Raining Metal

by thecakeisalie


Granny Smith's funeral was held at the end of the week, four days later. She was buried in a simple plot on the farm, near where Bloomberg used to be planted. It was a simple ceremony, family and friends were invited. Most of the Apple clan couldn't make it, but Caramel and his family made the short trip over. Applejacks friends were all there, and Midnight had been invited, but he declined, saying that he would feel wierd when he'd barely known her. This was true, but not the only reason he didn't attend. Funerals depressed him, they made his work seem worse than it really was. But he still watched from afar.
The weather pegasi had created a cloud covered day for the event. The threat of rain was there, but not a single drop came down. The ceremony started at ten a.m., and was over in just over an hour. Big Mac helped a destroyed Applejack and sorrowful Applebloom back to the farm house. The others dispersed towards their various homes and jobs, after offering their support and condolences. It wasn't until after the Apples had made it back that the weather pegasi let the rain fall. And still Midnight stood in the distance.
It wasn't until time had reached his name sake that he started back towards the barn. With a little expenditure of magic, he gave Granny one last gift.

"Somewhere, over the orchard, bluebirds sing...

When he reached the barn, he found his draft letter. He left for Camp Ponyton, way out in Coltifornia, tommorow.

End Part One