Earth’s ponies were being granted, but she felt it had taken too long.

Tune was not in a state of mind to react to Twilight's spite at the end. Alexia felt as if everything she had worked for was based on a lie. “This whole time.” The silver alicorn looked at her mates with a profound sadness, most of all to Crimson. “All the good I thought I was bringing to my people, getting them to accept being a pony, and guiding them away from ever wanting to be human again.” Her eyes misted over as she felt she had wronged the pale yellow mare so deeply, that she would hate for it. “Was because I radiate magic that compels them to abandon their humanity? They don’t love me for what I do. Everyone loves me because I give off some kind of narcotic radiation.”

Crimson unbuckled her seat and wrapped her forelegs around the weeping alicorn. “Don’t you ever say that! I love you because you helped me become the pony I am today.”

Alexia tried to pull away. “But that’s just it!” she wailed, but Anderson wouldn’t let go. “You’re high off my magic. If it wasn’t for that-”

Crimson shoved her hoof in Tune’s mouth to silence her. The earth mare forced herself to stay composed, but she felt Tune’s pain. “Where would I be without your magic Alex?” It was a rhetorical question so she kept speaking. “I would probably be just like all the other ponies in The Ranch before you showed up.” She kissed Tune on the lips for several seconds before continuing. “How many ponies at The Ranch were depressed, lethargic, and suicidal?”

Conrad bounded over to answer for his alpha while draping a wing over her. “Nearly every single one of them.”

Loki jumped in too. “The prez said none of the other internment camps rallied like ours has. We needed you Alex.”

Tune could only half listen because felt she didn’t deserve such a loving herd. Like she won their affection through cheating, but she couldn’t find the strength to push her mates away. “But I didn’t earn it fairly. I brainwashed every pony I came in contact with.” She directed her next statement at Crimson in particular. “Without even knowing it, I forced you to accept being a pony.” Tears streamed down her face. “I killed Michael and you took his place because of me!”

While no one but Alexia could hear it, everyone was stunned when Crimson slapped Alexia across the face. Only the helmet kept the distraught mare from inflicting any damage. “Don’t you ever say or think that again!” Anderson shed tears of her own, not just from the emotional pain, but from striking her alpha in anger. “I am not some entity that crawled out of this mare’s body to replace Michael.”

The pale yellow mare hugged Tune tightly. “I am wholly Crimson, an earth pony. But I used to be Michael the human. Michael chose, I chose to follow your example and adapt to what I’ve become. Without you I’d still be lamenting what I had lost instead of embracing all that I’ve gained.” The silver mare desperately wanted to reciprocate the earth mare’s hug, but still felt that Crimson was only acting this way because of her magic.

“You should take her words to heart Alexia.” Twilight called out to get their attention. “This charismatic aura you possess needs one thing to remain active, that you act with the tenets of harmony in your heart.” Something I am finding it profoundly hard to believe that Discord implemented intentionally. Sparkle walked slowly over to her miserable student and put on her best motherly face. The same one Celesta used on her countless times before. “Alex. I will not lie to you and say your passive magic is not a form of coercion. Were it not for the exact nature of this magic and what it has accomplished, I would be obligated to remove that power from you and…discipline Discord.”

Crimson wanted to speak her mind, but Twilight gestured for restraint. Sparkle mulled over her answer before restarting. “The thing is Alex. Your people needed to be coerced. A soul can last indefinitely within the body of a difference species. But the human soul, which I imagine has never been exposed to magic, being bound within a pony’s body, which is permeated with magic, is an inherently incompatible combination. Over time, even the strongest of spirits will eventually wither and die. The only way to counteract that decay, is for the spirit to want to conform to the body it has been attached to. It was not something Discord counted upon.” Big shocker there.

“However he inadvertently avoided the deaths of two million ponies, and counting, by turning you into an unawakened alicorn.”

“But Sensei. That doesn’t detract from the fact that its all fake.”

Twilight stood firm on this and her visage become stern. “Yes Alex, it does! Your presence, even for but a moment's contact, saved those ponies who were on the verge of death from spiritual decay. Discord gave me a sample of your magic for me to study while I waited for you to speak with me again. The only thing your magic forces ponies to do Alex, is to recover from the rot on their souls. You stabilize them. After that, your magic becomes a catalysis. Only those ponies willing to follow your lead, and accept their fate as ponies will be affected by you further.”

Realization dawned on Conrad. “Are you saying that’s why there are still ponies who hate her in the camp? Because they don’t want to be ponies?”

Twilight didn’t like the idea of ponies hating one another. It was too reminisce of the pre-unification era. “Their hatred is of their own making, and their reasons for feeling as such are their own.” She saw Alexia’s spirits slowly rise at the thought that she wasn’t a brainwashing monster. If only it didn’t take the presence of hatred to prove my point. “But as you can see Alex, you do not control these ponies by force of will or magic. It only works if they want to be a pony, and that you hold the six virtues in your heart. As I have said before,” she added with a smile, “you do not need to be a paragon of those virtues. Just that you try your best to hold onto them.” Tune slowly let go of her apprehension and the herd crushed her in a group hug, an act Twilight dearly wished she could be a part of. “Lastly,” Sparkle said after the hug ended, “is that once a pony of Earth possesses the soul of a pony, your magic no longer affects them in any way. Whatever feelings they have for you at that point is very real.”

Crimson didn’t need Twilight’s justifications, but knew Alexia did. The pale yellow mare affectionately nuzzled Tune. “Don’t forget I would be dead without you Alex. We all owe our lives to you.”

Loki joined in. “I’d have gone mad had you not been there for me Alex.” The green mare saw Conrad give her a condescending look. “Well, more so than usual I guess.”

Alexia’s spirits rose at her fellow mares’ blessings and she turned to Conrad who snickered at her unvoiced question. “Do you really have to ask?”

The silver alicorn smirked. “I guess not.”

Twilight let them have a moment to recompose themselves. When Tune saw the Equestrian princess was still waiting for her, she gestured for her mates to give Twilight room to speak. “Alexia. There are a great many things that you should know about what you have become, but for now, most of that can wait for you to fix your itineris system. Even without using Inner Sight, I can tell you’re suffering badly. Which is why I strongly recommend that you clear away as many obligations as possible over the next week and devote as much time to meditation as possible.”

“That might be kind of hard once The Ranch finds out I’m an alicorn.”

Sparkle dipped her head in acknowledgement. “A few hours or a whole night of celebration would not be uncalled for.” The purple mare’s mirth was clearly evident. “After all, you ascended and became a princess all in one day. To deny them a festival would be rather harsh on your subjects.”

The silver mare cringed at Twilight’s word usage. “Does it really have to be called ‘ascension’? It seems too centered around mythology.”

Sparkle’s ear twitched at the very diplomatic terminology. “You’re worried a religion might spring up around you?”

“Given how they’ve acted so far, I’d be shocked if they don’t shower me with worship and dry rice upon my return.”

Twilight nodded. “Celesta and Luna had a similar problem when they first ascended. Thankfully though, modern equestrians do not see them, or me, as goddesses.”

“How did they get them to stop?” Conrad inquired.

It was Twilight’s turn to cringe. “Actually they…didn’t at first.”

Loki didn’t know if she should find that humorous or scary. “So what changed their minds?” The question distracted the others from Tune's apprehension about her basic alicorn power.

“I will only say it was because of the Lunar Rebellion. Saying any more than that would not be my place.” The other ponies dropped the issue. “But in the end, it will be your call on if you are to be worshiped or not. I will not judge you either way.”

Alexia waved her hooves in defiance. “Well they are getting a big fat no on that one. It would be my luck that a thousand years after I’m dead, ponies will wage crusades in my name.” Her ranting increases. “Inquisitions, excommunications, extremist groups, nu uh. Forget any of that.”

Twilight remembered her mentor teaching her about the princesses’ early history and hid an awkward grimace. That’s a pretty accurate list.

Anderson was interested in a different matter. “Did they want to be worshiped because of vanity, or was there was a more practical purpose for it?”

“I like your intuition Crimson,” Twilight praised. “There is a very tangible benefit to an alicorn being worshiped.” She directed her attention to Alexia. “Something I know you’ve experienced firsthoof.”

Tune was startled by the proclamation and searched her memory. “Are you saying it was worship that triggered my metamorphosis?”

The purple mare nodded. “As I said, you’ve been an alicorn ever since your meeting with Discord. Before your ascension, simple admiration and reverence was enough to ‘feed’ you enough power to trigger your awakening. As a fledgling alicorn however, that alone will no longer increase your power. It would require ponies to be truly worshiping you as their goddess.” Sparkle became self-conscious. “I have not experienced it personally, but I hear the sensation of such worship on a grand scale can be quite-” She tried to search for a politically correct term. “-intoxicating.”

Tune missed the fledgling comment as she was too distracted by the prospect of getting drunk on praise. “Sounds like a one way trip to the dark side if you ask me. I’ll leave my intoxication to alcohol thank you very much.” Well, after the pregnancy anyway.

Loki however was rather interested in the whole idea of getting strength through worship. “So Twilight,” she began to get her attention, “if the both of you get stronger from followers like that. Does that make Alex a goddess?”

Tune shot her a glare that would melt steel. “Princess was bad enough. I am not a goddess!”

The green mare snorted at her exclamation. “Girl just because you don’t want to believe something doesn’t make it any less true. If you are a goddess, then you need to know.”

Tune jabbed a hoof at Twilight. “I swear if you spout some of that ‘from a certain point of view’ crap I’m going to explode.” Sparkle clamped her mouth shut.

Conrad knew what that meant, and what effect it would have on the new alicorn. So he jumped into the conversation to derail it. “What about her foals? Will they be alicorns too?”

The purple princess was glad for the distraction, and it grabbed the other mares’ attention. “Not your current children. Any future foals you have with Conrad” or future mates, “can be of any of the three tribes, with a predisposition to whatever tribe the father belongs to. Pegasi in this case. The only way to have an alicorn child is to copulate with another alicorn. However there hasn’t been a male alicorn for over a millennia.”

Tune nuzzled Conrad. “Any chance he’s an alicorn in disguise?”


“Then that last part is a non-issue.” She looked lovingly into his emerald eyes. “We’re growing old and grey together right?”

He planted a kiss on her as the other members of the herd joined in. “We all are.”

The scene brought Twilight’s fears to the surface. Mental images of Rarity, Applejack and the others forced her to keep from shedding a tear. She doesn’t need to know she’s ageless yet. She’ll need a few decades to settle into her role.

Twilight left soon afterwards, leaving behind a few more tidbits of advice. Alexia’s priority was fixing her itineris system above all others and she spent the remaining four hours of the flight doing just that.

The final approach towards The Ranch was characterized by Conrad giving her one last crash course lesson in wing movement. “Now that you can finally let your wings rest normally at your sides, you should try fully extending them up and down again.”

Tune unclasped her seat harness and joined the stallion in the center of the cargo bay. “I think I can manage that much.” She watched the pegasus move his wings in a slow careful fashion so Alexia could see the motions. Even though her wings were quite different from his, however the overall movements were similar enough.

By the time the helicopter landed, she could flare her wings and close them again with only moderate effort. The Director stood by the cargo doors as they were about to open and addressed Alexia. “I have orders to take over Colonel Bowler’s position as base commander. Mostly so I can facilitate The Ranch’s closure. I will contact you at noon tomorrow to set up how you wish to handle it. I believe they would prefer it if their princess had a heavy hand in it.”

“So you're not going to throw missions at us until this place is condemned?” Loki asked while cheerfully bouncing on her hooves.

The mare managed to coax a tiny smile out of the man. “I think we can all agree that the faster this place becomes a memory, the better. But for now.” The doors opened to reveal a collection of ponies waiting to see Alexia. “Your public awaits.”

She sighed. “Let’s get this over with.”

As Tune led the herd down the ramp of the helicopter in a chevron formation and in the direction of the internment houses, the gathering crowd of ponies cheered and whooped at the triumphant return of their princess. Yet all of that came to a rapid silence as more and more ponies took notice of her folded wings.

Alexia knew full well what was running through their minds. I am not volunteering a damn word about it. That determination didn’t last long when the old surgeon Reed blocked her path and prostrated himself in front of the silver alicorn. For fu- she suppressed a growl of extreme displeasure. “Can I help you Mister Reed?”

“Your Highness. How is it that you an alicorn?”

“It a long story,” she sighed with fatigue, “but suffice it to say, it is permanent.”

Crimson stepped forward. “One I’m sure she wouldn’t mind me posting about later.” She looked to her alpha for final admission, and was granted it with a nod. “For now though, why don’t we throw a celebration for Alex being a Princess in both name and body?”

Reed and the hundred silent ponies within earshot cheered so loudly that the royal herd had to cover their flattened ears. Reed bowed low and shouted over the din. “We’ll get started right away! No doubt we can merge it with the liberation party we have scheduled for tomorrow as well.”

That was a celebration Tune had been looking forward to for a long time. So that’s what they’ve been planning since I’ve been gone. Well if they lump my awakening and royal celebration right in with the liberation one, then that’s fine by me. “Very well Mister Reed. I’ll leave you in charge of that.”

Alexia looked back at her proud looking herd. They tried to hide it, but the day’s events were exhausting and the sun was already slipping below the horizon. The silver alicorn gazed over the exuberant ponies to the farmlands off in the distance. She could only see the tops of the golden grain as they caught the last of the sun’s rays. The recreation center in the distance stood out over the ocean of identical houses as the tallest construction in the non-military side of The Ranch.

Tune’s vision returned to vast sea of color that was her people. Pegasi crowded the skies around their monarch, and their ground bound kin bunched around to see the venerated alicorn. Whether it was playfulness or a spark of vanity, Alexia decided to give them what they wanted and flared her wings for all to see.

She couldn’t help but to giggle at the wave of ooh’s and ahh’s that passed between the crowd before their cheering redoubled. While Alexia didn’t know it, many of the clamoring ponies felt they were validated by their princess being an alicorn. Where before they were worried they might one day lose her to the sands of time, now they knew she would never leave them. Reed and his companions had read the incomplete history texts of Equestria the camp had access to, and all of them pointed to one constant: the Royal Sisters. The books assumed the alicorn sisters were immortal because they were permanent figures in Equestria. Now that Alexia had been awakened, her subjects believed Tune would be a permanent figure for Earth as well.

Tune’s herd was unaware of that view of history, and Alexia's studies in magic kept her too distracted to delve too deeply into Equestrian lore. All she cared about was that her subjects were happy, and that was enough for her. It still feels archaic to call them subjects, but I can’t think of anything that fits better. So until I do, I will settle for that term. She took a few minutes to bask in their exuberance. This liberation is as much their victory as it is mine.

Thompson was making his way to the base’s administration building. The executive orders were tucked safely in his arm as he kept his eyes locked on the entrance. He was both apprehensive and smug about the contents of the orders. Bowler’s going to have a conniption. Of course, if he didn’t love his job in the way that he does, he wouldn’t be in this situation.

The Director halted when he saw several Armored Personnel Carriers roll out to the barracks and dozens of soldiers in riot gear filing out to board them. All it took was one look behind him to see the massive gathering of ponies to know what the detachment of Army Military Police was mobilizing for. “That shortsighted bigot!”

Thompson sprinted to the marshaling area to reach them before the M1117 Guardians started moving. However the distance was too great and the fifteen Guardians loaded up and made a beeline straight for the gathered ponies. Thompson changed course to stand in the middle of the road and waited for the first APC to reach him.

He masked his breathing and stood firm as the lead Guardian seemed to take no notice of him until the last few seconds and stopped two feet from the Director. The other drivers were not expecting the leader to stop and halted to form a semicircle around the defiant agent. First Lieutenant Druckmann popped his head out of the lead M1117 to shout over the grumbling engines as five MPs piled out to confront him.

The officer was harsh in his speech. “Move aside Director! We’re under orders to break that riot up, and I will have you detained if you continue to interfere.”

Thompson decided to skip the improper term for a celebration and instead handed over his documents. “By Executive Order one ninety seven, I am here to relieve Colonel Bowler of command. The Ranch falls under my jurisdiction.”

Druckmann pushed himself out of the vehicle to approach the Director. He found it suspicious that a civilian agent would be given command over a military base. “Let me see that.” He snatched the documents and read them carefully. The junior officer’s face went from annoyed disbelief to surprise, before settling on professional acceptance. Druckmann reluctantly handed the papers back over. “What are your orders?”

Thompson tucked the documents in his arm before speaking. “Leave the ponies alone. And make sure everyone else does as well while I speak with the Colonel.”

Druckmann didn’t like getting orders from a civilian, outside of the president himself; and he was disgusted by the implications of the order’s contents, but he had little choice. “Very well Director.” The Lieutenant motioned for the MPs standing around the men to back off and clambered back into his Guardian. He grabbed the radio and ordered his men to fall back.

As they left, Thompson sighed heavily while straightening his suit. “I swear, its like we have the worst people possible to be the ponies’ jailors.” The Director made his way to his previous destination: Bowler’s office.

Said Colonel was not sitting at his desk, but staring out of his office window at the exuberate ponies who were ignorant of how close they had come to being disciplined by the MPs. His office was much the same as it had always been. Spartan and to the point, with only an unsolved rubric cube sitting next to his desk’s name plate to give any sort of personal touch to the chamber. The window was shoulder high on the five foot ten inch man, and extended to the ceiling.

Bowler cast a hateful gaze upon the glob of color in the distance. He had seen Thompson's confrontation with the MPs through the window and later received word from the First Lieutenant about the contents of the orders. Bowler didn’t know what the orders said yet, but he could guess.

The Colonel waited patiently for Thompson’s arrival, mulling over the grim future he envisioned as a consequence for allowing the ponies to roam free in society. Soon enough, that knocking resounded in his office prompting the man to yell. “Enter!”

Thompson entered wordlessly and stood behind the guest chair in front of the desk. Bowler’s position by the window made him face perpendicular and a few feet to the left of the Director. The Colonel glanced at the man who had orders in hand, but not trying shove them in his face. If for nothing else, he granted Thompson was capable of allowing him to keep some of his dignity intact. Bowler worked his jaw a bit to find the right opening. “You’re here to take my command.”

Thompson noted the man’s level tone couldn’t hide the disappointment in his voice. “That’s correct. I don’t know when or where you’ll be reassigned to.”

Bowler wasn’t sure how to take the lack of smug triumph or condensation from the Director. He sighed while shaking his head. “Those creatures will be the death of us Director. Mark my words.”

Thompson studied the old officer, and knew the man spoke with conviction. “There have been a lot of people crying out that change will bring about the end of man. And yet we stand here today.”

Bowler’s tone grew bitter. “Don’t try to lump these ponies in with those who babble over trivial issues like marriage and free choice. These things put on a good show, but in the end they are worse than terrorists could ever hope to be.”

“If I recall correctly Colonel; I didn’t see ponies setting Washington ablaze,” Thompson countered.

Bowler finally turned away from the window to look at his ideological foe. “Did you ever stop to wonder why these equines have been playing this game? To strive for equal citizenship?”

“Because they deserve a chance to prove themselves.” Thompson answered confidently.

“Oh how blind you are Director. No that’s not why at all.” Bowler returned his gaze to the ponies who were filtering back into their houses or other places of activity. “They’re more insidious than you or anyone else realizes.”

Thompson felt sorry for the man, but didn’t show it in his speech. “Colonel I’ve reviewed your service record. You’ve been in more combat and command positions than most-“

“Save your platitudes Thompson. I don’t need to be reminded of my service record,” Bowler growled as he walked away from the window and sat at his desk. He steepled his hands while glaring at the agent. “Either give me the orders or get out my office.”

Thompson was not to be pushed off so easily. Technically its my office now. “Colonel, you see enemies of state everywhere. Even when none are present.”

“When none are present?” Bowler replied incredulously. “Man is a dangerous animal Director. Manipulative, violent, intelligent, I could list traits for hours.” He stabbed a finger at Thompson. “Those technicolor barn animals are all of those compounded with that insidious aesthetics of theirs. You’ve been enthralled by them.”

“Anyone is capable of criminalistic tendencies Colonel, human or pony. The benefits they can offer far outweigh the risks.”

Bowler gestured for the executive orders to be handed over. “You had better be right about this Director.” He started reading. “Because I know the time will come when the novelty of these animals wears off on the general public,” he looked up to study Thompson’s even expression, “people will see them for what they really are.”

“Of course some will see it your way Colonel,” Thompson replied smoothly. “If people can hate another for having differences of opinion, beliefs, skin color, or even the monumental sin of rooting for the other sports team, then of course many will hate the ponies.” He rested his palms on the top of the guest chair’s back and put his weight on it. “When all is said and done, I believe the ponies will bring out the best mankind has to offer.”

Bowler took Thompson's statement as the words of a madman and angrily signed the orders and glowered at the insufferable man before him. “Scoff all you want Director. But when the chips are down, you’ll see that I’m right. The ponies should be exterminated.”

Thompson’s humor was gone. “Colonel, I had hoped after all this time of being their warden, that you would have a better understanding of them by now.” He wasn’t going to patronize him any further with pity. “But I was mistaken.”

“Only one of many mistakes Director.” Out of formality, Bowler cleared the desk to stand toe to toe with Thompson.

The Director followed suite. “You are relieved Colonel.”

With dogged adherence to his duty, Bowler replied without hesitation. “I stand relieved.” It was that same adherence to duty, which forced his hand. Bowler caught Thompson off guard and elbowed him across the face before laying him out with a left hook. Before the Director could try to scramble away to ready his pistol, Bowler flipped the guest chair over and tore a taped dart gun off the back of the seat and fired three darts into Thompson’s gun arm and chest.

Thompson tried to aim his weapon, but Bowler kicked it away. His vision was starting to swim, and he could only force out a single word. “Why?”

Bowler leaned over the man’s head. “Its quite obvious you and the Commander in Chief are being manipulated by Uniform’s magic. No one from the CIA could possibly be as trusting as you are. I’m simply making sure that stops today.” Thompson’s head was swaying as the tranquillizers tightened their hold on him. “Don’t worry Director. By the time you wake up, her influence over you will be broken.”

Thompson could barely keep his head up and stare at what he thought was Bowler’s direction. “Traitor,” he spat before being rendered unconscious.

The Colonel stood up and looked down at the man with a mixture of righteousness and resignation. “If that is what I have to become to save our nation and species, then so be it.”

Alexia flopped on her bed and let out a long tired sigh. Loki and Crimson joined her while Conrad prepared a light dinner with their meager provisions. The silver mare laid on her belly with her wings splayed out at her side while the other mares laid down in front of her. Tune took a moment to melt into the slightly scratchy fabric. “Ugh. It feels so good to let my hooves rest.”

Loki wiggled on her back to let the comforter scratch an itch. “No kidding. I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep tonight after seeing Menville’s body decay like that.”

Crimson pushed the green mare onto her belly so the medic could relieve Loki’s itchy back more effectively. “I can’t imagine what sort of chemical or bacteria could rot a body fast enough that all that was left of him was a puddle of blackened ooze.”

Loki swat lazily at Anderson. “Stop reminding me of that. I’m not going to be able to eat soup for a week.”

The memory of the stench of sulfur and dreadful decay rolling off the remains of the two bodies clung to Alexia’s mind. She could almost feel her nose burning at the memory and had to forcibly swallow her rising bile. “Thanks for putting that mental image back in my mind.” She decided now was a good time to change topics. “So now that The Ranch is closing, what do you guys want to do when we’re not on the job?”

“I want to let my parents know I’m still alive,” Crimson answered immediately. “What about you Loki?”

“I don’t know my parents anymore,” she replied bluntly. “I told you guys about that like last month.”

Alexia was glad Loki shared her past with them, even if it had been difficult to hear the sad truth. But even a troubled past was not going to stop them from being completely open to each other. The herd knew each others’ secrets, and was stronger as a whole for it. However the alicorn was saddened by the earth mare’s loss. “Well what about other friends?”

“I have contacts, not friends…well any human friends anyway.” She rolled over and nuzzled Tune. “Our herd is the only family I need.” She smiled at the pink stripe in Alexia’s mane and kissed her alpha. As with Crimson, not one drop of lust was shared between the two mares; but Loki loved her deeper than she realized. “I go where ever you go Alex.”

“Your lives shouldn’t revolve around me.” Tune got up to speak to both mares. “Even if you have no one to go to, we can find something for you to have fun with once we get out of here.”

The green mare nodded in agreement. “That sounds like a plan, but I think we should see your folks first Alex. I bet you haven’t talked to them since this whole pony business started.”

Alexia shrunk a little and folded her wings back in tight. “I don’t know how easy that will be.”

Crimson tapped the silver mare with a hoof. “It can’t be any worse than meeting mine. We’re both mares and in a herd. Plus my folks are really conservative.” Anderson was becoming more crestfallen with each word. “They’ll probably disown me.”

Loki was appalled, but could understand it. “Are they really that stuck up?”

Crimson nodded sadly. “My folks are good people, and I do love them. But they are socially backwards in so many ways; it can look really bad to unbiased eyes who haven’t earned their respect. My mother wanted me go into medicine so I could restart the family tradition of having a doctor in every generation.”

“I’m sure we can talk them into accepting who you are now,” Tune replied comfortingly.

“Yeah, and your mom would be pleased your still going to be a medic,” Loki said to continue Alexia’s point.

Anderson sighed despondently. “Being a medic isn’t the same as being a doctor. But the real thing that's worrying me is that, my folks hate horses.”

The other two mares shared a quizzical look with Loki speaking first. “I didn’t think people could hate horses. Outside of dogs their like man’s best friend.”

Alexia frowned slightly. “And besides, we’re not horses.”

Crimson studied herself. “Fours hooves, mane, tail, the ears, general shape.” When she ended her list she looked back at her mates. “We’re close enough to matter to them. Especially us earth ponies.”

“Why do they hate horses so bad?”

Anderson shrugged at Loki’s question. “No idea. I only thought to ask a few times, and even then they were evasive about it. But I think mother must have a phobia as she never wanted to even talk about them.” The pale yellow mare didn’t want to dwell on the matter any longer. “What about you Alex? I’m sure your folks will be tripping over themselves to find out you’re a princess.”

Loki perked up at that. “Oh yea that’s right. Do you think they caught on to your name from your news broadcast?”

Alexia was no more willing to face her parents and siblings than Crimson did. “No. Tune is an uncommon name, but hardly unique. And last I checked, Qubert is not on speaking terms and haven’t been for years.” The expectant mother fiddled nervously with her hooves, her thoughts racing. “I was an only child for ten years because my mother had fertility problems. My parents were extremely happy that I was a boy.” The two earth ponies saw the anxiety the silver mare possessed. “Father wanted someone he could play ball with and mother hated the prospect of raising a daughter. She knew how much of a heathen she was when she was young, and didn’t want to suffer that herself.”

Crimson chose her words carefully. “Well you’re an adult now, I’m sure they’d be willing to welcome you back.”

Loki tried to keep her past from coloring her words. “You seem to have decent enough parents.”

Alexia shook her head. “That’s only because I was straight and never had any gender identity issues. Those two are the worst possible type of conservative on the planet.” She shrugged a wing at Crimson. “Did I ever tell you guys why Qubert isn't on speaking terms with my parents?”

“Cause Qubert’s a homosexual?” Loki queried.

“No. Q’s straight. But he did go through a metrosexual phase all through his four years of high school, and that was enough to make my folks try to force me to stop being friends with him. Not that I was going to let that stop me.”

Crimson empathized. “So you think they’ll reject you? Last I checked, you're still straight, just as a mare now.”

Tune scoffed, believing her mate was simply trying to disarm her fears. “Be that as it may, they will expect their son to return home, not a daughter. But even if they could see past that, my pregnancy would be the last straw.”

Loki was about to make a comment when she heard heavy and urgent banging on the front door. The mares’ conversation stopped as they heard the muffled voices of the visitor and Conrad for a few seconds before the brown pegasus entered the bedroom. “The Director wants to see you in Bowler’s office.”

Alexia was confused by the timing. “Did he say what for?”

Conrad shook his head. “No, and apparently he wants you to come alone.”

Crimson became instantly suspicious. “Did he say why?”

“The messenger just said for her to come alone, no reasons given.”

Loki jumped off the bed and spoke while walking towards the stallion. “I don’t like it. The boss knows we never separate while on business.”

Tune let of a growling sigh. What the hell could he possibly want to speak with me alone about? The alicorn got off the bed. “Well we better see what he wants. Thompson knows better than to tell me classified info and expect me to keep if from you guys.”

The walk over to the military side of The Ranch was silent and tense, with only Alexia’s simplistic wing exercises serving as a distraction. She was mostly focused on the oddity of the summons, but decided to use the walk as an excuse to learn how to move all six limbs at once without tripping over her hooves.

They reached the administration building without incident, but the reception hall gave resistance in the form of the front desk sergeant and the four guards posted in the room. The NCO stood up at the herd’s entrance. “Miss Tune. You are expected upstairs, but your friends will have to wait here.”

The princess stood firm. “We have a working relationship with the Director. If we’re on the clock, the four of us move together.”

The guards cast weary glances at each other and shifted their stance to move their hands closer to their firearms. The receptionist was equally firm. “The Director was very clear in his orders. You are to meet with him alone. It is a matter of national security.”

Conrad wasn’t buying it. “Funny,” he said without humor, “seeing as Thompson gave us all equal security clearances and has never requested to speak with her alone.” He left out the first time Thompson tried that and Alexia was adamant that they all know the mission parameters. The Director never made a second attempt.

The sergeant hid his irritation behind a professional mask. “His orders were very clear, Miss Tune. You and you alone are to see the Director in his office.”

“Then call his cryptic ass up,” Loki challenged. “This place has an intercom system right? I want to hear him say only Alex.”

The guards watched the receptionist with expectant looks. The NCO’s reply was automatic. “I’m afraid that’s impossible. The connection lines between the two floors are currently under maintenance.”

Alexia was becoming agitated. “Then tell him to come down to see us.”

“That is out of the question,” barked the NCO, causing the soldiers to grip their carbines. “You will obey orders and go alone.”

Tune saw the guards’ action and immediately gathered mana in her horn. “I don’t know what your game is, but I am not going up there by myself.”

Loki snorted dismissively at the silent threats of the guards. “Wouldn’t be good honor guards of the princess if we let you jokers split us up.”

By now, every weapon was trained on them and the NCO had his sidearm brought to bear. “Stand down and submit to arrest, or we will open fire.” None of them knew what spell Alexia was charging could do, so they held fire until she cast it.

Loki knew what it was because of Tune’s silent gesture to stay close. She faced the sergeant. “Can’t arrest someone who isn’t here.” In a flash of light, the quartet vanished and reappeared on the second floor, three doors down from the base commander’s office.

The non-alicorns were still not fully comfortable with teleportion and had to take a moment to shake off the nausea. Tune felt time was of the essence and sprinted off ahead of them towards the office with a kinetic shield ready to ward off any gunshots.

Alexia bucked the door open to find Bowler sitting in his seat with a pistol aimed straight at her. She did not fear the gun and slowly marched into the room. “Colonel. Why am I not surprised?”

He responded as soon as she stepped fully into the room. “Oh you will be.” His hidden left hand pressed a remote control and the strategically placed magic dampeners in the room activated. Without knowing ahead of time, Alexia didn't have time to cast her protection ward and the dampeners robbed Tune of her ballistics protection. He wasted no words and shot at her. The pain of trying to maintain a spell under the dampeners saved her life as she instinctively bent her head down and had her left foreleg up to her horn. Between the bone of her foreleg and the dying embers of her magic, the bullet ricocheted off the bone and the second shot grazed her right ear.

Self-preservation and fear took hold of her and Tune fell to her left side and shielded herself with her right wing. Her wing arm took two hits before Conrad was able to round the corner. Absolute hatred was in his eyes and he barreled through the air to kill Bowler.

The Colonel adjusted his aim and planted two bullets in the pegasus’ chest, causing him to lose control and the officer ducked to the side and let the wounded pegasus crash into the far wall. Bowler’s primary objective was Alexia and ignored Conrad to resume firing on the alicorn. A curious sight met him at the door to his office; Crimson was reared up on her hind legs and slammed into the ground.

The Colonel ignored her and aimed for the cowering alicorn. A strange crackling sound heralded the ruination of his aim and his shot went wide as the floor underneath him cracked open and his feet fell through the floor. They caught on the support bars a few inches below, but it was enough of a distraction for Loki to run in, vault over the guest chair, flip through the air and deliver a flying buck to the officer’s chest. Several of his ribs cracked from the impact, but the mare had no ground to root herself in to make the hit lethal.

Crimson went to aid Alexia while Loki made it a point to break Bowler’s hands with two well-timed kick as he tried to get back up. “Try shooting us now jerkass.”

Bowler kneed the mare from his prone position. “I will not allow you to take over my country!”

The impact did little to distract the earth pony, and she delivered a kick to the side of his head and knocked him senseless. The green mare wanted to pound him further for daring to harm Loki’s herd, but Thompson’s bound and gagged form came into view. He was still out cold from the drugs.

Alexia was deemed to be in a temporarily stable condition and Crimson ran over to find the others. “Where’s Thompson?”

Loki pointed at the agent. “Right there.”

The medic saw he was bound and gagged. “Okay, he doesn’t seem harmed. She saw Conrad trying to stand causing the pale yellow mare to rush to his aid. Loki stayed back to keep an eye on a cursing Bowler.

The stallion was in bad shape and was having difficulty breathing and coughed up blood trying to speak. “Is Alex okay?” His breath was shortening, making it difficult to say more.

Crimson ignored the question and turned back to yell at Loki. “Call the hospital and try to find a first aid kit.”

The green mare kicked the Colonel once more for good measure. “On it.”

As her fellow earth pony did as she was asked, Crimson gently put Conrad back on the floor. “Stay still and try to breath slow.” She placed her hooves lightly around his wounds. Conrad felt consciousness start to slip away while Crimson placed her hooves lightly over the wounds. The pain was something he could fight through, to use as a focus to stay awake and alert. But Crimson’s voice was starting to sound distant and tinny. A frightened tremble in her tone snaked its way through his ears. “You’re going to be okay Conrad.”

His vision of the medic darkened along with her voice. “Just hang on. You can-“ The rest was incomprehensible as his world went dark.

The brown pegasus awoke some time later to a rhythmic beeping sound, a loud obnoxious grating noise, and sterile bed sheets. The room he found himself in was large enough for five patients, but only housed two at the moment. A window revealed it was well after dark, but he couldn’t see what was outside due to the angle.

A dull throbbing pain sat in his chest as he looked around the darkened room with a stiff neck. To his right and lying in her own hospital bed, was Alexia, her injured wing and leg were bandaged up with the wing on raised wires connected to the ceiling.

Conrad discovered it was Tune’s snoring which was the source of the grating noise. Through his sedative addled mind, a thought sluggishly crawled its way to the surface. Alex doesn’t snore. Had he been in his right of mind, he would have noticed it was the awkward posture the cast on her foreleg and wing which was causing the wounded mare to rattle the walls with her snores. The fact that she was alive was enough to ease the stallion back into an anesthesia induced heavy sleep.