//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: Lights in the Sky // by EpicRainbowCat //------------------------------// "ALL CAMPERS PLEASE REPORT TO THE MESS HALL IN 20 MINUTES!" The bullhorn made Rumble jump out of his sleeping bag. He shook like a rattle before he calmed down and looked around. Everyone else's sleeping bags were messed up, including his, except for Aura's. Her pillow was fluffed out, her sleeping bag was perfectly straight, and her stuffed elephant was right within easy reach. Dragging himself to the bathroom, he knocked before a panicked shout, "DON"T COME IN!" resounded through the cabin. Anyone who wasn't awake was definently wide awake now. Rumble, ears still ringing, trodded to the next bathroom, which, thankfully, there was no frantic screaming. He went inside and headed for the sink. Rumble washed his face and combed his hair; like the other colts in camp, he didn't want to take a shower, so he resorted to sink showers. There was a light knock at the door. "Come in," he said. Aura stepped into the door. She looks clean, thought Rumble. She smiled and slipped behind him. He noticed that her bath supplies were on a rack in alphabetical order. She obviously had a thing for organization. She slipped out again. Looking at the racks, she had actually color coded and alphabetized the order of the supplies. Now that is impressive, he thought. Rumble remembered he had to be down at the mess hall soon, so he trotted out of the bathroom and was about to leave when he couldn't help but over hear a conversation between Scootaloo and Aura Skies. "...and they broke my scooter. I'm still very mad at them, and last night, I had to take out my anger on someone, and I chose you. I'm really sorry, Aura." Scootaloo gave her most innocent look. "Relax, Scootaloo!" laughed Aura. "You don't need to do that look, I've already forgiven you last night! Let's go find Rumble, maybe we can walk with him." To Rumble, Aura Skies seemed a bit hopeful. That just makes her pretty. Pushing those thoughts out of his mind, he jogged to the two fillies. "Hey, want to walk together?" "Sure!" replied the two fillies. ************* ************* Rumble drowned his waffles in maple syrup, then dug into the fluffiness from heaven. Scootaloo ate her waffles, lathered with chocolate syrup, in two large bites. Aura just stared at them for a moment, before deciding that she needed to eat, too. Her waffles, with melted butter and powdered sugar, were not nearly as sugary was theirs. Rumble stared at her. He nearly got lost in her pale green eyes, which were glowing with beauty. Her mane, the normally contrasting colors blending together. Stop, it, Rumble! He fought the urge to slap himself. He felt sick, nauseated, ready to pass out. He was in love. "OK people, listen up!" Rainbow Dash's voice resounded out through the mess hall. "Derpy's cleaning up a toilet backup in Cabin 3"- The foals in Cabin 3 were dripping in what Rumble hoped was shower water-"so I'm in charge today. Now for orientation!" She flipped through some papers. "Ok. The beginners lessons will be held at Fluff Puff Point,"- A couple of foals giggled and Aura Skies blushed-"the intermediate at Rainbow Falls, and the advanced at Cloud Death Gorge. Any questions?" Nopony replied. "Good. Camp Rules are: No fighting, no bullying, listen to instructors, listen to your peers, no making tornadoes, THAT GOES FOR YOU TORNADO BOLT!" she shouted unexpectedly. "Oh yes. If you think I'm too tough, if you think, you can't handle the pressure, if you want your mommy, TOO BAD. Now finish up and get to your classes. Rumble looked at Aura and she was shaking like a leaf. He felt that way too. What did I sign up for?